Ender's Game
Brief Synopsis
Cast & Crew
Gavin Hood
Harrison Ford
Asa Butterfield
Hailee Steinfeld
Ben Kingsley
Abigail Breslin
Film Details
Technical Specs
In the near future, a hostile alien race, the Formics, have attacked Earth. If not for the legendary heroics of International Fleet Commander Mazer Rackham, all would have been lost. In preparation for the next attack, the highly esteemed Colonel Hyrum Graff and the International Military are training only the best young children to find the future Mazer. Ender Wiggin, a shy, but strategically brilliant boy is pulled out of his school to join the elite. Arriving at Battle School, Ender quickly and easily masters increasingly difficult war games, distinguishing himself and winning respect amongst his peers. Ender is soon ordained by Graff as the military's next great hope, resulting in his promotion to Command School. Once there, he's trained by Mazer Rackham to lead his fellow soldiers into an epic battle that will determine the future of Earth and save the human race.
Gavin Hood

Harrison Ford
Asa Butterfield
Hailee Steinfeld

Ben Kingsley
Abigail Breslin
Viola Davis
John Naehrlich
Cameron Gaskins
Jasmine Kaur
Han Soto
Moises Arias
Edrick Brown
Suraj Parthasarathy
Chris Coakley
Aramis Knight
Brandon Soo Hoo
Tony Mirrcandani
Gavin Hood
Khylin Rhambo
Stevie Ray Dallimore
Caleb Thaggard
Jimmy Pinchak
Chase Walker
Nonso Anozie
Kyle Russell Clements
Andrea Powell
Conor Carroll
Wendy Miklovic
Damien Abdool
Kevin Abercrombie
Philip Abeyta
Victoria Acosta
Christopher Alba
Daniel Alejo
Alexis Allen
Peter Allendale
Juan Pablo Allgeier
Luis Almazan
Alfonso Alpuerto
Maura Alvarez
Gregory Anderson
Ted Andre
Bianca Appice
Ryan Apuy
Miguel Arevalo
Kenneth Armstrong
Austen Armus
Nicole Arnell
William Arnot
Bor Arroyo
Artin Aryaei
Hunter Athey
Gohar Avagjan
Cleo Avila
Lin Ayetut
Jonathan Ben Ayoun
Tony Bacigalupi
Chris Baer
Kirk Baily
Dmitri Bajenov
Brandon Baker
Christopher Scott Baker
Courtney Baker
James Bancroft
Molly Bannan
Victor Barbosa
Cassandra Barbour
Nicholas Barnes
Dwayne Barr
Adam Barth
Adam Barth
Ron Bartlett
David Barton
Austin Basile
Kirstina Baskett
Maria K. Battle
Michael Bauer
Joel Bautista
Monica Rodriguez Bautista
Paul Baxley
Jason Beale
Ashley Beatty
Paul Beaudry
Eric Beaver
Christian Beckman
Jeff Begun
Joel Behrens
Frank Belardo
Benjamin Benard
Linda Benavente-notaro
Elizabeth Bernard
Lisa Beroud
Gloria Berra
Greg Berry
Blake Bertrand
Alex Betuel
Virgil Bienemy
Christine Bieselin
Jeff Biggers
Michael Blackbourn
Matthew Blackshear
Dennis M Blakey
Dan Bodenstein
Eric M. Boh
Ricardo Bonisoli
Bryan Booth
Phillip Boutte
Michael Bovgerg
Sheri Bradford
Pat Brazile
Mark Breakspear
Troy Breeding
Dean Broadland
Emily Brobst
Jennifer Brown
Matt Brumit
Mattias Brunosson
Tim Bruns
Daniel Buck
Stephen Buckley
Nathan Budarick
Sirius Buisson
Ray Bulinski
Brian Burks
Benjamin Burr
Jay Busch
Matthew Butler
Jeremy Buttell
David Cabrera
John Cairns
Thomas Cale
Julie Camesa
David Chris Campbell
Marilee Canaga
Alison Cannon
Orson Scott Card
Orson Scott Card
Simon Carlile
Tamara Carlson-woodard
Jessica Carpenter
Tim Carras
Tom Carson
Jed Carter
Alexandra Casey
David Casey
Ryan Cashman
Alfred M Castillo
Lori Castro
Sarah Cave
Melissa Cell
Charles Felix Chabert
Dianne Chadwick
Greg Chamioff
Viki Chan
Nardeep Chander
Austin Chandra
Jo Changer
Paul Chapman
Robert Chartoff
Suzanna Chekmeyan
Vincent Cheng
Mark Chernausek
Vanessa Cheung
Jesse James Chisholm
Jangwhoan Choi
Erica Ciaglia
Mihai Cioroba
Dama Claire
Erdwin J Clausen Jr
Brian Clawson
James Clyne
David Coatsworth
David Coatsworth
Matt Coatsworth
Peter Cobbin
Linda Cohen
Brett Cole
Rafael Colon
Rafael Francisco Colon
Jerrin Comeaux
Josh Comen
Patty Majorczak Connolly
Brian Connor
Don E Cooke
Christopher Cooper
Paul Copeland
Christy M. Corb
Miquel A Corominas Pla
Sohia Coronado
Sohia Coronado
Tim Corrigan
Jorge De Cossi
Larry Cottrill
Juan Couto
David Cowgill
Jennifer Cram
Jan Philip Cramer
Richard R Creedon
Brandon Criswell
Robert L. Cron
Jonathan Cronk
Timothy Crowley
Matthew L Crowson
Brian Cuartero
Jonathan Cubas
Lluisa Cuchillo
Mick Cummings
Paul Cunningham
Lisa Joelle Curtis
Scott Dace
Daina Daigle
Caroline Dale
Megan Danderfer
Rhea Darch
Adam Daugherty
John J. Davi
Dane A. Davis
Enoch Davis
Yves De Bono
Joe De Michelis
Paul Debevec
Ashleigh Dejon
Deborah Del Prete
Colette Delcroix
Mark Della Rossa
Cosmas A. Demetriou
Colin Dennis
Eric Depoorter
Film Details
Technical Specs
Miscellaneous Notes
Wide Release in United States November 1, 2013
Released in United States on Video February 11, 2014
Based on the novel "Ender's Game" written by Orson Scott Card and published by Tor Books in 1985. "Ender's Game" won the Hugo Award in 1986.
Wide Release in United States November 1, 2013
Released in United States on Video February 11, 2014
Wolfgang Petersen previously attached to direct.
Project was included on the 2005 Black List.