Ride, Tenderfoot, Ride
Brief Synopsis
Cast & Crew
Frank Mcdonald
Gene Autry
Smiley Burnette
June Storey
Mary Lee
Warren Hull
Film Details
Technical Specs

As Gene rides the range on a ranch owned by Ann Randolph, attorney Henry Walker searches for the cowboy to notify him that he has just inherited the Belmont Packing Company. Later, as Gene is taking the cattle to market, he and his sidekick, Frog Millhouse, have a spat with Ann, and she fires them, giving them a steer as back pay. Finding the cowhands with a Randolph steer, the local sheriff jails them for rustling, and Walker finally tracks them down at the jail, where he notifies Gene of his inheritance. Released from jail, Gene and Frog take possession of the plant, and Ann, who owns a rival plant, learns to her dismay that the man she fired is now her chief competitor. Ann's business manager and fiancé, Donald Gregory, convinces her to sweet talk Gene into selling them his plant, and Gene agrees to Ann's offer until he learns that Gregory plans to close the plant, thus throwing all his employees out of work. Tearing up the contract, Gene decides to stay in the packing business and learns that his greatest problem is a lack of cattle to fill distribution needs. Gene launches a campaign to convince the ranchers to sell their stock to Belmont, but when he begins to lose contracts to Ann's "helpless woman" routine, he switches tactics and tries to sing the ranchers into selling their cattle. Gene's campaign succeeds, causing Gregory to order his men to use violence to stop the cowboy. Patsy, Ann's little sister who has a crush on Gene, overhears Gregory's men planning to dynamite the dam and flood the valley, and rides to warn Gene. Gene then apprehends Gregory's men before they can plant their explosives, and after Gregory is indicted for sabotage, Gene and Ann form a romantic as well as business alliance.

Frank Mcdonald

Gene Autry

Smiley Burnette
June Storey
Mary Lee

Warren Hull
Forbes Murray
Joe Mcguinn
Joe Frisco
Isobel Randolph
Herbert Clinton
Mildred Shay
Si Jenks
Cindy Walker
The Pacemakers
Harold Adamson
Gene Autry
William Berke
Betty Burbridge
Betty Burbridge
Smiley Burnette
E. Di Lazzaro
Arthur Fields
Rudy Gunther
Fred Hall
Charles Kenny
Nick Kenny
Harry Knight
Raoul Kraushaar
Connie Lee
Jack Marta
Johnny Marvin
Johnny Mercer
Winston Miller
Bill O'connor
Lester Orlebeck
Richard Whiting
Al Wilson

Film Details
Technical Specs

Well, boys, what do you think of it.- Henry Walker
I'd feel a lot more at home down in the stockyard.- Gene Autry
Well, me too. I-I don't like being cooped up. You're liable to get hydrophobia or something.- Frog Milhouse
Modern sources add the following names to the cast: Patty Saks, Jack Kirk, Slim Whitaker, Fred Burns, Robert Burns, Fred Toones, Chuck Morrison, Frank O'Connor, Curley Dresden and Champion, Gene Autry's horse.