Die Hard with a Vengeance
Brief Synopsis
Cast & Crew
John Mctiernan
Bruce Willis
Jeremy Irons
Samuel L. Jackson
Graham Greene
Timothy Adams
Film Details
Technical Specs
On the streets of New York, police officer John McClane has just about seen it all. He's got a nose for danger, a penchant for being in the wrong place at the wrong time, and a talent for overcoming incredible odds. But this time, danger is looking for him. Seeking a very personal and mysterious revenge against McClane, a malevolent genius named Simon is forcing the heroic cop to play a deadly game. The stakes: New York City itself. The game begins when a phone call from Simon sends McClane to Harlem, where he unexpectedly forms an alliance with the very unwilling Zeus Carver. McClane and Zeus soon find themselves careening across the Big Apple, pursuing the deadly Simon, who's always one step ahead of them. In the past, McClane's had his share of bad days. But on this blisteringly hot summer day in the City, Simon Says John McClane is about to have a really bad day...
John Mctiernan

Bruce Willis

Jeremy Irons

Samuel L. Jackson
Graham Greene
Timothy Adams
Mike Jefferson
J.r. Horne
Angela Amato Velez
Colleen Camp

Paul Simon
Anthony Peck
Scott Nicholson
Bill Christ
John Doman
Richard Council
Sam Phillips
John Robert Tillotson
Michael Lee Merrins
Barbara Hipkis
Anthony Thomas
Ray Arahna
Ardie Fuqua
Akili Prince
John Mctiernan
John Vennema
David P Martin
Danny Dutton
Daryl Edwards
Shirley J Hatcher
Patricia Mauceri
Willis Sparks
Charles Dumas
Victor Rojas
Franchelle Stewart Dorn
Frank Andre Ware
Phil Theis
Ivan Skoric
Glenn Herman
Kevin Mccarthy
Dory Binyon
Ralph Buckley
Faisal Hassan
James P Whalen
Bill Kux
Kent Faulcon
Larry Bryggman
Gerrit Vooren
Sharon Washington
Carl Brewer
Richard Russell Ramos
James Saito
Rob Sedgewick
Gerry Becker
Elvis Duran
Bray Poor
Stephen Pearlman
Sven Toorvald
Phyllis Yvonne Stickney
John Glenn Hoyt
Tony Halme
Michael Chrstofer
Patrick Borriello
Jeffrey Dreisbach
Joe Zaloom
Richard V Allen
Michael F. Tadross
Michael Alexander Jackson
David Vitt
Birdie M Hale
Nick Wyman
Todd Langenfeld
Tony Travis
Kevin Chamberlin
Greg A Skoric
Shari-lyn Safir
Aldis Hodge
Aasif Mandvi
Michael Adkins
Danny Aiello Iii
Reva Alexander
Dickie Allen
Bob Alridge
Bill Anagnos
Monica Anderson
Scott E Anderson
Thomas M Anderson
Don Angst
Pam Auditore
Joseph Aulisi
Sandra Mitchum Ballard
Beverly Ballzigler
Robert Barnett
Cristina Bartolucci
Bob Beemer
Judith A Bell
Eric R Bellamy
Michael J. Benavente
Brian Berkowitz
Dana D Bertolette
David Bilson
Matt Birman
Bj Bjorkman
Leslie Bloom
Arthur Blum
Tony Boggs
Joan G. Bostwick
Bradley J Bovee
Ralph Brandofino
Chris Branham
Joseph Brennan
Conrad F Brink
Ron Brinkmann
Allan Bromberg
Christopher S Brooks
Tony Brubaker
Pete Bucossi
Jane Bulmer
Keith Bunting
John W Burn
Joe Burns
Gary Burritt
Brian Burrows
Hal Burton
Eric Calderon
Margeara Cameron
Don Canfield
Francesco Caparotta
Alex Carone
Jack Carpenter
Melissa J T Carter
Verne Caruso
John Cenatiempo
R J Chambers
Kyung W Chang
Christie Chaplin
Michael Chock
Lorrie J Cole
Amy Comstock
John S Cook
David Cooney
Stefano Corti
Phil Cory
Richard Cory
Jon Craig
Richard W Cross
Gary Cruise
Jennifer D'angelo
David D Darling
Art David
Amy G Davis
Heather Davis
Jackson Degovia
Dino Delaurentiis
Annie M Demille
Linda Devetta
Craig Dibona
Gary Dionne
Tim Douglas
David Dreishpoon
Warren Drummond
David Drzewiecki
David Drzewiecki
Dobbie Dubrow
Anthony Dunne
Barbara Dunning
Dick Durock
Ezra Dweck
Stephen J Eads
Fleet Emerson
Fleet Emerson
Lisa Emerson Machione
Jeannie Epper
Kurtis Epper
Buzz Feitshans
T Sean Ferguson
Leo Fernekes
Frank Ferrara
Ralph Ferrara
Linda Videtti Figueiredo
David Filippi
Marty Fink
Michael Finnerty
Susan Fiore
Shoshana Fishbein
Jay Floyd
Richard Ford
Allison Forst
Lisa Foster
Bryan Fowler
Sarah Frank
Rick Freeman
Kenneth Frith
Dale Frye
Julie Fusco
Audree Futterman
Jamie Gallagher
Joe Gareri
Teri Garland
Michael Gartland
Steve Geray
Bruce Gfeller
Andree Gibbs
Karen Gillman
Don Givens
Avram D Gold
Carl Goldstein
Allen Gonzales
Debbie Greg
Albert Griswold
Kenneth A Hansen
Mark Harris
Eric Harryman
Mischa Hausserman
Mischa Hausserman
Richard Hebrank
Jonathan Hensleigh
Sandy Herbert
Mark Herman
Ellen Heuer
Barbara Hipkiss
Bonnie Hock
Jerome Holmes
Georgia Holzmann
Candy Hoskins
Shawn Howell
Karyn L. Huston
Gary Hymes
Joel Hynek
W. Peter Iliff
Kelly Irvine
Joel Iwataki
Edward D M Jackson
Terry Jackson
Jeffrey L Jamison
Dean Jeffries
John R Jensen
Keith Jernquist
David Jobe
Randy Jurgenson
Michael Kamen
Dr. Louis Katz
Tom Kehoe
Lisa Kelly
Steve Kennedy
Scott Kilburn
Robert Kocourek
Avi Korein
Terry Ladin
Robert Lawrence
Daniel Leahy
Bryan Lee
Robert H Lemer
Malosi Leonard
Matt Leonard
Terry Leonard
Terry Leonard
Barry Levine
Jim Lewis
Patricio Libenson
Steve Lionetti
Melissa Logan
Dennis J Lootens
Gino Lucci
Ralph Lucci
Woods Mackintosh
Susan Macleod
M. J. Magbanua
Dennis Maitland
Dennis Maitland
Kim Maitland
George Manasse
Richard Mancuso
Mark Mangini
Douglas A. Martines
W Scott Mason
Suzanne Mccabe
Pat Mccorkle
Film Details
Technical Specs
Miscellaneous Notes
Some additional photography took place spring 1995, after the wrap of principal photography.
Began shooting July 30, 1994.
Released in United States Spring May 19, 1995
Released in United States on Video December 19, 1995
Released in United States on Video December 19, 1995
Released in United States Spring May 19, 1995
Sequel to "Die Hard" (USA/1988), directed by John McTiernan, and "Die Hard 2: Die Harder" (USA/1990), directed by Renny Harlin. Both films starred Bruce Willis as Detective John McClane.
Jonathan Hensleigh's script "Simon Says," which is now the basis for this sequel, was previously in development for Robert Lawrence. The film was originally based on James Haggin's script, "Troubleshooter," which was in development at Largo Entertainment.
Completed shooting December 21, 1994.