Mounted Fury
Cast & Crew
Stuart Paton
John Bowers
Blanche Mehaffey
Robert Ellis
Frank Rice
George Rigas
Film Details
Technical Specs

Jim Leyton and Paul Marsh, two army friends, start new lives after the war. Jim becomes a Royal Canadian Mountie and Paul does well in business and marries their mutual sweetheart, Enid. The fast life in the city brings Paul to the edge of a nervous breakdown. Intending to recuperate, he and Enid visit Jim in the North woods. Soon after they arrive, Paul becomes friends with Pierre LeStrange, a half-Indian, and his wife Nanette. Paul begins drinking heavily and falls in love with Nanette. He is about to run away with her, when Pierre walks in on them. Pierre pulls a knife on Paul, but is killed himself when Nanette stabs him. She blames the murder on the wounded Paul, but on his deathbed, Paul tells Jim the truth. Jim orders Nanette to leave the country and promises the dying Paul he will take care of Enid forever.

Stuart Paton
John Bowers
Blanche Mehaffey
Robert Ellis
Frank Rice
George Rigas

Lina Basquette
John Ince
Lloyd Whitlock
Jack Trent

Film Details
Technical Specs

This was one of two sound films made by silent star John Bowers, whose later career and suicide May have inspired A Star is Born (see below).