Pirate Radio
Brief Synopsis
Cast & Crew
Richard Curtis
Michael Thomas
William Ilkley
Bill Nighy
Amanda Fairbank-hynes
Emma Thompson
Film Details
Technical Specs
In Britain 1966 recently expelled student, Carl has been sent by his mother to find some direction in life by visiting his godfather, Quentin. However, Quentin is the boss of Radio Rock, a pirate radio station in the middle of the North Sea, populated by an eclectic crew of rock-and-roll deejays. Life on the North Sea is eventful. Carl discovers the opposite sex and who his real father is. Meanwhile, pirate stations have come to the attention of government minister Dormand, who is out for the blood of these lawbreakers. In an era when the stuffy corridors of power stifle anything approaching youthful exuberance, Dormand seizes the chance to score a political goal, and The Marine Broadcasting Offences Act is passed in an effort to outlaw the pirates and to remove their ghastly influence from the land once and for all. What results is a literal storm on the high seas. With Radio Rock in peril, its devoted fans rally together and stage an epic Dunkirk-style hundred-boat rescue to save their deejay heroes. Some things may come to an end, but rock and roll never dies.
Richard Curtis
Michael Thomas
William Ilkley
Bill Nighy
Amanda Fairbank-hynes

Emma Thompson
David Sterne
Kris Gummerus

Philip Seymour Hoffman
Charles Rowe
Francesca Longrigg
Chris O'dowd
Sarah Forster
Michael Hadley
Olivia Llewellyn
Tuuli Shipster
Ocean Michael Moon
Katie Lyons
Lucy Fleming
Ike Hamilton
Lana Davidson
Ralph Brown
Poppy Delevingne
Jack Davenport
Tom Wisdom
Tomas Andrisiunas
Bo Poraj
Rhys Ifans
Nick Frost
Kirsty Mather
Gemma Arterton
Tom Brooke
Rhys Darby
Sinead Matthews
Talulah Riley
Edward Hancock
Olegar Fedoro
January Jones
Stephen Moore
Ian Mercer
Duncan Foster
Tom Sturridge
Will Adamsdale
Katherine Parkinson
Gudmundur Audunsson
Kenneth Branagh
David Abbott
Kevin Adams
Sabbir Ahmed
Joe Alexander
Jennifer Alford
Herb Alpert
Tash Amis
Phil Anderson-hanney
Chris Andrews
Nick Angel
Alex Arben
Dafydd Archard
Dan Arnold
John Arnold
Martin Asbury
Tony Asher
Oliver Atherton
Ruth Atkinson
Ameenah Ayub
Burt Bacharach
Stuart Bagshaw
Alex Bailey
Clint Bailey
Daren Bailey
Katie Bailey
Michael Bailey
Ben Baker
Fiona Baldwin
Roland Ballard
Darek Baluka
John Barbata
Abigail Barbier
Pete Bardsley
Waseem Barlas
Judy Barr
Camilla Bartholomew
Toby Barton
Jon Bates
Keith Batterbee
Tony Bean
Robin Beard
Jeff Beck
Susanne Becker
Shannon Belacastro
Andy Bennett
Danielle Bennett
Guy Bennett
Erica Bensly
James Benson
Nick Benson
Mat Bergel
Andrew Bernard
Bert Berns
Oscar Beuselinck
Tim Bevan
James Biddle
Gary Birmingham
Litza Bixler
Don Black
Nick Blake
Owen Bleasdale
Tamana Bleasdale
Christine Blundell
Jamie Bolton
Rachel Boot
David Bowie
David Bowie
Matthew Boyd
Jeremy Braben
Allan Bradshaw
Richard Bradshaw
Paul Brannan
Jamie Briens
Oliver Brierley
Richard Briscoe
Lennox Brisport
Nicola Brodie
Gary Brooker
James Brooker
Pete Brown
Tom Brown
Jack Bruce
Dean Budd
Jason Bulley
Chris Burdon
Andy Burrows
Paul Burton
Tom Burton
Bruce Butterworth
Peter Byrne
Simon Bysshe
David Cadwallader
Bruce Cain
Robert Cann
Jon Capleton
Dominic Capon
Keith Carey
Abi Catto
Christina Chandler
Dan Channing-williams
Helen Chapman
Liza Chasin
Irene Chawko
Peter Chiang
Nick Chopping
Andy Clark
Richard Clarke
Richard Clarke
Roy Clarke
Suzanne Clegg
Shaun Cobley
Diarmuid Coghlan
Danny Cohen
Leonard Cohen
Leonard Cohen
Debbi Coleman
John Colley
Ben Collins
James Collins
Richard Conway
Sam Conway
Stephen Conway
Douglas Cooper
Guy Cope
Rosario Coppola
John Cornwall
Will Correia
Steve Costello
Alastair Crawford
Ian Creed
Bob Crewe
David Crossman
Barry Cullinane
Nick Cunningham
Richard Curtis
Richard Curtis
Jeff Dalmaine
Alistair Darby
Hal David
Quentin Davies
Max Decroix
Nick Del-molino
Cavin Dempsey
Nazmeen Dhansey
Anna Dick
Chloe Dorigan
Paul Ducker
Peter Duffey
Jason Dully
Katrina Dunn
Piers Dunn
Renai Dwyer
Mark Dyer
Tim Easthill
Jamie Edgell
Edward Elgar
Lorraine Ellison
Louis Elman
Steve Emerson
Rick English
Scott English
Daniel Essex
Arwell Evans
Glyn Evans
Huw J. Evans
Ian Evans
Mark Evans
Steve Evans
Wes Farrell
Andy Feery
Eric Fellner
Alice Felton
Simon Firsht
George Fischoff
Matthew Fisher
Jaime Fletcher
Simon Fogg
Dean Forster
Kevin Fowler
Tim Fraser
Emma Freud
Emma Freud
Emma Freud
Andy Frewin
Eamon Fullen
Charmaine Fuller
Ciara Gaffney
Jonathan Gallagher
Bob Gaudio
Alex Georgiou
Simon Gershon
Adam Gillham
Rob Gilmour
Adam Glasman
Peter Gleaves
Stuart Godfrey
Richard Gomes
Alan Gooch
Mark Goodman
Graham Gouldman
Film Details
Technical Specs
Miscellaneous Notes
Released in United States Fall November 13, 2009
Released in United States on Video April 13, 2010
Released in United States July 2009
Shown at Karlovy Vary International Film Festival (Official Selection - Out of Competition) July 3-11, 2009.
Released in United States Fall November 13, 2009
Released in United States on Video April 13, 2010
Released in United States July 2009 (Shown at Karlovy Vary International Film Festival (Official Selection - Out of Competition) July 3-11, 2009.)