The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey
Brief Synopsis
Cast & Crew
Peter Jackson
Ian Mckellen
Martin Freeman
Richard Armitage
Ken Stott
Graham Mctavish
Film Details
Technical Specs
Bilbo Baggins is swept into an epic quest to reclaim the lost Dwarf Kingdom of Erebor from the fearsome Dragon Smaug. Approached out of the blue by the Wizard Gandalf the Grey, Bilbo finds himself joining a company of 13 Dwarves led by the legendary warrior Thorin Oakenshield. Their journey will take them into the Wild, through treacherous lands swarming with Goblins, Orcs and deadly Wargs, as well as a mysterious and sinister figure known only as the Necromancer. Although their goal lies to the East and the wastelands of the Lonely Mountain, first they must escape the Goblin tunnels, where Bilbo meets the creature that will change his life forever - Gollum. Here, alone with Gollum, on the shores of an underground lake, the unassuming Bilbo Baggins not only discovers depths of ingenuity and courage that surprise even him, he also gains possession of Gollum's "precious" ring that holds unexpected and useful qualities - a simple, gold ring that is tied to the fate of all Middle-earth in ways Bilbo cannot begin to know.
Peter Jackson
Ian Mckellen
Martin Freeman
Richard Armitage
Ken Stott
Graham Mctavish
William Kircher
Dean O'gorman
Lois Girdwood
Ben King
Benedict Cumberbatch
Thomas Robins
Barry Humphries
Sylvester Mccoy
Elijah Wood
Stephen Hunter
Mark Hadlow

Andy Serkis
Peter Hambleton
Steve Crene
Adam Brown
John Callen
Stephen Ure
Manu Bennett
David Kolff
James Nesbitt
Stephen Belsten
Hugo Weaving
John Rawls
Brett Larsen
Richard Fennell
Duane Agate
Conan Stevens
Timothy Bartlett
Jeffrey Thomas
Kerry Priston
Kiran Shah
Mark Smith
Ian Holm
Jed Brophy
Lee Pace
Glenn Boswell
Mike Mizrahi
Bret Mckenzie
Aidan Turner
Alex Kennedy

Christopher Lee
John Cruickshanks

Cate Blanchett
Seb Abante
Tim Abbot
Cliff Abbott
David Abbott
Finn Abbott
John Aberdein
Johan Aberg
Natalie Abizadeh
Gino Acevedo
Holly Acton
Charlotte Adams
Lucy Adams
Olivia M. Adams
Taipua Adams
Richard Addison-wood
Glen Charles Adlam
Michael Aerni
Gerardo Aguilera
Joel Ahie-drought
Gustav Ahren
Daniel Aird
Malcolm Aitchison
Henry Aitken
Matt Aitken
Jason Aldous
Neil Aldridge
Tim Alexander
Carrie Alford
Laurent Alibo
Anthony Allan
Georgia Allen
Jacqueline Allen
Mark Edward Allen
Ruben Allen
Stan Alley
Stephen Allison
Jon Allitt
Sarah Allman
Jan Althaus
David Alve
Svend Andersen
Adam Anderson
Dave Anderson
Don Anderson
Glenn Anderson
Monica Anderson
Ross Anderson
Tracy Anderson
Paul Andreassend
Matthew Andrews
Nino Kristoffer C Aniceto
Joel Anscombe-smith
Karen Ansel
Charles Anton
Warner Anton
Lucy Appleby
Matt Appleton
Jane Apthorp
Christine Arboit
Ryan Arcus
Philip Arditti
Georgy Arevshatov
Elisabeth Arko
Yalda Armian
Richard Armitage
Ben Armstrong
Charlie Armstrong
Dan Armstrong
Shannon Armstrong
Nicole Ashford
Kyle Ashley
Daniel Ashton
Mia Askew
Bob Askwith
Mike Asquith
Rebecca Asquith
Richard Athorne
Mark Atkin
Andrew Atkinson
Chris Atkinson
Kevin Atkinson
Nicola Atkinson
Rosalind Atkinson
Ryan Attwood
Jean-marie Aubry
Cat Auburn
Matthew Austin
Yvonne Autridge
Derrick Auyoung
Carl Ayala
Dan Ayling
Sergio Ayrosa
Andrew Ayrton
Glen Ayrton
Jean Luc Azzis
John Bach
Sindharmawan Bachtiar
Amy Baer
Rick Baer
Tim Baier
Sam Bailey
Sarah Bailey-harper
Mike Bain
Andrew Baker
Che Baker
Grace Baker
Jonathan Baker
Leslie Baker
Matthew Baker
Simon Baker
Robert Baldwin
Saxon Ball
Michael Baltazar
Sam Balzer
Danielle Baneham
Marco Barbati
Mark Barber
Michele Barber
Jeeda Barford
Simon Barker
Matt Barnett
Tim Barnett
Emily Barr
Benjamin Barraud
Joshua Barraud
Ned Barraud
Phil Barrenger
Jacob Barrow
Louise Barry
Bryan Bartlett
Emma Bartlett
Ian Barwick
Sonia Bass
John Baster
Trevor Bau
Matt Bauckham
Jess Bauer
Alice Baueris
Cesar Rodriguez Bautista
David Bawel
Patrick Baxter
Scott Baxter
Bryn Bayliss
Steve Bayliss
Daniel Bayona
Hamish Beachman
Michael Beard
Kim Beaton
Brett Beattie
Brett Beattie
Bonne Becconsall
Donna Beck
Kobi Beck
Uli Beck-schneider
James Becker
Kathleen Beeler
Ray Beentjes
Alexander Beere
Olivier Beierlein
Laetitia Belen
Brittany Bell
Hamish Bell
Kevin Bell
Susan Bell
Gregory Bellis
Adrian Bennett
Dan Bennett
James Bennett
Matt Bennett
Stephen Bennett
Wendy Benseman
Grant Bensley
Michael Benton
Nicola Benton
Jarl Benzon
Saidou Bernabé
Ricci-lee Berry
Alexander A B Berson
Teresa Berus
Dan Best
Natalie Best
Anneke Bester
Jamie Beswarick
Victoria Beynon-cole
Pravin Bhat
Shweta Bhatnagar
Hannah Bianchini
Ian Bidgood
Erik Bierens
Kris Bieringa
Martine Bijker
Renze Bijker
Graham Binding
Mark Binnall
Alicia Bissinger
Aaron Black
Kathryn Jane Black
Carolyn Blackwood
Danielle Blake
Helen Blake
Film Details
Technical Specs
Miscellaneous Notes
Wide Release in United States December 14, 2012
Released in United States on Video March 19, 2013
Based on the novel "The Hobbit" written by J.R.R. Tolkien published in 1937.
Guillermo Del Toro was previously attached to direct.
Production budget was previously estimated at $150 million per film.
Financial documents filed in New Zealand, where the three "Hobbit" movies were made, showed that production costs for all three films through March 2014 - eight months prior to the release of the final film in the trilogy - had reached 934 million New Zealand dollars ($745 million US), including filming and digital effects completed over several years. As of October 2014, these figures made the "Hobbit" films the most expensive trilogy ever.
The city of Wellington, New Zealand will host the world premiere of "The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey," on November 28, 2012.
2nd block of shooting begins September 5th, 2011.
Wide Release in United States December 14, 2012 (4150+ )
Released in United States on Video March 19, 2013