Walking with Dinosaurs 3D
Brief Synopsis
Cast & Crew
Pierre De Lespinios
Skyler Stone
Filmorchestra Babelsberg
Jude Tinsley
Mary Matilyn Mouser
John Leguizamo
Film Details
Technical Specs
70 million years ago, a diminutive underdog dinosaur named Patchi triumphs against all odds to become a hero for the ages. The runt in his family of Pachyrhinosauruses, he has to use his wits and heart to compete with his larger brothers and sisters, particularly Scowler, the alpha male of the group. Their father Bulldust is leading the herd on its annual migration when he and sons Patchi and Scowler are separated from the rest of the family by a forest fire and then trapped by a predatory Gorgosaurus. Bulldust sacrifices himself to save his sons, and their mother perishes in the fire. Now alone in the world, the two brothers must fend for themselves and their rivalry grows as they become powerful adults. But when the migration leads to their greatest battle, Patchi summons his inner courage and strength to become the leader he was born to be.
Skyler Stone
Filmorchestra Babelsberg
Jude Tinsley
Mary Matilyn Mouser

John Leguizamo
Tiya Sircar
Justin Long
Michael Leone
Angourie Rice
Karl Urban
Madison Moellers
Katie Silverman
Clay Savage
Charlie Rowe
Lucile Abiven
Steve Agland
Tony Alexander
Roger Allen
Wayne Allen
Stewart Alves
Galder Apraiz Amezua
Elana Andersen
Monica Anderson
Rebecca Anderson
Ross Anderson
Nicklas Andersson
Laurence Andrews
Jana Anich
Laurence Anslow
Mariano Antico
Mike Appleby
Victoria Arbour
Dane Armour
Vaughn Arnup
Marcus Arthur
J D Ashe
Gunner Ashford
Nicole Ashford
Simon Ashton
Thomas Baber
Kelly Baigent
Aloys Baillet
Garry Baker
Janelle Baker
Kevin Baker
Samantha Baker
Leandro Balan
Jeff Balsmeyer
Ido Banai
Tom Bango
Michael Bannister
Michele Barber
Chris Baron
Jenny Basen
Bob Baxter
Amy Beaudoin
Andrea Bedelis
Katherine Beer
Dana Belcastro
Ethan Bentley
Gloria Bernabeu
Jymi Best
Klaus-peter Beyer
Scott Billups
Jessica Bingham
James Bishop
Emmanuel Blasset
Cameron Bone
Cameron Bone
Julia Bordeau
Xavier Bourque
Tamara Boutcher
Gene Boyda
John Bradaric
Paul Braddock
Darren Bradnock
Peter Bradshaw
Andre Braithwaite
Lawrence Breen
Anita Breitbarth
Paul Broben
Richard Bronskill
Danielle Brooks
John Brooks
Tom Brown
Keiran Ogden Brunell
Lindsey Buckingham
Simon Bull
Opus Bundgaard
Helen Bunker
Ed Burge
Steve Burgess
Blair Burke
George Burrows
Joe Butler
Max Bygrave
Thomas John Cabela
Mike Cahill
Melanie Callaghan
William Cameron
Jake Capistron
Paul Carden
John L Carnochan
Owen Carroll
Andrea Castagnoli
Max Catterick
Martina Chakarova
Adrian Chan
Michael Chang
Mike Chang
Erik Charlebois
Robin Charters
Camela Cheng
Luis Chiappe
Desmond Chik
Marjorie Chodorov
Nikita Choksi
William Algar Chuklin
Sam Chynoweth
Sanford Clark
Dean Clarke
John Clarke
Murray Clarke
Paul Clarvis
Noel Cleary
Alex Coble
Giles Coburn
Mark Coffey
Luke Cole
John Collee
Jon Patrick Collins
Hayden Collow
Kristi Connolly
Toby Conway
Benjamin Cook
Courtenay Cooper
Josh Cooper
John Copeland
Rob Cornish
Jamie Couper
Brian Coursen
Bruce Creevey
Jonny Crew
Bob Crockett
Nicholas Cross
Michelle Crowley
Marty Culling
David Cunningham
Dr. Phillip Currie
Michael Curtis
Omar Dabbagh
Jayandera Danappal
Barbara Darragh
Vivian David
Ryan Davis
Chris Day
Kristian De Lespinois
Kristian De Lespinois
Oliver Dear
Jonathan Deckter
Elise Deglau
Rebecca Dengate
Melinda J. Dennis
Xavier Desdoigts
Mike Devlin
Pat Devlin
Baz Devliotis
Kyle Devriendt
Zoe Diamond
Jenny Dias
Craig Dibble
Mathieu Dimuro
Timothy Dodd
Annie Dodman
Lauren Dodman
Billy Dodson
Ana Ramos Dominguez
Paolo Dominici
James Dommek
Brendan Donovan
Joel Dovev
Marc Duff
Brian Duffield
Brian Duffield
Matt Dunkley
Joshua Dunn
Mike Dunn
Ollie Dunn
David Edwards
Eric Efstratiadis
Valance Eisleben
Tarek Elaydi
Chris Endicott
Brady Erickson
Louise Estephan
Serge Eustache
Jamie Evans
Matt Everitt
Matthew Everitt
Don Ezard
Jamie Famularo
Roger Feenstra
Jonathan Feurich
Rob Ffiske
Andy Finlayson
Anthony Fiorillo
Richard Fletcher
Nick Flyvbjerg
Deana Fodie
Stuart Ford
Stuart Ford
Sam Fordham
David Foster
Joel Foster
Film Details
Technical Specs
Miscellaneous Notes
Wide Release in United States December 20, 2013
Released in United States on Video March 25, 2014
Based on the TV docu-series "Walking With Dinosaurs" (United Kingdom / 1999-2000) that aired on the BBC.
Project will be using the 3D camera system from Cameron/Pace Group.
Wide Release in United States December 20, 2013
Project will use LIDAR (light, detection and ranging) technology to combine live action and animation.
Released in United States on Video March 25, 2014