The Last Butterfly
Brief Synopsis
Cast & Crew
Karel Kachyna
Tom Courtenay
Brigitte Fossey
Ingrid Held
Freddie Jones
Milan Knazko
Film Details
Technical Specs
A mime is coerced into organizing a performance in Terezin, a town that the Nazis set aside for Jews to delude the Red Cross shortly before the inhabitants were sent off to concentration camps.
Karel Kachyna
Tom Courtenay
Brigitte Fossey
Ingrid Held
Freddie Jones
Milan Knazko
Josef Kemr
Ludek Kopriva
Pavel Bobek
Josef Laufer
Drahomira Fialkova
Rudolf Pellar
Jiri Lir
Hana Hegerova
Jitka Molavcova
Linda Jablonska
Daniel Margolius
Kamila Hodouskova
Marketa Slavikova
Jiri Malek
Petr Lowy
Brigitte Barbier
Michel Ben Said
Marie Bordilova
Adolf Borl
Ji¿à Bro¿ek
Radomil Cech
Ivan Chalupa
Pierre Courrege
Boudjemaa Dahmane
Karel Dobrichovski
Patrick Dromgoole
Jean-pierre Fayer
Jaroslav Fiala
Karletty Grabowski
Armelle Guevel
Andre Hervee
Lenka Hlavickova
Zbynek Hloch
Ota Hofman
Boris Hybner
Michael Jacot
Nada Jiraskova
Valerie Judicael
Karel Kachyna
Milos Kohout
Jiri Krejcik
Michal Krska
Ester Krumbachova
Frantisek Kucera
Karletty Lecorre
Vlasta Malerova
Jacques Methe
Jiri Moudry
Alex North
Steven North
Vratislav Novotny
Patricia Pierangeli
Mark Princi
Mark Princi
Otakar Psenicka
Edith Remy
Milos Schmeidberger
Viktor Schwarcz
Pavel Stark
Jiri Svenha
Milan Svoboda
Karel Vanasek
Antonin Vanek
Jaromir Vaverka
Vanceskava Vrtiskova
Film Details
Technical Specs
Miscellaneous Notes
Released in United States 1991
Released in United States April 1991
Released in United States February 1991
Released in United States January 10, 1991
Released in United States on Video December 28, 1994
Released in United States Summer August 20, 1993
Shown at Berlin Film Festival (out of competition) February 15-26, 1991.
Shown at Independent Feature Film Market (IFFM) (New Voices) September 24 - October 3, 1991.
Shown at International Film Festival of India in New Delhi January 10, 1991.
Began shooting September 1989.
Completed shooting December 8, 1989.
Production was suspended for 5 days in late November 1989 in sympathy with Czech anti-government protests.
Released in United States 1991 (Shown at Independent Feature Film Market (IFFM) (New Voices) September 24 - October 3, 1991.)
Released in United States January 10, 1991 (Shown at International Film Festival of India in New Delhi January 10, 1991.)
Released in United States February 1991 (Shown at Berlin Film Festival (out of competition) February 15-26, 1991.)
Released in United States April 1991 (Shown at AFI Los Angeles International Film Festival April 11-25, 1991.)
Released in United States Summer August 20, 1993
Released in United States on Video December 28, 1994