Oh, Yeah
Cast & Crew
Tay Garnett
Robert Armstrong
James Gleason
Patricia Caron
Zasu Pitts
Bud Fine
Film Details
Technical Specs

Dude and Dusty, two drifters, blow into Linda, a railroad town, on the brakebeams of a freight train, preceded by crooks Hot Foot and Pop Eye. Dude meets Pinkie, who runs the camp commissary; and to make an impression on her, he washes twice a day and grooms his hair with axle grease, to the disgust of Dusty. Then Dusty meets The Elk, a waitress who favors him with admiring stares. When Dude rescues the superintendent's child from the wheels of a train, his romance begins to prosper, but both Dude and Dusty lose their earnings in a crap game to Splinters, who is himself robbed. Dude is suspected, though Hot Foot and Pop Eye are guilty, and he skips town with Dusty. They battle with the villains on a moving flatcar that barely avoids collision with a passenger train and crashes; the injured boys are reunited with their girls, and the villains are placed under arrest.


Tay Garnett

Robert Armstrong

James Gleason
Patricia Caron

Zasu Pitts
Bud Fine
Frank Hagney
Harry Tyler
Paul Hurst

Film Details
Technical Specs