The Rainbow Man
Cast & Crew
Fred Newmeyer
Eddie Dowling
Frankie Darrow
Sam Hardy
Lloyd Ingraham
Marian Nixon
Film Details
Technical Specs

Rainbow Ryan, a minstrel performer, adopts Billy Ryan, the son of an acrobat friend who is killed while performing on stage. Playing in a small town, Rainbow falls in love with Mary Land, the daughter of a strict hotelkeeper who disapproves of all theatrical people. Rainbow moves on with the show, and Mary belatedly discovers that Billy is the child of her dead sister. Mary goes after Rainbow, and he sends Billy back home with her, renouncing his love for her for fear of going against her father's command that she have nothing to do with entertainers. The minstrel show is booked into a small town near Mary's, however, and Billy runs away to see Rainbow. Mary follows, and she and Rainbow are reunited.

Fred Newmeyer
Eddie Dowling

Frankie Darrow

Sam Hardy

Lloyd Ingraham

Marian Nixon

George Hayes
Frances Agnew
Frances Agnew
Frances Agnew
George J. Crone
J. R. Crone
J. R. Crone
Eddie Dowling
Eddie Dowling
Eddie Dowling
O. E. Goebel
James F. Hanley
Jean Herbert
Jack Mackenzie
Andrew B. Sterling
George W. Weeks

Film Details
Technical Specs