Blood Ties
Cast & Crew
Guillaume Canet
Philipp Christopher
Yul Vazquez
Tom Greer
Brendan Burke
Marion Cotillard
Film Details
Technical Specs
Guillaume Canet
Philipp Christopher
Yul Vazquez
Tom Greer
Brendan Burke

Marion Cotillard
Richard Petrocelli
T J Kenneally
Joseph O'malley
Clive Owen
Julian Gamble
David Scott Gagnon
Mirabelle Lee

James Caan
John Ventimiglia
Charlie Tahan
Daisy Tahan
Lili Taylor
Eve Hewson
Anais Lee
Eli Tokash
Joseph Mesiano
Jon Goracy
Angelica Boccella
Griffin Dunne
Audrey Amey Akins

Mila Kunis
Zoe Saldana
Olek Krupa
Austin Williams
John Joseph Gallagher
Matthew Sprout
Ron Crawford
Dominik Tiefenthaler
Vincent Lamberti
Jamie Hector
Mike G. Sheehan
Craig Castaldo
Anthony Alessandro
Mark Mahoney
Domenick Lombardozzi
Heather Litteer
Laurence Lowry
Mike Houston
Chris Fischer
Billy Crudup
Matthias Schoenaerts
Noah Emmerich
Ray Abbott
Mathieu Adam
John Alcantara
Xavier Amblard
Roxane Andreani
Frank Appedu
Airon Armstrong
Samuel Arthurs
Thierry Artur
Alain Attal
Timothée Augendre
Julia Baraclough
Remi Barbot
Michael Barosky
Michael Barrow
Alec Bates
Mark Stuart Becker
Nicolas Becker
Christophe Belena
Filippo Belia
Kristine Bellerud
Tara Benson
Bobby Berg
Timothy Berg
Karim Berkane
Robert Bermudez
Eleonore Bessaguet
Pierre Billet
Carter Bissell
Robert Blair
Debra Blake
Margot Boccia
Tracy Boone
Arnaud Borges
Coralie Boulay
Katia Boutin
David Braccini
Warren Brace
Jeffrey S Brink
Christophe Briquet
Tessa Brophy
Flore-anne Brosseau
Thomas Bruno
Monica Buccini
Pete Bucossi
Michael Burke
Rob Buschgans
Leni Calas
J Eric Camp
Pat Campbell
Guillaume Canet
Guillaume Canet
Arnaud Careo
Emmanuel Carriere
Alain Carsoux
Sylvie Carsoux
Lionel Cassan
Xavier Caux
Maria Cestone
Kevin Chang
Joshua Chaplinsky
Rose Chatterton
Florian Chauvet
Jesse Chertoff
Pierre Chosson
Mathieu Choux
Michael Clancy
Greg Clavel
Katie Clinebelle
Dominick Cocuzzo
Corey Cohen
Cyril Colbeau-justin
Robert Collins
Chris Colombo
Molly Conners
Paul Contos
Sam Cooke
Martial Corneville
Blaise Corrigan
Harry Corrigan
Vincent Cosson
Guillaume Cotillard
Gavin Curran
Michael Curry
Herve De Luze
Severine De Wever
Joseph Decongilio
David Defiez
Geoffroy Degouy
Isabelle Degremont
Christophe Dehaene
Jon Delgado
Nick Demas
Xavier Desjours
Pete Domenico
James Donahue
Liza Donatelli
Philippe Donge
Ed Drohan
Emmanuel Ducruet
Henry Dunn
Jean-baptiste Dupont
Cathy Dutheil
Giulia D¿ambrosio
Michael Ebert
Grégoire Echeyne
Jason Egan
Molly Egan
George Elias
Sunday Englis
Alexis Ertzbischoff
Roy Farfel
Liz Fausak
Mary Fellows
Christine Fennell
Juan Fernandez Jr
Emmanuel Ferrier
Jason Fesel
Bobby Finn
Kendall Fleisher
Katie Fortune
Charlie Foster
Abi Franz
Aja Frary
Ace Frehley
Doriane Gable
Edward Gabree
Tim Gallin
Adrien Garcia
Scott Getzinger
Steven Ghouti
Linda Giammarese
Anita Gibson
Gina Giordano
Chris Gleaton
Lew Gluck
Melisa Godet
Chris Gombos
Christopher Goode
Christopher Goode
Jon Goracy
Keith Gordon
Gregory Gosse
Jean Goudier
Olivier Gravenhorst
James Gray
James Gray
Al Green
Tony Guida
Varujan Gumusel
Raphael Hamburger
Valerie Harrington
Greg Harvey
Robert I Harvey
Clark Henderson
Jay Hendricks
Kevin Herlihy
Michael Herlihy
Mike Hernandez
Pedro Hernandez
Pedro Hernandez
Danny S. Hertz
Don J Hewitt
Don Hewitt
Dan Hicks
Shawnique Hill
John S Hockenberry
Mathias Honore
James Hook
Diane Hounsell
Richard Hubka
Janis Ian
Carlos Ilarraza
Meredith Jacobson-marciano
Teddy Janicki
Sarah Johnson
Tamika Johnson
Tom Johnson
Dain Kalas
Janet Kalas
Avy Kaufman
Kevin Keefe
Charlie Kessler
John Klein
Mat Kowalski
Pierre-jean Labrusse
Cyrille Lacrouts
Florian Lagatta
Aurelie Lajoux
Alexis Lancer
Andrew Lang
Rodolphe Lauga
Bettye Lavette
Joanna Leavens
Anne Yvette Legendre
Matthieu Legros
Jim Lembo
Jeremie Leroux
John Lesher
Antoine Lhoullier
Film Details
Technical Specs
Miscellaneous Notes
Limited Release in United States March 21, 2014
Released in United States on Video June 24, 2014
Released in United States on Video June 24, 2014
Based on the novel "Les Liens du Sang" written by Bruno Capet and Michel Capet and published by Flammarion January 16, 2008.
Project is inspired by the film "Les Liens Du Sang" (France/2008) directed by Jacques Maillot and starring Guillaume Canet.
Limited Release in United States March 21, 2014