Journey 2: The Mysterious Island
Brief Synopsis
Cast & Crew
Brad Peyton
Dwayne Johnson
Josh Hutcherson
Michael Caine
Vanessa Hudgens
Anthony Carlino
Film Details
Technical Specs
Young adventurer Sean receives a coded distress signal from a mysterious island where no island should exist--a place of strange life forms, mountains of gold, deadly volcanoes, and more than one astonishing secret. Unable to stop him from going, Sean's new stepfather joins the quest. Together with a helicopter pilot and his beautiful, strong-willed daughter, they set out to find the island, rescue its lone inhabitant and escape before seismic shock waves force the island under the sea and bury its treasures forever.
Brad Peyton
Dwayne Johnson
Josh Hutcherson

Michael Caine
Vanessa Hudgens
Anthony Carlino
Kristin Davis
Stewart Shaw
Branscombe Richmond
Emilie Claire Barlow
Anna Colwell
Luis Guzman
Walker Bankson
Stephen Caudill
Gary Abrahamian
Jan Adamczyk
Shane Aherne
Terry Ahue
Dayne Ahuna
Leif Akaji
Paul Alexiou
William Alford
Steve Alterman
Kate Amer
Chris Anderson
Scott Anderson
Carlos Anguiano
Galder Apraiz
Cristina De Arce
Billie Joe Armstrong
Joseph Ashmore
Aymeric Aute
Rick Avery
Amber Axelton
Al Bailey
Heath Baker
Sam Baker
Jesse Balodis
John Bankson
Christopher Barrick
Marcos De Barros
Kip Bartlett
Eric Bates
Liam Beck
Brad Bell
Ryan Bennett
Tina Bennett
Logan Berkshire
Christophe Bernaud
Marc Berrouett
Juergen Billstein
Ashton Blessing
Kirk Bloom
Derek Blume
Bill Boes
Tony Bohorquez
Austin Bonang
Anto Bond
Chantal Boomla
Markus Boos
Michael Bostick
S Kai Bovaird
Tim Bowman
Keith Brachmann
Kane Brassington
Stefan Braun
Mark Breakspear
Richard Brener
Robby Brenham
Matthew Brookman
John Brooks
Michelle Lee Brown
Randy Brown
Ronni Brown
Sam Brown
Jennifer Brusciano
Clint Buckner
Dave Buehrle
Elika Burns
Shannon Leigh Butler
Roy Cancino
David Canning
Marco Capparelli
Tim Cargioli
John C Casey
Adolfo Castanon
Tom Castronova
Phoenix Chan
Alexis Chapman
Pete Chesney Jr.
Peter Chesney
Cory Ching
Steve Cho
Gina Chuang
Brian Chumney
Alex Church
Ty Church
Joe Churchill
Yamato Cibulka
Karl Cizakowsky
Ryan Clarke
Dj Colbert
Regina Conroy
Matt Conway
Shane Cook
Tre Cool
Scott Corbett
Benjamin Cox
Karl Coyner
Andy Crawford
Thomas Crawford
Joe Creswell
Nick Crew
Tim Crosbie
Clay Cullen
Martyn 'moose' Culpitt
Robert Cvengros
Steve Cypreos
Britt Cyrus
Colette Dahanne
Nick Damico
Henry Dando
Alex Daniels
Craig H Davidson
Tarra Day
Kristy Dearholt
Douglas A Degrazzio
Ralphie Del Castillo
Brian Demetz
Robert E Denne
Kim Derry
Lindsay Irish Desarno
Robert Deschane
Mohammad Yahya Meta Dia
Ben Dickson
Pete Dionne
Mike Dirnt
Michael Disco
Jeff Diso
Daniel Dobrott
Daren R. Dochterman
Nicholas Dodd
Holly Dorff
James Dornoff
Kenji Doughty
Paris Downes
Cameron Doyle
Clayton Drier
Moosie Drier
David Drzewiecki
Andrew Dudman
Reid D Duke
Simon Dye
Scott Eade
John Michael Eaves
Christopher Edwards
Karen Eisenstadt
Loren Elkins
Adam Ellison
Christian Emond
Sean England
David R Espinoza
Aaron Estrada
Henry E Ezzell
Tara Farney
Julia Ferguson
Gary Fettis
Craig Fincannon
Lisa Mae Fincannon
Todd Fink
Patrick Finley
Anna Fishburn
Bruce Fleskes
Beau Flynn
Gabriel Franke
Chad Frey
Sally Fuscoe
Stephen Gagnon-cady
Tanya Gallardo
Brian Galligan
Eric Gambini
Giancarlo Ganziano
Hiram Garcia
Robert Gardiner
Jonathan S Gaynor
Sinje Gebauer
Matt Giampa
Colleen Gibbons
Beth Giles
Mitchell J Glaser
Peter Gleaves
Jim Gloster
Nainoa Glover
Josh Gold
Dan B Goldman
Dustin Gomes
Joanna N Goslicka
Kyle Gray
Leighton Greer
Bryan Grill
Caroline Grubb
Matti Grüner
Brian Gunn
Brian Gunn
Mark Gunn
Mark Gunn
Matthew K Hacker
Whitney Hagan
Jerry Hall
Erik Halsey
Jeff Halsey
Barbara Efthymiou Harris
Daniel Harris
Peter Hart
Film Details
Technical Specs
Miscellaneous Notes
Wide Release in United States Winter February 10, 2012
Released in United States on Video June 5, 2012
Sequel to "Journey to the Center of the Earth" (USA/2008) directed by Eric Brevig and starring Brendan Fraser, and based on Jules Verne's novel "A Journey to the Center of the Earth."
Project's storyline will be based on an original script titled "Myterious Travels" by Richard Outten that producers will repurpose for the sequel.
Brendan Fraser was previously attached to reprise his role as Professor Trevor Anderson.
Wide Release in United States Winter February 10, 2012
Eric Brevig was previously attached to direct.
Released in United States on Video June 5, 2012