I Shot My Love

1h 10m 2010

Brief Synopsis

Seventy years after his grandfather escapes from Nazi Germany to Palestine, Israeli documentary director Tomer Heymann returns to the country of his ancestors to present his film "Paper Dolls" at the Berlin International Film Festival, and there meets a man who will change his life. This 48-hour lov

Film Details

Release Date
Production Company
Westdeutscher Rundfunk (Wdr)

Technical Specs

1h 10m


Seventy years after his grandfather escapes from Nazi Germany to Palestine, Israeli documentary director Tomer Heymann returns to the country of his ancestors to present his film "Paper Dolls" at the Berlin International Film Festival, and there meets a man who will change his life. This 48-hour love affair, originating in Berghain Panorama Bar, develops into a significant relationship between Tomer and Andreas Merk, a German dancer. When Andreas decides to move to Tel-Aviv, he not only has to cope with a new partner, but to manage the complex realities of life in Israel and his personal connection to it as a German citizen.

Film Details

Release Date
Production Company
Westdeutscher Rundfunk (Wdr)

Technical Specs

1h 10m



Miscellaneous Notes

Winner of the Best Mid-length Documentary Award at the 2010 Hot Docs Canadian International Documentary Film Festival.

Released in United States 2010

Released in United States February 2010

Shown at Hot Docs Canadian International Documentary Film Festival (International Spectrum) April 29-May 9, 2010.

Shown at Berlin International Film Festival (Panorama Dokumente) February 11-21, 2010.

Released in United States 2010

Released in United States 2010 (Shown at Hot Docs Canadian International Documentary Film Festival (International Spectrum) April 29-May 9, 2010.)

Released in United States February 2010 (Shown at Berlin International Film Festival (Panorama Dokumente) February 11-21, 2010.)