Edge of Darkness
Brief Synopsis
Cast & Crew
Martin Campbell
Mel Gibson
Ray Winstone
Danny Huston
Bojana Novakovic
Jay O Sanders
Film Details
Technical Specs
Thomas Craven is a veteran homicide detective for the Boston Police Department and a single father. When his only child, twenty-four year old Emma, is murdered on the steps of his home, everyone assumes that he was the target. But he soon suspects otherwise, and embarks on a mission to find out about his daughter's secret life and her killing. His investigation leads him into a dangerous looking-glass world of corporate cover-ups, government collusion and murder - and to shadowy government operative Darius Jedburgh, who has been sent in to clean up the evidence. Craven's solitary search for answers about his daughter's death transforms into an odyssey of emotional discovery and redemption.
Martin Campbell

Mel Gibson
Ray Winstone
Danny Huston
Bojana Novakovic
Jay O Sanders
Denis O'hare
Elizabeth Martin
Damian Young
Maria Gabrielle Popa
Frank Ridley
Tom Duffy
Nico Evers-swindell
Molly Schreiber
Wayne Duvall
David Aaron Baker
Charles Harrington
Paula Ebben
Joe Stapleton
Solveig Romero
Mark Macrorra
Peter Hermann
Shawn Roberts
Bill Thorpe
Lisa Hughes
Christy Scott Cashman
Caterina Scorsone
Dossy Peabody
Celeste Oliva
Kathy Curran
Rick Avery
David J Curtis
Gbenga Akinnagbe
Frank Grillo
Tom Kemp
Tim Sawyer
Paul Sparks
Ali Farahnakian
Gordon Peterson
Ian Christian Blanche
Scott Winters
Amelia Broome
Peter Epstein
Nicole Abel-emery
Joseph Abruzzese
Alfred Ainsworth
Robert Albano
Marcio Alves
Stella Ampatzi
Bob Anderson
Nicole Anderson
Lisa Marie Arnone
James Ashwill
Bub Asman
Larry Aube
Michael Autieri
Dean Bailey
Dean Bailey
Stuart Baird
Greg Baldi
Jeffrey A Bamford
Cassandra Barbour
Julian Barnett
Michael Barnett
Suzette Barnett
Allison Barton
Mike Bauer
Judson Bell
Adam V Bellao
Howard Berger
Christine Bergren
James Berkery
Carlos Bermudez
Greg Berry
Tara Billik
Andrew Birdzell
Daryl Blonder
Martin Body
Anneliese Boies
Mark Boley
Kevin Bolyard
David Bostic
Matt Bouldry
Andrew Bovell
Felicity Bowring
Deon Boyce
Laurie Bramhall
Michael W Brennan
Brian Buckley
Pete Bucossi
Michael Budrewicz Jr.
Greg Bull
Jan Burgess
Jared Burke
Bryan Burra
Jenna M Byrnes
John Caglione Jr.
Dave Cambria
Francesco Canonico
Richard Cardillo
Daniel Cariolo
Robert Carnes
Damon Caro
Tom Carson
Mickey Carter
Mark Casey
Bill Cawley
James Champoux
Jonathan Champoux
Stephanie Charbonneau
Andrea Ciraldo
Charles J Clark
Larry E Clark
Michael J. Clarke
Peter Cobbin
Thomas Coe
Stephen Coleman
Bob Colletti
George B Colucci
Paul Contegiacomo
Ralph Contrado
Michael Coo
Elizabeth Cotnoir
Dan Courchaine
John Cronk
John Cucci
Robert Cuddy
Steven Cueva
Mick Cummings
Paul Curtis
Pud Cusack
Peter D'angelo
Lori Dalton
James Danicic
Scott D. Davis
Mike Deak
Steve Deboer
Ramses Del Hierro
Cosmas A. Demetriou
Hillary Derby
Jacob Dewitt
Gavin Digby
Roger T.s. Dillingham
Richard Dionne
Pam Dixon Mickelson
Jeremy Dominick
Jimmy Donahue
Thomas Doran
Norman Douglass
Ditch Doy
Michael Dressel
Joshua Dreyfus
Tim Driscoll
Richard Duarte
Noah Dubreuil
Robert Dudley
Thomas P Duffy
Dave Duggan
Brian Dunn
Dru Dunnaway
Tony Dustin
Brian Dwiggins
Geoff Eads
Eric Engler
Brant Fagan
Kenny Farnell
Bob Bubba Ferrara
Mark Fitzgerald
Ken Fitzgibbon
Laura Fitzpatrick
Bill Flanagan
James P Flynn
Francis L Foley
Jake Forster
Jason Forster
R. Scott Forster
Vic Fraser
Alan Frey
Jason Fritz
Josh Friz
Fred Gabrielli
Tim Gallin
Scott Garcia
George Gershwin
Ira Gershwin
Joe Giles
Chad Glass
Jose A Gonzalez
Oscar Gonzalez
Oscar Gonzalez
Dan Grace
Mollie Vera Grace
Richard Alan Greenberg
Simon Gretton
Oksana Grigorieva
Adrian Grunberg
Nick Guerra
David Gulick
Mike Gwynn
Jason Habelow
Jill B Habelow
Russell Hadaya
Jennifer Haigh
Charles Harrington
Barbara Harris
Jay R. Hart
Brendan Harvey
Dion Hatch
Patrick Hayes
Eric Haynes
Josh Hays
Tim Headington
Lindy Hemming
Jose Hernandez
Elizabeth Heslep
Don Hewitt
Jared Higgins
Ian Holland
Lori Hornung
Kent Houston
Jeff Howery
Joel Hynek
Scott Ianson
Mike Indelicato
Steve Irwin
Mason Jarratt
Richard Jeffrey
Daniel Jenkins
Jennifer Jobst
Lukasz Jogalla
Andrew Hebert Johnson
Man Johnson
Ryan M Johnson
Terry Johnson
Trent Johnson
Carey Jones
A Yung Ju
Michael Judge
Aaron Kahl
Stacy Perskie Kaniss
Joseph Kearney
Kevin Kelleher
James V Kent
Film Details
Technical Specs
Miscellaneous Notes
Released in United States Winter January 29, 2010
Released in United States on Video May 11, 2010
Based upon the BBC series "Edge of Darkness" directed by Martin Campbell, which aired in 1985, won six BAFTA awards and was voted number 15 in the British Film Institute's top 100 TV programs in the 20th century.
Robert De Niro was previously set to star but dropped out shortly before filming of his role began.
Project was previously in development at Catch 23 Entertainment.
Released in United States Winter January 29, 2010 (2850+)
Released in United States on Video May 11, 2010