Mr. White Mr. Black

2h 30m 2008

Brief Synopsis

Gopi, a simpleton, arrives in Goa from Hoshiyarpur. His mission--to hand over an incredibly tiny piece of land to his childhood friend, Kishen, which was his father's last wish. Kishen, now a conman, swindles people with a little help from his accomplice, Babu, to earn enough money to educate his

Film Details

Also Known As
Gopi Kishan
MPAA Rating
Romantic Comedy
Release Date
Distribution Company
Eros International; Eros International

Technical Specs

2h 30m


Gopi, a simpleton, arrives in Goa from Hoshiyarpur. His mission--to hand over an incredibly tiny piece of land to his childhood friend, Kishen, which was his father's last wish. Kishen, now a conman, swindles people with a little help from his accomplice, Babu, to earn enough money to educate his sibling, Divya, who's studying in London. Kishen, however, has managed to hide his profession from Anuradha merely saying that it's Hari, his twin, who is the bad guy. Kishen avoids Gopi like he's bad news. He's not going to give up his flourishing business and travel to Hoshiyarpur to take possession of a measly piece of land. Gopi, in his mission of chasing Kishen, is given a helping hand by Tanya, daughter of the owner of KG Resorts. Flash: Diamonds have been stolen in a breath taking heist by three gorgeous girls who are now holed up at KG Resorts. Kishen, Babu and everyone else learns about this and they all make a mad rush for KG Resorts. Gopi finds himself a part of the gang. Who gets the diamonds? Does Gopi manage to take Kishen to Hoshiyarpur? And was the land just a meager piece of land or something more?

Film Details

Also Known As
Gopi Kishan
MPAA Rating
Romantic Comedy
Release Date
Distribution Company
Eros International; Eros International

Technical Specs

2h 30m



Miscellaneous Notes

Limited Release in United States May 2, 2008

Released in United States Spring May 2, 2008

Limited Release in United States May 2, 2008

Released in United States Spring May 2, 2008