Galloping Romeo

60m 1933

Film Details

Release Date
Aug 5, 1933
Premiere Information
not available
Production Company
Monogram Pictures Corp.
Distribution Company
Monogram Pictures Corp.
United States

Technical Specs

Film Length
6 reels


When old friends Bob Rivers and Grizzly shoot a bandit who is about to kill a marshal, the marshal mistakenly thinks they are part of the gang that is attacking him. He forms a posse to chase the two men. Coming on their camp, the marshal overhears them talking and, realizing that they saved his life, quietly slips away. The two men head for California on their way to Montana, arriving in a town just as the express stagecoach arrives. Bob's horse has just thrown a shoe, and while the blacksmith, Mat Kent, replaces the shoe, Bob and Grizzly visit Grizzly's old friend, Pete Manning, who runs the express office. Pete opens the strongbox that just arrived to find that the money that should have been inside is missing. The disappearance is very mysterious as only Pete and the agent at the other end have keys and both of the drivers say they made no stops on the trip. Despite their protests, the drivers are arrested. Grizzly and Bob immediately volunteer to drive the stage. Bob is happy to stay in town, having met Mat's attractive daughter Mary. Unknown to Bob, however, Mat and Andy, the head of the bandits, have been robbing the money with Mary's help. Together, Bob and Grizzly successfully deliver the next shipment. Meanwhile, Mat and Andy have learned that a large amount of money is due in the next shipment. Mat forces Mary to help by threatening to kill Bob and Grizzly. Bob becomes suspicious when Mat ships a heavy trunk, and his suspicions are confirmed when he sees Mary emerge from the trunk and use her key to remove the money from the strongbox. In his rush to tell the sheriff what he has observed, he falls from his horse, hitting his head. While he lies unconscious, Grizzly is arrested, and Mat rushes out of town with the trunk containing Mary and the stolen money. Recovering from his fall, Bob sees Mat escaping and chases him. During the chase, the wagon rolls over a cliff and Mat is killed in the fall. Bob rescues Mary from the trunk, and she reveals that her father forced her to participate in the crime. Wanting to protect Mary from arrest, Bob leaves her at a cabin and rides into town to return the money and clear Grizzly. As soon as Bob arrives, the sheriff, finding the money on him, arrests him. Andy, who survived the fall, comes to the cabin to get the money from Mary. A United States marshal overhears the struggle and rescues her. He is the same marshal whose life was saved by Bob and Grizzly, and when he hears Mary's story, he intervenes, pretending that he is taking the 'outlaws' to the border. Instead, he takes them to where Mary is waiting and sends them off to Montana. Grizzly happily anticipates being a grandfather to their children.

Film Details

Release Date
Aug 5, 1933
Premiere Information
not available
Production Company
Monogram Pictures Corp.
Distribution Company
Monogram Pictures Corp.
United States

Technical Specs

Film Length
6 reels




Variety notes that a flashback sequence in the film includes scenes from other Bob Steele pictures.