Jack the Ripper
Brief Synopsis
Cast & Crew
Robert S. Baker
Lee Patterson
Eddie Byrne
Betty Mcdowall
Ewen Solon
John Lemesurier
Film Details
Technical Specs

In London in 1888, a string of prostitute slayings by an elusive murderer dubbed "Jack The Ripper" leads conscientious Inspector O'Neill to assign all his men to solve the case. However, after weeks of futile police investigation, the distrustful public turns to accusing strangers of the crime, resulting in O'Neill's friend, visiting New York policeman Sam Lowry, being subjected to a fistfight at a local pub. After O'Neill saves Sam from a beating, he agrees to allow the American to accompany him on the investigation. That evening, another woman is attacked by The Ripper, who asks, as he has done before, "Are you Mary Clarke?" before killing her. Just minutes after the murder, chief surgeon Dr. Tranter arrives late for his operation on patient Kitty Knowles at Mercy Hospital for Women. The Ripper's victim is also sent to the hospital, where hospital governor Sir David Rogers performs an autopsy, concluding that, as with the other murders, the wounds are consistent with someone familiar with the medical profession. Meanwhile, Tranter's ward, Anne Ford, has taken the position as head of hospital charity cases, even though Tranter disapproves of her work with the lower classes and dismisses the latest Ripper victim as another "drab," unworthy of his time. When Tranter and Anne try to leave the hospital that night, an angry mob protesting the police's poor handling of the murders attacks them, prompting O'Neill and Sam to quickly save them from harm. The next day, Anne sadly admits to Sam that because the victims are of questionable background, she believes the deaths have been disregarded, and agrees to help him retrace some of the victims' last steps. When Anne tells her father she is going out with Sam later that evening to a chamber concert, he orders her to stop her association with the policeman, but Anne ignores the advice and takes Sam to the East End nightclub that employed one of The Ripper's victims. After a crowd-pleasing can-can dance act, the dance hall manager sends new dancer Hazel, with veteran Margaret, to "entertain" two wealthy gentlemen in a private room. When one of the men molests Hazel, she flees the building, horrified that she must prostitute herself. Dance hall worker Harry is sent after her and passes by a cloaked stranger, but does not find Hazel until after The Ripper has killed her. Outside the club, Anne and Sam find Tranter, who claims to have been following them and demands that Anne return home. Sam goes to the scene of the crime, where an angry mob accuses the hospital's hunchbacked assistant, Louis Benz, of the crime when he drops his hospital bag filled with scalpels on the street. As dozens of men corner Louis, O'Neill steps in to prevent them from stabbing the innocent man. Later, O'Neill announces that Louis is in protective custody, despite the commissioner's and the public's conviction that he is guilty. When an infuriated Sir David tells the commissioner that his staff is required to carry medical tools and demands charges be dropped, the embarrassed commissioner relents. Later, O'Neill learns that Harry had overheard the cloaked stranger ask, "Is your name Mary Clarke?" just before Hazel's death. O'Neill then finds Mary Clarke's father, who is unable to tell them where Mary is, but does reveal that another "posh" fellow carrying a doctor's bag asked for her location several months ago. After Kitty is released from the hospital, Anne visits her at her apartment and learns that Kitty's fiancé, a prospective surgeon, committed suicide after learning of Kitty's promiscuous past. Finding the woman's cupboards bare, Anne takes Kitty's birth certificate to register her for the parish food service. Leaving the apartment at night, Anne hides when she suddenly suspects The Ripper is following her, but her footsteps alert Sir David, who finds Anne and claims to have been following her for her own protection. Later at the hospital, when Tranter shows disinterest in saving another "drab," Louis protests and calls Sir David into the operating room to save the woman. Meanwhile, as Anne is transcribing the details from Kitty's birth certificate, she learns that the young woman's given name was Mary Clarke. Soon after in Anne's office, Tranter, disturbed by his own neglect of duties, offers his resignation to Sir David, who kindly suggests he take a vacation instead. That night, Anne returns Kitty's apartment to deliver some food. Because Kitty is not there, Anne enters the pantry to store the food and is locked in by The Ripper before she can identify him. Soon after, Kitty returns home and finds The Ripper, Sir David, waiting for her. When he calls her "Mary Clarke," Kitty admits her real identity, prompting him to accuse her of killing his son, who was engaged to Kitty, by turning a promising surgeon into a man obsessed with a "slut." As he pulls out a scalpel from a medicine bag, Kitty struggles for her life, but Sir David kills her. Realizing that the same fate awaits her, Anne barricades herself in the pantry. Meanwhile, Sam spots the birth certificate in Anne's office, rushes to Kitty's address and, hearing Anne's screams, breaks down the door. Sir David flees out the window before either Anne or Sam can identify him. Proceeding to the hospital, Sir David then stabs the guard who notes Sir David's bloody clothes. Sam rushes to the hospital with the doctor's bag belonging to the killer and tells Sir David that he believes The Ripper is in the hospital. O'Neill then attempts to trick Sir David into admitting to the murders by lying that the guard is still alive and demanding that Sir David operate on him. Fearing that the guard can identify him, Sir David escapes into the elevator shaft. While others search the building, two orderlies descend in the elevator to the ground floor with guard's dead body, inadvertently crushing Sir David. Later, O'Neill and Sam admit to Anne that because they cannot prove Sir David's guilt, the case will remain officially "unsolved" indefinitely.

Lee Patterson

Eddie Byrne

Betty Mcdowall
Ewen Solon
John Lemesurier
George Rose
Philip Leaver
Barbara Burke
Anne Sharpe
Denis Shaw
Endre Muller

Esma Cannon
George Woodbridge
Jack Allan
Jane Taylor
Dorinda Stevens
Hal Osmonde
George Street
Olwen Brooks
Bill Shine

Marianne Stone
Garard Green
The Ballet Montparnasse
Buster Ambler
Robert S. Baker
Robert S. Baker
Monty Berman
Monty Berman
Peter Bezencenet
Colin Craig
Jimmy Evans
Bill Griffith
Peter Hammond
Jeanne Henderson
William Kellner
Joseph E. Levine
Dubley Lovell
Peter Manley
Jimmy Mchugh
Yvonne Richards
Peter Rugolo
Peter Rugolo
Jimmy Sangster
Jack Swinburn
Jack Verity

Film Details
Technical Specs

Well, see for yourself. Look at this street. Before this ripper business started, you could hardly move along here. Stalls, barrel organs, people spilling out of the pubs, it was a happy place. Not particularly moral, but happy.- Inspector O'Neill
Cut deeply, John. That's the secret of surgery nowadays: cut deeply.- Dr. Tranter
And who might this be?- Sir David Rogers
Mr. Lowry, sir. He's an American.- Inspector O'Neill
That would account for it.- Sir David Rogers
Joseph E. Levine tried to duplicate the success he had with _Hercules (1959)_ in the U.S. by using the same techniques. He spent a million dollars (an extraordinary sum in 1959) on the promotional campaign that included extensive use of TV spots. This was backed up with the saturation booking of 643 prints.
Unlike his other negative pick-ups, Joseph E. Levine did not have to dub this film into English for the U.S. release. He did replace the original Stanley Black score with a more dynamic score by Jimmy McHugh and Pete Rugolo.
Joseph E. Levine held a luncheon for major distributors to kick off the campaign for his U.S. release of this film. For this event, he borrowed a million dollars in cash which was brought into the room with a cadre of Brinks' guards. The cash was to demonstrate to the exhibitors how much he was going to spend in the U.S. to promote the film.
This film was well remembered by horror and thriller fans from this period. The massive advertising campaign generated huge ticket sales and a high number of holdover dates. But, according to Joseph E. Levine, the film was a failure in the United States. He claimed "We dropped dead in every one! You'd think somewhere, a small town maybe, someplace, it would have done business. But no. That's a record they'll never come close to."
This film was well remembered by horror and thriller fans from this period. The massive advertising campaign generated huge ticket sales and a high number of holdover dates. But, according to Joseph E. Levine, the film was a failure in the United States. He claimed "We dropped dead in every one! You'd think somewhere, a small town maybe, someplace, it would have done business. But no. That's a record they'll never come close to."
Opening voice-over narration invites the audience to watch for clues and detect the murderer in this unsolved historical mystery. Robert S. Baker and Monty Berman's onscreen credit reads: "Produced, Directed and Photographed by Robert S. Baker and Monty Berman." At the close of the film, when the murderer is crushed in an elevator shaft, the blood seen oozing up from through the elevator floorboards is shown in a graphic red, the black and white film's only color. Lee Patterson, a Canadian actor, plays the only American role in the film.
According to information found in the film's file in the MPAA/PCA Collection at the AMPAS Library, the film, produced by American Joseph R. Levine's company, Embassy Pictures Corp., was in production in London in 1958 and was subsequently released in Great Britain. According to British reviews, the film opened in England in the summer of 1959. It was not until June 1959 that Jack the Ripper received approval from the PCA. According to a August 28, 1959 Hollywood Reporter news item, Paramount was planning to purchase Embassy Pictures Corp. and offer Levine a position at the studio to head his own production unit. Although this deal did not go through, Paramount subsequently purchased American distribution rights to Jack the Ripper. Reviews suggest that the film was then released in the United States in early 1960.
The case on which this film was based involved the murders of at least five prostitutes in the White Chapel area of London in the late 1880s. As described in the film, the mutilations to the bodies indicated the murderer, dubbed "Jack the Ripper," had some knowledge of anatomy. The case remains unsolved and caused a public outcry at the time, resulting in the resignation of the home secretary and the London police commissioner. According to publicity material found in the AMPAS Library file on the film, writers Peter Hammond and Colin Craig researched the Scotland Yard files on the Jack the Ripper case before writing their original story.
Jack the Ripper has been the subject of many books, motion pictures, television programs and documentaries. For films based on the Marie Belloc Lowndes novel The Lodger, which was inspired by the case of Jack the Ripper, see the entry for the 1944 film The Lodger (AFI Catalog of Feature Films, 1941-50). Other motion pictures based on the case include the 1976 Swiss-German production Jack the Ripper, starring Klaus Kinski and directed by Jesus Franco; the 1979 British motion picture Time After Time, starring Malcolm MacDowell and directed by Nicholas Meyer; and the 2001 American film From Hell, starring Johnny Depp and directed by Albert and Allen Hughes. Jack the Ripper also inspired the 2003 case study written by Patricia Cornwall, Portrait of a Killer, and the 1973 British documentary television series Jack the Ripper, hosted by Sebastian Cabot and starring Stratford Johns.