Marianne and Julianne
Brief Synopsis
Cast & Crew
Margarethe Von Trotta
Jutta Lampe
Barbara Sukowa
Rndiger Vogler
Doris Schade
Verenice Rudolph
Film Details
Technical Specs
Two sisters, caught up in the turmoil of the 1970s, rebel against their conservative upbringing. Juliane works to reformer the system as a feminist journalist, while Marianne embraces violence, becoming a notorious terrorist.
Margarethe Von Trotta
Jutta Lampe
Barbara Sukowa
Rndiger Vogler
Doris Schade
Verenice Rudolph
Luc Bondy
Franz Rudnick
Julia Biedermann
Ina Robinski
Patrick Estrada-pox
Samir Jawad
Ingeborg Weber
Carola Hembus
Margit Czenki
Wulfhild Sydow
Anna Steinmann
Barbara Paepcke
Rebecca Paepcke
Satan Deutsche
Karin Bremer
Rolf Schult
Anton Rattinger
Lydia Billiet
Hannelore Minkus
Wilbert Steinmann
Felix Moeller
Christoph Parge
Michael Sellmann
Dieter Baier
Margit Czenki
Werner Deml
Werner Deml
Nicolas Economou
Uta Ehmke
Lotfi Essid
Wolf-dieter Fallert
Rudolf Hartl
Monica Hasse
Dagmar Hirtz
Helenka Hummel
Jorge Jara
Eberhard Junkersdorf
Barbara Kloth
Rudiger Knoll
Petra Kray
Uwe Lauterkorn
Uli Lotze
Franz Rath
Robert Reitberger
Gudrun Ruzickova
Gerrit Schwarz
Hans-dieter Schwarz
Jutta Stroppe
Ralf Tooten
Vladimir Vizner
Georg Von Kieseritzky
Margarethe Von Trotta
Hieronymus Wurden
Film Details
Technical Specs
Miscellaneous Notes
Released in United States 1994
Released in United States on Video November 30, 1994
Released in United States September 11, 1981
Shown at Berlin Film Festival September 11, 1981.
Shown at Human Rights Watch International Film Festival (Margarethe Von Trotta Retrospective) in New York City April 29 - May 12, 1994.
Began shooting February 23, 1981.
Completed production September 1981.
Released in United States September 11, 1981 (Shown at Berlin Film Festival September 11, 1981.)
Released in United States on Video November 30, 1994
Released in United States 1994 (Shown at Human Rights Watch International Film Festival (Margarethe Von Trotta Retrospective) in New York City April 29 - May 12, 1994.)