Fast Company
Cast & Crew
A. Edward Sutherland
Evelyn Brent
Jack Oakie
Richard "skeets" Gallagher
Sam Hardy
Arthur Housman
Film Details
Technical Specs
Elmer Kane, a village baseball hero turned professional, loves vampish vaudeville actress Evelyn Corey, who thinks he is a hick. At training camp Yankee scout Bert Wade sends him love letters signed by Evelyn to make Elmer perform well. During the World Series games with Pittsburgh Elmer discovers the deception. Then some crooked gamblers try to bribe Elmer to throw the game. The final deciding game goes badly because Elmer is in a slump over Evelyn. Wade sends Evelyn in to cheer him. While she is with him she finds she really loves him--Elmer bangs out the home run that wins the World Series.