Jonah Hex
Brief Synopsis
Cast & Crew
Jimmy Hayward
Josh Brolin
John Malkovich
Megan Fox
Will Arnett
Tom Wopat
Film Details
Technical Specs
Jonah Hex is a scarred drifter and bounty hunter of last resort, a tough and stoic gunslinger who can track down anyone and anything. Having survived death, Jonah's violent history is steeped in myth and legend, and has left him with one foot in the natural world and one on the "other side." His only human connection is with Leila, whose life in a brothel has left her with scars of her own. But Jonah's past is about to catch up with him when the U.S. military makes him an offer he can't refuse. In exchange for his freedom from the warrants on his head, he must track down and stop the dangerous terrorist Quentin Turnbull. But Turnbull, who is gathering an army and preparing to unleash Hell, is also Jonah's oldest enemy and will stop at nothing until Jonah is dead.
Jimmy Hayward

Josh Brolin

John Malkovich
Megan Fox
Will Arnett
Tom Wopat
Wes Bentley
Michael Papajohn
Michael Arnona
Preston Acuff
Jimmy Hayward
Rance Howard
L W Gray Hawk Perkins
Jackson Townsend
Darin Heames
Rio Hackford
David Jensen
Joe Billingiere
Bruce Barnes
Matt Lasky
J.d. Evermore
Jack Wirt
Antal Kalik
Brian Elerding
Maureen Brennan
Tait Fletcher
Jake Radaker
Stephen S Chen
Bill Martin Williams
Sean Boyd
Ty Holland
Noel Murano
Sean Ginevan
Vincent Riverside
Ned Coleman
Michael Shannon
Mitchell Amundsen
Milos Milicevic
Aidan Quinn
Julia Jones
Andy Ryan
Luke James Fleischmann
Billy Blair
John Gallagher
T J Toups
Jonathan Bell
Eric Woods
Seth Gabel
Paul Zies

Michael Fassbender
Lance Reddick
John Kennon Kepper
Scott Staggers
John Mcconnell
Timothy D. Ackers
Charlsey Adkins
Tony Adler
Peter Afterman
Tom Akos
John Albano
Fahed Alhabib
Matt Allmen
Robert Alonzo
Stephan Altman
Stephan Altman
Sam Alvelo
Kimberly Amacker
H. Leah Amir
Jay Amor
Mitchell Amundsen
Mitchell Amundsen
Gayle Anderson
Tamara Andrews
Pete Anthony
Jimmy Armstrong
Curtis Augspurger
Jarrod Avalos
Frank Avanzo
Brent Baker
Jason E Baldwin
Scott Balkcom
Kevin Ball
Brian Bankston
Susan Bannout
Lawrence Barado Iii
Jane Bard
Paul Barth
Bob Bates
David D. Baumann
Greg Baxter
Adam Bayless
Bob Beher
Marco Beltrami
Kristin Berge
John Bernecker
Kent Beyda
Jeff Biancalana
Chris Black
Roland Blancaflor
James Bomalick
Billy Bonifield
Steve Borgese
Greg Ten Bosch
David E Bourne
Darin Bouyssou
Joey Box
Gregg Brazzel
Toby Michael Bronson
Mark Brooks
Jennifer Brown
Kenneth Brown
Lisa Brown
Marilyn Brum
Victor Brunette
Cal Brunker
William Buckingham
Len Burge
Tj Burke
J A Butterfield
Trey Howard Butts
Kristin Bree Calabrese
Beau Cameron
John C Cameron
William A Campbell
Samantha M. Capps
Stacey Carino
Buddy Carr
John Cazin
Mark Chadwick
Moe Chamberlain
Ray Chang
Gilly Charbonnet
Michael Charbonnet
Jeff Chase
Matt Chase
Trace Cheramie
Debbie Chung
Audrey Clark
Kenneth C Clark
Chris Cline
James Mitchell Clyde
Megan Coates
Helen Cohen
Andrew Collins
Buckley Collum
Mauro Contaldi
Cameron Coombs
Nicki Cortese
Danny Cosmo
Scott Crabbe
Val Crawford
Christy Hebert Crouch
Ricardo Curtis
Jeff Cutter
Jeff Cutter
Alan D'antoni
Rifaat Dagher
Max Daniels
Jamie Davis
Rick Davis
Mark Deallessandro
Lois Dearmond
Mark Della Rossa
Mitch Devane
Jacob Dewitt
Tony Dezuniga
Arturo "joey" Dickey
Dan Diprima
Ryan Dorney
Joel Dougherty
Amy Draughn
Keith Dunkerley
Ryan Martin Dwyer
Andy Dylan
Alan Easley
Julie Ebel
Eric Ebling
Jinnie Eddlemon
Billy Edwards
Andrew Eisen
Tamer Eldib
Jeff Elliot
Craig Elmore
Dana Embree
Neil Enfinger
Marcus Erbar
Krystal Sae Eua
John Evanko
Janette Evans
Anne Fader
Sean Fairburn
Chris Fanguy
William Farmer
Annette Farnsworth
Matt Fausak
William Fay
Daphne Fei
David Fein
Matthew Ferrante
Eric Fiedler
Patrick Flannery
Rich Floyd
Jo Kissack Folsom
Lynda Foote
Glenn Forbes
Andree Fortier
Stephen Foster
Chris Fregoso
Carmen Frost
Alexandra Gallo
Deborah Galvez
Bryan Gardiner
Erick Garibay
Stan Garner
Demitre Garza
Tucker Gates
Matt Gaumer
Lex Geddings
Maxine Gervais
Charley H Gilleran
Dan Gold
Akiva Goldsman
John T Goldstone
Billy Golitz
Thomas Goodrich
Jason Gray
Robert Greenfield
Glenn Grisco
William S Grisco
Joshua Grow
Gary Guercio
Miguel Guerrero
Edmond Guidry
Tommy Gutman
Brooks Guyer
Brooks Guyer
Stephen Hagen
Matthew A Hahn
Josh Hakian
Allen L Hall
Matthew Hall
Jason Hamer
Dan Hanley
Daniel Hanych
Michael Haro
Adam Hart
Thirl Haston
Robin Hatcher
Beth Hathaway
Scott Hatley
Mark Hava
Ryan Heck
Rusty Hendrickson
Scout Schoenfeld Hendrickson
Film Details
Technical Specs
Miscellaneous Notes
Released in United States June 18, 2010
Released in United States Summer June 18, 2010
Based on the comic book "Jonah Hex" created by writer John Albano and artist Tony DeZuniga, and published by DC Comics.
Mark Neveldine and Brian Taylor were previously attached to direct.
Released in United States June 18, 2010 (3250+)
Released in United States Summer June 18, 2010