Red Riding Hood
Brief Synopsis
Cast & Crew
Catherine Hardwicke
Gary Oldman
Carmen Lavigne
Michael Shanks
Don Thompson
Amanda Seyfried
Film Details
Technical Specs
Valerie is a beautiful young woman torn between two men. She is in love with a brooding outsider Peter, but her parents have arranged for her to marry the wealthy Henry. Unwilling to lose each other, Valerie and Peter are planning to run away together when they learn that Valerie's older sister has been killed by the werewolf that prowls the dark forest surrounding their village. For years, the people have maintained an uneasy truce with the beast, offering the creature a monthly animal sacrifice. But under a blood red moon, the wolf has upped the stakes by taking a human life. Hungry for revenge, the people call on famed werewolf hunter, Father Solomon, to help them kill the wolf. But Solomon's arrival brings unintended consequences as he warns that the wolf, who takes human form by day, could be any one of them. As the death toll rises with each moon, Valerie begins to suspect that the werewolf could be someone she loves. Panic grips the town as Valerie discovers that she has a unique connection to the beast--one that inexorably draws them together, making her both suspect and bait.
Catherine Hardwicke

Gary Oldman
Carmen Lavigne
Michael Shanks
Don Thompson
Amanda Seyfried
Michael Hogan
Gavin Buhr
Che Pritchard
Bella King
Sammy Smith
Jordan Becker
Darren Shahlavi
Archie Rice
James Michalopoulos
D J Greenburg
Jennifer Halley
Paul Wu
Brad Kelly
Michael Adamthwaite
Dalias Blake
Max Irons
Adrian Holmes
Shiloh Fernandez
Sarah Elgart
Alexandria Maillot
Christine Willes
Virginia Madsen
Lauro Chartrand
Shauna Kain
Billy Burke
Michelle C Smith
Megan Charpentier
Lukas Haas
Cole Heppell

Julie Christie
Olivia Steele-falconer
Alex Pesusich
Kaitlyn Mccready
Kacey Rohl
Matt Ward
Michelle Allen
Jo Anderson
Karin Elizabeth Deijer Anderss
Karin Elizabeth Deijer Anderss
Ken Andrews
Ken Andrews
Mark Angus
David A Arnold
David Arnott
Irene Astle
Scott Ateah
Tyra Atkins
Jeff Atmajian
Michael Backauskas
Jen Bahan
Ryan Bailey
Ryan Bailey
Andrea Baker
Chris Bamford
Paul Barry
Ron Bartlett
Krista Bell
Paul Benjamin
Carolyn Bentley
Wayne Berarducci
Christoffer Berg
Paul Berolzheimer
Thomas M Boland
Cosmas Paul Bolger Jr.
Jennifer Bourne
Kristen Leigh Branan
Crystal Braunwarth
Thom Brennan
Rebecca Brookman
Andrea Brown
Donald D Brown
Nancy Bryant
Misha M Bukowksi
Doug Burch
John Burke
Yves Cameron
Stephen S. Campanelli
Lanny Campbell
Andy Capicik
Trevor Carabin
Catherine Cavadini
Dan Cervin
Stephen Chan
Nesta Chapman
Andy Cheng
Andy Cheng
Jill Christensen
Michael Church
Jason Claridge
Samuel Clark
James Cochrane
Rachelle Cole
Brent Connolly
Milo Cordell
Bruce Crawford
Lloyd Cunningham
Jubin Dave
Drew David
Vicki Davis
Jennifer Davisson
Hans Dayal
Liza De Weerd
John Demita
Jan Dennehy
Jitka Dermiskova
Mike Desabrais
Sharon Dever
Leonardo Dicaprio
Duane Dickinson
Christy Dimmig
Andres P Dominguez
Annie Doyon
Frank Du
Kelli Dunsmore
Syd Dutton
Pauline Wu Duvall
Jilene Dyck
Sarah Elgart
Cindy Evans
Kelsey Evans
David Farmer
Matt Fausak
David Fein
Brendan Ferguson
Greg Finley
Jeff Fischer
Eric Flickinger
Peggy Flood
Glenn Foerster
Aaron Fors
Mark Francis
Katherine Fraser
Kimberley French
Robertson Furze
Patricia Galbraith
Laura Gardner
Mike Garthwaite
Debbie Geaghan
Willow Geer
Scott Gershin
Maxine Gervais
Lee Gibeau
Denise Gingrich
Aaron Glascock
Brent Gloeckler
Anneliese Goldman
Liz Goldwyn
Anthony Gonzalez
Anthony Gonzalez
Christopher Gordon
Trevor Goring
Spiro Grant
Patrick Gray
Neil Greenberg
Kory Grim
Jacob Grimm
Wilhelm Grimm
Shelley Grisbrook
Christopher Grun
David Hadaway
Terry Haggar
Sean Harding
Catherine Hardwicke
Barbara Harris
Kimberly Harris
Kevin Harrison
Garnet Harry
Glen Hawkins
Rob Hayter
Alex Heffes
D. M. Hemphill
Mo Henry
Steve Hepworth
Elizabeth Himelstein
Hilda Hodges
Patrick Hogue
Dianne Holme
Michael Holzl
Dave Hospes
Angie Howard
Tanya Hudson
Josh Humphrey
Monica Huppert
Catherine Ircha
Michael Ireland
Paul Jasper
David Jobe
Sean Jobin
Darcy John
Darcy John
David Leslie Johnson
Trevor Jones
Mark Kilian
Carlyle King
Andrew Kinney
Michael Kirilenko
David Klohn
Brenda Knight
James Kohne
Alla Kornilov
Laurent Kossayan
Michael Kowalski
Daamen Krall
Jon Kralt
Marsha Kramer
Ronna Kress
Paula Kyan
Kevin L'heritier
Mary Jo Lang
Ted Lao
Kathleen Largay
Cody Larson
Chris Lasko
Cody Laudan
Sergio Lavilla
Ai Ling Lee
Joshua Raymond Lee
David Legault
Charles Leitrants
Dan Lerner
Don Lew
Colin Liggett
Sophia Lo
Reilly Lohr
Vladimir Lusnikov
Don Macaulay
Alex Mace
Janice Macisaac
Allan Magled
Ralph Maiers
Sharon Markell
Jeremy Maxwell
Warren Mazutinec
Alan Z Mccurdy
Casey Mcdermott
Film Details
Technical Specs
Miscellaneous Notes
Wide Release in United States Spring March 11, 2011
Released in United States on Video June 14, 2011
Based on the fairy tale "Little Red Riding Hood" by Wilhelm Grimm and Jacob Grimm.
Wide Release in United States Spring March 11, 2011
Project was developed internally at Appian Way.
Released in United States on Video June 14, 2011
Project was included on the 2009 Blood List.
Project was included on the 2009 Black List.