The Last Shot You Hear
Cast & Crew
Gordon Hessler
Hugh Marlowe
Zena Walker
Patricia Haines
William Dysart
Thorley Walters
Film Details
Technical Specs

Dr. Charles Nordeck is a famous writer, lecturer, and marriage counselor whose own marriage is a failure. His wife, Anne, wants a divorce, but Nordeck refuses to grant it because of the damaging effect that it would have on his career. He is, however, tolerant of his wife's love affair with Peter Marriott, a foreign correspondent. Anne and Peter decide that their only recourse is to murder Nordeck. But a conversation concerning their plan is inadvertently recorded on a dictating machine and later discovered by Nordeck's secretary, Eileen, who is also in love with Peter. Anne arranges an alibi, and Peter goes to their home and shoots Nordeck with the doctor's own gun. Anne returns with the police and is startled to find Nordeck's body missing. Soon afterward, the police find Nordeck's personal belongings by a river and conclude that he was drowned. Later, Eileen reveals to the lovers her knowledge of their plan and agrees not to inform the police if Peter will marry her instead of Anne. Left with no real alternative, the lovers agree. Eileen and Peter prepare to leave the country together, but at the last moment she changes her mind and leaves Peter a note which contains the truth. Back at the house, Anne is terrified to confront her husband, who admits that he and Eileen planned the entire operation and loaded the gun with blanks. Nordeck threatens to use the tape recording to ensure the continuance of his marriage to Anne. He also telephones the police and informs them that he is still alive. Peter arrives, however; and having no knowledge of the phone call, decides to carry out his original plan to murder Nordeck.

Gordon Hessler

Hugh Marlowe
Zena Walker
Patricia Haines
William Dysart
Thorley Walters
Joan Young
Lionel Murton
Helen Horton
John Nettleton
John Wentworth
Alister Williamson
Julian Holloway
Lynley Laurence
Daphne Barker
James Mellor
Ian Hamilton
Shaun Curry
Stephen Moore
Job Stewart
Janet Kelly
Jack Ackerman
Gloria Barnes
Ray Frift
Pat Green
David Holmes
Glenn Hyde
Robert L. Lippert
Gerry Massy-collier
Henry Montsash
Jack Parsons
Johnny Pearson
Ricky Rickerby
Barbara Rowland
Ken Ryan
Bert Shefter
Bert Shefter
Tim Shields
Len Stevens
Stella Stevens
Don Thompson
Doug Turner
Robert Winter

Film Details
Technical Specs

Released in Great Britain in March 1970.