Lost Holiday: The Jim and Suzanne Shemwell Story
Brief Synopsis
Cast & Crew
Gregory Goodell
Jami Gertz
Dylan Walsh
Aaron Pearl
Julia Maxwell
Brooklynn Proulx
Film Details
Technical Specs
Suzanne Shemwell's estranged husband Jim unexpectedly comes to Idaho for a family visit just before Christmas. Suzanne is less than thrilled, but their two daughters are ecstatic. On her day off from work, Jim persuades a reluctant Suzanne to go snowmobiling on the local mountain, something they often did when they were married. What starts out as a fun outing turns into a dire situation when a massive blizzard strikes the area and the pair gets stranded in the storm. Previously battling enemies, Jim and Suzanne are suddenly forced to work together in order to survive. Frantic, their family and rescuers attempt every effort to save both of them, but when a second snowstorm comes through and blankets the mountain, the rescue mission is halted. Only a miracle will help Jim and Suzanne reconcile their relationship and return them safely to their family for Christmas. Based on a true story.
Jami Gertz
Dylan Walsh
Aaron Pearl
Julia Maxwell
Brooklynn Proulx
Alexander Aresnault
Judith Buchan
Joe Norman Shaw
Shae Keebler
Brian Martell
Jaycey Kenny
Barb Mitchell
David Haysom
Valerie Pearson
Rainer Kahl
Steve Allen
Jeff Amulan
Per Asplund
Jay Daniel Beechinor
Blair Bourque
Val Brown
Mandi Carter
Phil Chipera
Jesse Cooper
Alison Crothers
Roch Daigle
Canne Dannelis
Caroline Dehner
Rob Demuth
Bridget Durnford
Tania El Zahr
Tom Erikson
Cory Faulkner
Michael Frislev
Rick Garbutt
Chris Gay
Jan Gillian
Mark Glasgow
Celine Godberson
Gregory Goodell
Gregory Goodell
Vanessa Goodell
Peter Gurr
Monika Hagele
Cal Harle
Dennis Head
Brooke Hesseln
Laurel Hilton
Laurel Hilton
Christa Holten
Peter G Horn
Nancy Jones
Frank Laratta
Frank Laratta
Chris Large
Jason Lawrence
Pavel Lidmila
Jackie Lind
Alyson Lockwood
Christopher Logan
Gary Lorimer
Travis Mackenzie
Linda Maclean
Keith Marion
Mike Markiw
Wade Maurer
Kevin Mcparland
Tyler Miller
Marlon Milner
Rik Milner
Ryan Monaghan
Chad Oakes
Justin Onofriechuk
Daniel Plumtree
Debbie Porter
Max Radford
Ron Ramin
Sheena Ross
Hiram Schmerer
Ryan Schriml
Stephen Sebert
Kevin Simpson
Tony Skaper
Travis Slade
Ian Smith
Trevor Smith
Dwayne Smolnicky
Rob Spina
Christopher Sprague
Susan G Strembitsky
Daryl Strilchuk
David Taylor
Christine Thomson
Carey Toner
Leslie Tufts
Debbie Vandelaar
Parker Wells
Leo Wieser
Ken Wills
Craig Wrobleski
Hank Yates
Randy Zacarac
Film Details
Technical Specs
Miscellaneous Notes
Aired in United States December 8, 2007
Picked up to production for the 2007-2008 season.
Aired in USA on Lifetime December 8, 2007 as part of the "Fa La La La Lifetime" programming.
Began shooting March 13, 2007 and completed shooting in April 3, 2007.