Brief Synopsis
Cast & Crew
Jonathan Mostow
Rachel Sterling
Michael O'toole
De'lon Grant
Christopher Nealy
Nicholas Purcell
Film Details
Technical Specs
People are living their lives remotely from the safety of their own homes via robotic surrogates-sexy, physically perfect mechanical representations of themselves. It's an ideal world where crime, pain, fear and consequences don't exist. When the first murder in years jolts this utopia, FBI agent Greer discovers a vast conspiracy behind the surrogate phenomenon and must abandon his own surrogate, risking his life to unravel the mystery.
Jonathan Mostow
Rachel Sterling
Michael O'toole
De'lon Grant
Christopher Nealy
Nicholas Purcell
Danny Smith
David Conley
Todd Cahoon
Jordan Belfi
Eamon Brooks
Lisa Hernandez
Butch Mccarthy
Cody Christian
Kirk Hawkins
Radha Mitchell

Michael Murphy
Rosamund Pike
Michael Demello
Taylor Cole
Christine Mascott
David Klefeker
Ian Novick
Paul Shafer
Justin Goodrich
Andrew Haserlat
James Cromwell
James Ginty
Matthew Souris
Shane Dzicek
Brian Parrish
Rick Malambri
Jeff De Serrano
Genevieve Johnson
Boris Kodjoe
Devin Ratray
Mike Randy
Jenny Alden
Ving Rhames
Chad Williams
Nathan Mostow
Gabriel Olds
Ella Thomas
Anya Monzikova
Ron Murphy
Ari Mostow
Valerie Azlynn
Michael Phillip
Rodney Weber
Victor Webster
J L Highsmith
Jack Noseworthy
Brock Gloor
Tyson Eberly
Bruce-robert Serafin
Michael Cudlitz
Trevor Donovan
Taylar Eliza Bunts
Dorothy Brodesser
Edward Mccabe
Meta Golding
Helena Mattsson

Bruce Willis
Mariana Acuna Acosta
Matthew Adams
Michael Adkisson
Gregory Alpert
Marleen Alter
Bill Anagnos
Ed Anderson
Audrey Anzures
Todd Arnow
Jonathan Arthur
Paige Augustine
Johann Sebastian Bach
Allison Bader
Natalie Baillie
Mauricio Baiocchi
Ryan Baker
Elizabeth Banks
James Barela
Ludwig Van Beethoven
Barbara Lee Belmonte
Malinda Bennett
Howard Berger
Donna Berwick
Keith Bilderbeck
David Blair
Noah Blough
Michael Boggs
Mark Boley
Mary Booras
Landon Bootsma
Jay Boryea
Connie Boylan
Kirstin Bradfield
Rob Brantner
Jill Breitzman
Jack Bricker
Michael Broomberg
Evans Brown
Jeanette Browning
Tim Buchanan
Michael Burke
Ben Burnley
Ken Busick
Andrew Max Cahn
Lorrie Campbell
Tony Campenni
Adrian Casas
Lesley Case
Chris Cera
Mike Chambers
Scott Chambers
Joe Chess
Manda Cheung
Mike Chiado
Peter Chrimes
Steve Christensen
Vincent Cirilli
Rhys Claringbull
Ken Clark
Elizabeth Clifford
Angie Lee Cobbs
Ben Cole
Kris Cole
Curt Corbitt
Jon Cortizo
David Cosier
Nick Costantino
Peter Costelli
Simon Crane
Craig Crawford
Kelly A Cronin
Mark Curtis
Peter D'angelo
Carrie Davis
Jeff Dawn
Chris Dawson
Mike Deak
Eric Deinzer
Cosmas A. Demetriou
Benjamin Dewey
Alex Diaz
Brian Dinkins
Paula Dion
Jeff Dionne
Joseph Divalerio
Debra Dolce
Doris Donnenberg
Rob Doolittle
Terri Douglas
Norman Douglass
Joseph E Doyle
Noah Dubreuil
Stephen J Eads
Wade Eastwood
Gilbert Eatherton
Jeff Edwards
Tyruben Ellingson
Pamela Ellington
Brian Emerson
Christopher Eng
Leigh Enoch
David Fencl
Kim Ferandelli
Eduardo Fernandez
Steve Ferrera
Michael Ferris
April Ferry
David Ferry
Tim Fescoe
Travis Fike
Keith Fisher
Rob Fitz
Kenneth D Fitzgibbon
Jamie K Fitzpatrick
Erik Flockoi
David E Fluhr
Jonathan Focil
David Fogg
Serenity Forbes
Jim Ford
Matt Fortlage
Bruce L. Fowler
Walt Fowler
Ethan Fox
Tracy R Fox
Jessica Franks
Aidan Fraser
Tim Garris
Brad Gayo
Sandy Gendler
Clement Gerard
Jennifer Gerbino
Mickey Giacomazzi
Joe Giles
Nick Glennie-smith
Brian Goehring
James Going
Tom Goodenough
Rob Goodrich
Sean Graham
Vincent Guisetti
Allen L Hall
Jerry Hall
Matthew Hall
Asa Hammond
Max Handelman
Tom Hardisty
Bruce Harris
Alison Harstedt
Gary Hecker
Jessica Hee
Jourdan Henderson
Linda Henry
Don J Hewitt
Jery Hewitt
Jeffrey Higgins
Janet Hirshenson
Al Hobbs
David Hoberman
Grady Holder
Sean Holland
Chris Holmes
Zachary Holmes
Justin Holt
Jennifer K Jacobs
Gregory Jein
Jane Jenkins
Devin Johnson
Jon Johnson
Virginia Johnson
Carey Jones
Carey Jones
Pamela Nedd Kahn
Jeffrey Kalmus
Doc Kane
Kevin Kaska
Steve Katz
Chris Keiffer
Nisa Kellner
Michael Kennedy
Ivan Kerum
Kevin Ketcham
C Jonas Kirk
Robbyn Kirmsse
Jeff Kleiser
Jason Knight
Steve Koster
Michael Kowalczyk
Ritchie Kremer
Mathew Krentz
Derek Krout
Matthew Kuborn
Val Kuklowsky
Steve La Porte
Jay Lalime
Ken Lam
Brandon Lambdin
Ellen Lampl
Mark Landon
Tami Lane
Film Details
Technical Specs
Miscellaneous Notes
Released in United States Fall September 25, 2009
Released in United States on Video January 26, 2010
Based on the graphic novel "The Surrogates" written by Robert Venditti and Brett Weldele and published by Top Shelf on August 30, 2006.
Released in United States Fall September 25, 2009
Released in United States on Video January 26, 2010