Hard Rock Harrigan
Cast & Crew
David Howard
George O'brien
Irene Hervey
Fred Kohler
Dean Benton
Frank Rice
Film Details
Technical Specs

A tunnel-digging crew, headed by Hard Rock Harrigan, is brought in to help the crew of foreman Black Jack Riley finish digging through a mountain to complete a large aqueduct project. Michael McGinnis, a greenhorn in Hard Rock's crew, who is trained as an engineer, is immediately put to work by Black Jack, who is badly in need of one. In the cafeteria, while eating food prepared by "Anderson," a young woman who cooks for the crews, and whose affection is sought by both Black Jack and Hard Rock, Black Jack explains a "rule" to McGinnis: if a member of the crew outdoes his boss, the crew member takes the boss's position. Black Jack has arranged a night out for his crew using one of the men's car, but Hard Rock upstages him by using the car himself to transport his crew, which forces Black Jack's crew to take the bus. That Sunday, after Anderson's appearance is ridiculed by Hard Rock's crew, she gets dressed up and catches the attention of Hard Rock, who sees her as he walks by her house. After pulling a button off his coat, Hard Rock is invited in to have the coat repaired. After a short time, Black Jack arrives, and when he flirts with Anderson, who is upset by his actions, Hard Rock intervenes. A fight is averted when Anderson asks both of them to leave. The next day in the tunnel, Hard Rock, in fear of having the tunnel collapse, orders Black Jack's crew to cease their blasting. Black Jack, however, orders the blasting to continue because another tunnel is blocked, and he takes all the men to clear it, leaving Hard Rock and McGinnis to work in the tunnel alone. The shoring of the tunnel gives way and traps them. While unconscious, they are rescued by Black Jack, who wants to ensure that Hard Rock is around for the fight that they have planned for that night. All three men are then taken to the hospital, where the doctor informs Hard Rock that Black Jack has a heart valve lesion and that the fight could kill him. The doctor asks Hard Rock to call off the fight, to which he agrees. Leaving the hospital, Hard Rock, followed by Black Jack, goes to Anderson's. There Black Jack begins to taunt him, and soon the men who have followed them, join in. Hard Rock hits two of them, which causes Black Jack, in his weakened condition, to pass out. When he comes to, Black Jack hands his foreman's position to Hard Rock, who introduces his wife to be, Anderson, and promises from now on to do all of his fighting at home.

David Howard

George O'brien
Irene Hervey
Fred Kohler
Dean Benton
Frank Rice
Victor Potel
Olin Francis
William Gould
George Humbert
David Clyde
Ed Keene
Lee Shumway
Donald Barratt
L. E. Clark
Robert Ellis
Charles Furthman
Frank B. Good
Edward Gross
Dan Jarrett
Theodore Joos
Sol Lesser
Sol Lesser
Hugo Riesenfeld
Raymond L. Schrock
John Zanft

Film Details
Technical Specs

The plot summary and the onscreen credits were taken from a screen continuity in the Twentieth Century-Fox Produced Scripts Collection at the UCLA Theater Arts Library. According to the pressbook and news items, scenes of this film were shot at the eighteen-mile Coachella Tunnel, a diverson tunnel of the Colorado River Aqueduct, at Parker Dam and at Camp Berdoo, all near Indio, CA. Studio work was done at Pathé. Modern sources add the following cast members: Glenn Strange, Jack Kirk, Lee Phelps and Curley Dresden.