The Devil's Saddle Legion

52m 1937
The Devil's Saddle Legion

Brief Synopsis

A crooked sheriff tries to pin a rancher's death on the victim's son.

Film Details

Release Date
Aug 14, 1937
Premiere Information
not available
Production Company
Warner Bros. Pictures, Inc.
Distribution Company
Warner Bros. Pictures, Inc.
United States

Technical Specs

Black and White
Film Length
6 reels


In the 1880's, the region bordered by the Red River is claimed by both Texas and the Oklahoma Territory. At the same time, Tal Holladay returns home to Texas and witnesses the death of young Chip Carter, a family friend, after Chip escapes from a prison camp. Then Tal himself is arrested by corrupt Sheriff Gorman for Carter's murder. Heeding the warning of the dying Chip, Tal lies about his name and later learns from his fellow prisoners that they have all been wrongfully jailed and are being used by influential Oklahoman Hub Ordley to build a dam that will change the course of the Red River, giving the land to Oklahoma. Tal realizes that his father was murdered to prevent him from objecting to the flooding of his ranch by the dam, and that he, himself, is wanted for the murder. The people behind the scheme appear to be the entire Ordley family: Ted Ordley, his daughter Karen and adopted son Hub. One day, while checking on the dam's progress, Karen's horse runs away with her, and Tal leaps on a nearby horse and rescues her. Hub, the real villain behind the scheme, is displeased when Karen requests that Tal break a horse for her, but realizes that he can frame Tal for his planned murder of Ted. Meanwhile, Tal tells some of his story to Karen and smuggles guns from the Ordley ranch into the prison camp. Hub's plans for Ted's murder are thwarted when Tal rescues him from an attack of Hub's men. Using the smuggled guns, the prisoners break out of the camp and hide out in the woods. They plan to blow up the dam to send the river back on course. Karen sends a man named Chris Madden to help Tal and his friends. Chris tells the men that John Logan, the Secretary of the Interior, is in town to draw the formal boundary between Texas and Oklahoma. Tal decides to speak to Logan, but when he arrives, Sheriff Gorman arrests him. The townspeople want to lynch Tal, but the other prisoners rescue him. Tal rides to his ranch and kills Jim Cudlow for the murder of his father. Finally he manages to talk to Logan, and Chris, who is the new United States Marshal, takes his side. Hub and his gang try to escape, but the exploding dam drowns them all. Tal proposes to Karen before returning to his ranch.

Film Details

Release Date
Aug 14, 1937
Premiere Information
not available
Production Company
Warner Bros. Pictures, Inc.
Distribution Company
Warner Bros. Pictures, Inc.
United States

Technical Specs

Black and White
Film Length
6 reels




According to modern sources, Gordon Hollingshead was the film's supervisor.