We Bought a Zoo
Brief Synopsis
Cast & Crew
Cameron Crowe
Dustin Ybarra
Angus Macfadyen
Reid Peters
Caroline Elizabeth Hanna
Thomas Haden Church
Film Details
Technical Specs
Based on a true story, Benjamin Mee is a Los Angeles newspaper columnist and adventure writer who, as a single father, faces the challenges of raising his two young kids. Hoping that a fresh start and a new life will restore their family spirit, Mee quits his job and buys an old rural house on 18 acres outside the city that comes with a unique bonus feature: a zoo named the Rosemoor Animal Park, where dozens of animals reside under the care of head zookeeper Kelly Foster and her dedicated team. With no experience, limited time and a shoestring budget, Mee sets out with the support of his family and the local community to reopen the zoo. Now, Benjamin is no longer reporting an adventure story; he's living his own.and it is right in his own backyard.
Cameron Crowe
Dustin Ybarra
Angus Macfadyen
Reid Peters
Caroline Elizabeth Hanna
Thomas Haden Church
Kym Whitley
David Kenyon
John Michael Higgins
Desi Lydic
Gabriel Escalante
Elle Fanning
David Lopez
Alice Marie Crowe

Scarlett Johansson
Colin Ford
Steven Mushond Lee
Michael Panes
Carla Gallo

Matt Damon
Shannah Barrett
Durrell Babbs
Steve Bessette
Patrick Fugit
Peter Riegert
Curtis Crowe
Lauren Sanchez
Alexia Barroso
Roberto Montesinos
Benjamin Mee
Christie Kittelsen
Maggie Elizabeth Jones
J.b. Smoove
Michelle Pickens
Johnny Cicco
Hal Alpert
Gary D. Robertson
Sam Fox
Michelle Panek
Leslie Trotter
Stephanie Szostak
Nelson Bush
Todd Stanton
Thomas R Baker
Nicole Russell
Milo Mee
Taylor Victoria Cerza
Kate Yerves
William Crowe
Sammi Yorn
Erick Chavarria
Ben Seeder
Ella Mee
Greg S Aldridge
Michael Alexander
Jacob M Alsbrook
Allan Apone
Marco Arcipreste
David Arnott
James Ashwill
Justin Babin
Andrea Babineau
Scott Bailey
Jeri Baker
Anthony Baldino
Lori A Balton
Pedro Barquin
Chantelle Barry
Ron Bartlett
Morgan Bateman
Craig Bauer
Chris Baugh
Mikaila Baumel
Richard J Bell
Jay Bennett
Jimmy James Bennett
Roger Berard
Michael Betz
Chrissie Beveridge
David Bilow
Jon Thor Birgisson
Jon Thor Birgisson
Jon Thor Birgisson
Michael Bomar
Peter Borck
Mateo Bourdieu
Richard J Boyle
Diane Branagan
Bobby Brayman
Steven Brewer
Jim Brockett
Aline Brosh Mckenna
Judy Brown
Bettina Browne
Darwin Browne
Doug Burch
Emma Johnston Burton
Kanan J Capshaw
Kellye Carnahan
Clint Carney
Michael T Carter
Derek Casari
Steve Castaneda
Alexander J Castillo
Matt Caughthran
Catherine Cavadini
Larry Cha
Terry P Chapman
George Chavez
Patrick Clancey
Jonathan Clark
Gary Clause
Chad A Cole
Kevin Collins
Mark Comperry
Chris Conahan
Phyllis Corcoran-woods
Chris Cornell
Blake Cornett
Becky Cotton
Don Coufal
Doug Cowden
Nicky Craft
Skip Crank
Michael A Crankshaw
Charles Crivier
Chris Crivier
Cameron Crowe
Cameron Crowe
Cameron Crowe
John Cucci
Shannon Curfman
Vincent D'aquino
Michael D'imperio
Burt Dalton
Kristen Davenport
Donald Davidson
Kenny Davis
Vicki Davis
Susan Schakelford Dawes
Mathilde De Cagny
Pete De Freitas
Paul Deason
Paul Deason
Wendy Decoito
Mark Martin Del Campo
Albert Delgado
Greg Dennen
Joseph Dianda
Kenneth Dodson
Adam Dornbusch
Richard Duarte
Justin Duncan
Bob Dylan
Bob Dylan
Orri P Dyrason
Emily Egge
Casey Eller
Erin Engman
Anthony Erlandsen
Benny Estrada
Dale Ettema
Mathais M Fain
Skip Fairlee
Melvone Farrell
Nigel Faulkner
Gary Romolo Fiorelli
Peggy Flood
Matt Floyd
Mark Forbes
Joby J Ford
Aaron Fors
John Foster
Lauren Gadd
Jacqueline Garcia
Elan Garfias
Laura Gary
Keith Gaudin
Adam Geary
Kay Georgiou
Jeff Goldberg
Jerry Gomez
Tim Gomillion
Nidia Gongora
Michael Marcos Gonzalez
Chris Gordon
Jeremy Gordon
Marc R. Gordon
Adrian Gorton
Christina Graff
Paul Graff
Dathan Graham
Lori Grandinetti
Scott Graves
Jerry Gregoricka
Clay A. Griffith
John Guentner
Lisa Guerriero
Thomas L Gunderson
Woody Guthrie
Chris Haarhoff
Jeff Scott Hall
Brian Han
Jeffrey Harlacker
Riley Harper
Thomas Robinson Harper
Thomas Robinson Harper
Barbara Harris
Barbara Harris
Paula Harris
Ann Harris Hayes
Robert Hatfield
Glen E. Hawbecker
Daniel Hawking
Angela Heald
D. M. Hemphill
Lukas Hencey
Taylar Hender
Warren Hendriks
Andre Hernandez
Ilona Herzberg
Vincent Hidalgo
Alex Hillkurtz
Mark Hitchler
Alison Hoberman
Will Holland
Georg Holm
Ken Horne
Mathilde Hovsepian
David Howland
Jeffrey A. Humphreys
Joe Hutshing
Rhonda Hyde
Elodie Ichter
O'kelley Isley
Ronald Isley
Rudolph Isley
Joel Iwataki
Daniel R. Jennings
Jossara Jinaro
Eric Johnson
Martha Johnston
Chris Jones
John Paul Jones
Rick Jones
Ben Jordan
Carlton Kaller
Carlton Kaller
Chris Kaller
Chris Kaller
Brandon Kelly
Lara Khachooni
Kevin Kinzer
Film Details
Technical Specs
Miscellaneous Notes
Wide Release in United States Winter December 23, 2011
Released in United States on Video April 3, 2012
Wide Release in United States Winter December 23, 2011
Based on the book "We Bought a Zoo" written by Benjamin Mee and published by Weinstein Books in September 2008.
Released in United States on Video April 3, 2012