Confessions of a Go Go Girl
Brief Synopsis
Cast & Crew
Grant Harvey
Corbin Bernsen
Rachel Hunter
Sarah Sanguin Carter
Chelsea Hobbs
Travis Milne
Film Details
Technical Specs
Based on the stage play, this is the true story of a young student who gets lured into the world of exotic dancing. At first it is just a way to help her pay tuition and bills, but she slowly realizes how difficult it is to leave the lifestyle behind.
Corbin Bernsen
Rachel Hunter
Sarah Sanguin Carter
Chelsea Hobbs
Travis Milne
Tygh Runyan
Karen Kruper
James D Hopkin
Graeme Black
Judith Buchan
James Kot
Stafford Lawrence
Khari Jones
Shae Keebler
Terry David Mulligan
Jennifer Rae Westley
Scott Mcadam
Rod Heatherington
Shannon Micol
Colin Allen
Steve Allen
Kaari M Autry
Cody Baker
Jay Daniel Beechinor
Brigette Bennett
Jacob Bond
Joy Bond
Blair Bourque
Blair Bourque
Sue Bristow
David Brown
Devora Brown
Val Brown
Sandi Cameron
Mandi Carter
Mandi Carter
Phil Chipera
Cathy Cowan
Shelley Crooks
Roch Dalgie
Canne Dannelis
Nicole Duperron
Bridget Durnford
Jordan Easton
Regan Enderl
Christian Fraser
Michael Frislev
Michael Frislev
Patricia Galbraith
Lorie Gibson
Jim Gilfillan
Jan Gillan
Chris Gilmsdale
Peter Gurr
Monika Hagele
Cal Harle
Brad Hoare
Christa Holten
Candice Husum
Gordon Imlach
Philip Kleinbart
Cody Klepper
Lenore Kletter
Lenore Kletter
Abel Korzeniowski
Frank Laratta
Frank Laratta
Chris Large
Jason Lawrence
Michael Leder
Pavel Lidmilla
Jackie Lind
Alyson Lockwood
Linda Maclean
Kevin Macparland
Lillian Messer
Ryan Monaghan
Damon Moreau
Jill Morley
Tracy Murray
Stephanie Nolin
Chad Oakes
Chad Oakes
Justin Onofriechuk
Ben Owens
Michael Playfair
Andrew Poh
Sarah Proud
Max Radford
D Dean Robinson
Gunther Schetterer
Ryan Schriml
Stephen Sebert
Claudio Sepulveda
Brian Shier
Doug Slupski
Chris Smith
Ian Smith
Jeff Smulan
Jeff Smulan
Christopher Sprague
John Stiglic
Bill Styner
Chantal Teasdale
Chantal Teasdale
Penny Thompson
Robert Turko
Debbie Vandelaar
William Wagner
Parker Wells
Leo Wieser
Linda Williams
Ken Wills
Sherrie Wills
Mark S Woodgate
Brent Woolsey
Craig Wrobleski
Craig Wrobleski
Jeremy Wynia
Rick Youck
Film Details
Technical Specs
Miscellaneous Notes
Aired in United States August 16, 2008
Based on the stage play "Confessions of a Go Go Girl," written by Jill Morley and produced in 1998.
Picked up to production for the 2007-2008 season.
Aired in USA on Lifetime on August 16, 2008.
Began shooting May 5, 2008. Completed shooting May 23, 2008.