Father Makes Good
Cast & Crew
Jean Yarbrough
Raymond Walburn
Walter Catlett
Gary Gray
Mary Stuart
Barbara Brown
Film Details
Technical Specs

Henry Latham, a resident of a small town, is angered when he learns that a new two-dollar milk tax has been approved by the city. Henry tries to persuade Mayor George Colton to cancel the tax, but Colton refuses, insisting that the tax revenues are necessary to finance a new golf course. As a form of protest, Henry cancels his milk deliveries and buys a cow. The cow, named Cora, is placed in the Lathams' backyard, and its presence soon raises protests from the neighborhood. Unknown to Henry, his young son David and Colton's son Georgie are secretly milking the cow dry and selling the milk for a profit. Henry cannot understand why the cow is not producing milk for him, so he consults a quack cow psychologist for advice. Upset by the late-night cow noise coming from Henry's yard, Joe Sweeney, one of Henry's neighbors, complains to the mayor. The mayor promises action against Henry, but is frustrated when he cannot find a single city ordinance banning the ownership of a cow. When Thompson, a reporter, writes a story about Henry's cow for his newspaper, the whole town learns of the mayor's corrupt use of tax money. As the mayor's office is flooded with letters of complaint, Seton, the mayor's assistant, urges Colton to try to reason with Henry. The meeting proves useless, however, and Colton ends the discussion by declaring war on Henry. Later that day, Joe sneaks into Henry's yard and releases the cow. The cow makes its way to Colton's house, but is later returned to the Lathams. Colton and Henry eventually forge a reconciliation which results in the mayor asking Henry to help organize the town's Fourth of July celebration. Henry suggests firing the town's eighteenth century cannon during the proceedings, but while discussing the celebration plans, Henry and Colton get drunk and load too much gunpowder into the cannon. When the cannon is fired, the explosion rocks the small town so hard that it knocks Pete Hodge, the town bum, into the river. Hodge, determined to find the person responsible for nearly killing him, is later seen roaming the streets of the town with a shotgun. Fearing retribution, Henry makes hasty plans for a mountain vacation and leaves town with the cow in tow.


Jean Yarbrough

Raymond Walburn

Walter Catlett

Gary Gray
Mary Stuart
Barbara Brown

Olin Howlin
Jack Kirkwood
Brett King
George Nokes
Robert Emmett Keane
Mary Field
Pat Collins
Paul E. Burns
Francis Ford
William Hudson
Margaret Brayton
Lois Austin

Gertrude Astor
Everett Glass
Hal Price
D. D. Beauchamp
Raymond Boltz Jr.
William Calihan
Edward J. Kay
Tom Lambert
Carlo Lodato
Ray Mercer
David Milton
Peter Scully
Peter Scully
William Sickner
Ilona Vas
Allen K. Wood

Film Details
Technical Specs

The working title for this film was Henry Does It Again. Father Makes Good was the third picture in "The Latham Family" series (also known as the "Henry" series). For additional information on the series, please consult the Series Index and see the entry for Henry, the Rainmaker.