Salome's Last Dance
Brief Synopsis
Cast & Crew
Ken Russell
Matthew G Taylor
The Philharmonia Orchestra Of London
Anthony Georghiou
Russell Lee Nash
Warren Saire
Film Details
Technical Specs
Film centers around playwright Oscar Wilde watching a performance of his play "Salome".

Ken Russell
Matthew G Taylor
The Philharmonia Orchestra Of London
Anthony Georghiou
Russell Lee Nash
Warren Saire
Willie Coppen
Carol Anne Kelly
Frank Cella
Paul Clayton
David Doyle
Alison Cella
Douglas Hodge
Imogen Claire

Ken Russell

Glenda Jackson
Charles Richards
James Harte
Kenny Ireland
Lionel Taylor
Tina Shaw
Simon Gilbey
Robert Goodey
Imogen Millais-scott
Sinead Lightly
Leon Herbert
Linzi Drew
Colin Hunt
Michael Van Wuk
Denis Ull
Danny Godfrey
Sheree Murphy
Tim Potter
Nickolas Grace
Stratford Johns
Mike Edmonds
Marino Lazzeri
Doug Howes
Ron Allett
Graham Anderson
Michael Arrals
Steve Atkinson
Ray Beckett
Cathy Bell
Nicky Bowen
Simon Broad
Denis Brock
Rowena Brown
Michael Buchanan
John Chandler
Abdul Chowdry
Jack Collins
Richard Cooke
Clive Coote
Yvonne Coppard
Penny Corke
Sean Cotter
Ella Cottrell
Bob Crowdy
Martin Culverwell
Jerry Daly
Cercy Dem Hollander
Gary Desmond
Lynn Dillon
Derek Ede
Steve Ede
Mark Ellis
Mark Ellis
Peter Ettedgui
Ken Evans
Mike Evans
Sally Evans
Tommy Finch
Gerry Floyd
Timothy Gee
Terry Goddard
Sam Goldrich
Laura Goulding
Peter Govey
Mike Gowans
Gareth Hall
Catherine Halloran
John Hargraves
Rick Harris
Harvey Harrison
Pay Hay
John Hemmings
Christopher Hobbs
Rebecca Howard
James Hunt
Peter Hunt
Dan Ireland
John Ireland
Michael Jeffery
Michael Jeffery
Ray Jones
Bill Kirkpatrick
Bob Lee
Dick Lewzey
Robert Littman
Sula Loizou
Colin Lovering
Keith Lowes
Simon Manley
Richard Mason
Maxine Matts
Liz Michie
Andrew Mitchell
Steve Moncas
Dean Morrish
Diane Murphy
Ron Narduzzo
Mark Nelson
David Nolam
Maria J Peckos
Arlene Phillips
Trevor Puckle
William J Quigley
Melinda Rees
Wanda Rokicki
Denise Rubens
Ken Russell
Vivian Russell
Steven Sallybanks
Brian Saunders
Ruben Sedgewick
Jean Sheffield
Tracy Sheffield
Bob Snooks
Maureen Stephenson
Charles Strickland
Paul Turner
Ronald Vasconcellos
Daphne Vollmer
Rebecca West
Oscar Wilde
Winnie Wishart
Slawomire Zukowski
Film Details
Technical Specs
Miscellaneous Notes
Released in United States May 1988
Released in United States May 20, 1988
Released in United States on Video January 18, 1989
Released in United States Spring May 6, 1988
Shown at Seattle International Film Festival May 1988.
Began shooting September 14, 1987.
Released in United States on Video January 18, 1989
Released in United States May 1988 (Shown at Seattle International Film Festival May 1988.)
Released in United States Spring May 6, 1988
Released in United States May 20, 1988 (Los Angeles)