God Man Dog

1h 59m 2007

Brief Synopsis

Follws the daily lives of different people, observing the reserved way they go about their lives: a well off married couple from Taipei who have become more and more estranged and have slowly fallen silent since the birth of their child; a fruit dealer from the countryside and his wife who try toget

Film Details

Also Known As
Liu Lang Shen Gao Ren, Liulang Shen Gou Ren
Release Date
Distribution Company
Arsenal Filmverleih

Technical Specs

1h 59m


Follws the daily lives of different people, observing the reserved way they go about their lives: a well off married couple from Taipei who have become more and more estranged and have slowly fallen silent since the birth of their child; a fruit dealer from the countryside and his wife who try together to battle his alcohol problem; a young woman who works out her aggressions through kickboxing; a young boy who roams around, and a lonely man who delivers massive statues of the Buddha. Some of these people take surprising turns while some of them cross eachother's paths and fates.

Film Details

Also Known As
Liu Lang Shen Gao Ren, Liulang Shen Gou Ren
Release Date
Distribution Company
Arsenal Filmverleih

Technical Specs

1h 59m



Miscellaneous Notes

Winner of the Tagesspiegel Readers' Prize at the 2008 Berlin International Film Festival.

Released in United States 2007

Released in United States February 2008

Released in United States October 2007

Released in United States October 2008

Shown at Berlin International Film Festival (Forum) February 7-17, 2008.

Shown at Chicago International Film Festival (World Cinema) October 16-29, 2008.

Shown at Pusan International Film Festival (New Currents) October 4-12, 2007.

Shown at Vancouver International Film Festival (Dragons and Tigers) September 27-October 12, 2007.

Released in United States 2007

Released in United States 2007 (Shown at Vancouver International Film Festival (Dragons and Tigers) September 27-October 12, 2007.)

Released in United States February 2008 (Shown at Berlin International Film Festival (Forum) February 7-17, 2008.)

Released in United States October 2007 (Shown at Pusan International Film Festival (New Currents) October 4-12, 2007.)

Released in United States October 2008 (Shown at Chicago International Film Festival (World Cinema) October 16-29, 2008.)