X-Men: First Class
Brief Synopsis
Cast & Crew
Matthew Vaughn
James Mcavoy
Michael Fassbender
Rose Byrne
Jennifer Lawrence
Kevin Bacon
Film Details
Technical Specs
Before Charles Xavier and Erik Lensherr took the names Professor X and Magneto, they were two young men discovering their powers for the first time, working together to stop the greatest threat the world has ever known.
Matthew Vaughn
James Mcavoy

Michael Fassbender
Rose Byrne

Jennifer Lawrence

Kevin Bacon
Zod Kravitz
Leonard Redlich
Laurence Belcher
Glenn Morshower
Yuri Naumkin
Greg Savage
Don Creech

Michael Ironside
January Jones
Peter Stark
Wilfried Hochholdinger
Nicholas Hoult

Randall Batinkoff
Jason Flemyng
Rade Serbedzija
Katrine De Candole
Lucas Till
Ludger Pistor
Jarid Faubel
James Faulkner
Cheryl Strang
Brendan Fehr
Juan Herrera
Michael Medeiros
Josh Cohen
Álex González
Beth Goddard
Gregory Cox
Caleb Landry Jones
Edi Gathegi
Corey Johnson
David Agranov
Gene Farber
Carlos Besse Peres
Jason Beghe
James Remar
Matt Craven
Neil Fingleton
Kieran Patrick Campbell
Bill Milner
Andrei Zayats
Venya Manzyuk
Greg Kolpakchi
Sasha Pieterse

Ray Wise
Demetri Goritsas
Sean Brown
Morgan Lily
Tony Curran
Annabelle Wallis
Olek Krupa
David Crow
Arthur Darbinyan
Georg Nikoloff
Oliver Platt
Eva Magyar
Jo Adams
Rene Adefarasin
Kieran Ahern
Nick Ainsworth
Nicolas Aithadi
Anatolij N Alexandrov
Phil Allchin
Tony Allen
Sarita Allison
Jason Alsher
Jennifer K Anderson
Jason Andrew
Grant Armstrong
David K Arnold
Giles Asbury
James Ashwill
Paul Babin
Riccardo Bacigalupo
Chris Baer
Chris Bain
Brent Baker
Stephanie Bamberg
Patrick Barbet
Gnarls Barkley
Edward T Barnes
Maggie Baron
Chuck Barris
Caitlin Barrow
Steve Barry
Ron Bartlett
Jay Barton
Ray Bateman
Maria K. Battle
Karen Beale
Alex Belcher
Larry Bellantoni
Stephanie Beman
Luis G Benavides
Anthony Benjamin
Dwight Benjamin-creel
Kate Bennett
Craig Berkey
Craig Berkey
Dustin Bernard
Bert Berns
Janella Bersabal
Alex Betuel
Jeff Biggers
Karen Birtchnell
Graham Bishop
Hans Bjerno
Michael F Blake
Roland Blancaflor
Larry Blanford
Larry Blanford
Larry Blanford
Douglas Blanton
Kevin Blauvelt
Josh Bleibtreu
Josh Bleibtreu
Josh Bleibtreu
Jason Bogard
Cory Lynn Bol
Darin Bouyssou
Jennifer Bowes
Joey Box
Erin Boyd
Jack Brake
Sarah Brandes
Joseph Braus
Bob Bridges
Hilary Bristoll
Chris Brock
John T Bromell
Jessica Brooks
Frank Brookshire
Beryl Brown
Dan Brown
Kate Brown
Kenneth Bryant
Chris Burdon
Steve Burgess
Chris Burns
Gary Burritt
Aida Caefer
Rebecca Cain
Julian Caldow
Geovani Campos
Freddy Cannon
Lisa Carracedo
Gail Carroll-coe
Phillip Carrott
Tom Carson
Justin Carville
Sean Carville
Derek Casari
Gloria Pasqua Casny
Lori Castro
Sarah Catizone
Marcus Catlin
Thomas P Caton
John Cefalu
Stephane Ceretti
Mark Chadwick
Victor Chaga
Michael Chambers
David Champion
Tony Chance
Alex Chansky
George Chavez
Paige Chaytor
Michael Cheung
Ricky Churchouse
Brad Clapper
Chris Clarke
Brian Clawson
Al Clay
Kelly Clear
Lee Cleary
Christopher Cleek
Murray Close
Taylor Tulip Close
Alan Coates
Jennifer Cobb
Whitney Cogar
David Cohen
Tom Cohen
Stephen Coleman
Matthew Coleshill
Matthew Collinge
Robert Cooper
Stephen Cooper
Chris Corbould
Emily Cordier
Greg Corke
Loren Corl
Blake Cornett
James F Cornick
Dan Cornwall
Tim Corrigan
Mark Coulier
Glenn Coulman
Brycen Counts
Ivo Coveney
Doug Cowden
Tylie Cox
David Cozens
Christopher Craig
Wendy M Craig
Andrae Crawford
Jimmy Crawford
Luke Crawford
Connie Criswell
Steve Cropper
Tim Croshaw
John Cucci
Chris Culliton
Douglas Cumming
Tim T. Cunningham
Nick Cupac
Lisa Joelle Curtis
Scott Curtis
Matt Dalton
Devis Damonte
Edward Davenport
Denise Davis
Russell De Rozario
Bruno De Santa
Lindsey Dean
Will Dearborn
Nick Del-molino
Lou Demarco
Matthew Demarko
Mike Demell
Greg Dennen
Yann Denoual
Kevin Derr
Dale Destefani
Fred Deyoe
Matt Diezel
Ian Differ
John Dimond
Justin Ditter
Jack Dolman
Lauren Shuler Donner
Malcolm Doran
Michael Douglas
Chris Dowell
John J. Downey
Gail Du Fosse
Richard Duarte
Jim Dunlap
Mathew Dunne
Consuelo Duran
Manny Duran
Diane Durant
Chris Duskin
Simon Dutton
Justin Dybowski
John Dykstra
Film Details
Technical Specs
Miscellaneous Notes
Project will likely be based on the eight-issue comic book series "X-Men: First Class" written by Jeff Parker and published by Marvel from September 2006 to April 2007.
Bryan Singer was previously attached to direct but fell out due to scheduling conflict.
Rupert Sanders was previously mentioned to direct.
Alice Eve was previously mentioned for the role of Emma Frost.
Wide Release in United States Spring June 3, 2011
Released in United States on Video September 9, 2011
Wide Release in United States Spring June 3, 2011
Project is being eyed as a potential prequel to the "X-Men" franchise at Fox.
Released in United States on Video September 9, 2011