When a Feller Needs a Friend

1h 7m 1932
When a Feller Needs a Friend

Brief Synopsis

A lame boy's uncle tries to rescue him from his over-protective parents.

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Film Details

Release Date

Technical Specs

1h 7m
Mono (Western Electric Sound System)
Black and White
Theatrical Aspect Ratio
1.37 : 1


Eddie wears a leg brace and his mother will not let him play like the other boys. His hope is that a German doctor will be able to operate and fix his leg. When his cousin Froggie comes to live with his family, he is nice to Mr. and Mrs. Randall, but mean to Eddie. Uncle Jonas sees what is happening, but Eddie's parents do not believe him as Froggie seems so nice. Uncle Jonas tries to make Eddie tougher by teaching him boxing and baseball, but all it does is get Jonas thrown out of the house.

Photo Collections

When a Feller Needs a Friend - Movie Poster
Here is the American one-sheet movie poster for When a Feller Needs a Friend (1932), starring Jackie Cooper. One-sheets measured 27x41 inches, and were the poster style most commonly used in theaters.

Film Details

Release Date

Technical Specs

1h 7m
Mono (Western Electric Sound System)
Black and White
Theatrical Aspect Ratio
1.37 : 1


When a Feller Needs a Friend -

Crying was child actor Jackie Cooper's stock-in-trade for years. His ability to shed tears in Skippy (1931), the film that made him a star, brought him an Oscar nomination for Best Actor at the tender age of nine. Later that year, he sobbed through The Champ (1931) as Wallace Berry's devoted son. So, naturally, for his first solo vehicle at MGM, the studio found him a story that would let him turn on the waterworks. In this adaptation of William Johnston's novel Limpy: The Boy Who Felt Neglected, he stars as a boy confined to a leg brace. Between his over-protective parents and bullying cousin, he has plenty to sob about until great Uncle Jonas (Charles "Chic" Sale) teaches the child how to live with his disability. For all the studio's efforts to craft the film as a vehicle for Cooper, however, the picture was stolen by Sale as his garrulous great uncle. The vaudeville comic had only appeared sporadically in films until 1930, when a Broadway flop sent him to Hollywood in search of steadier employment. With his knowledge of make up and physical comedy, he soon developed a line playing old men. He was only in his forties when he played a 70-year-old in this film.

By Frank Miller
When A Feller Needs A Friend -

When a Feller Needs a Friend -

Crying was child actor Jackie Cooper's stock-in-trade for years. His ability to shed tears in Skippy (1931), the film that made him a star, brought him an Oscar nomination for Best Actor at the tender age of nine. Later that year, he sobbed through The Champ (1931) as Wallace Berry's devoted son. So, naturally, for his first solo vehicle at MGM, the studio found him a story that would let him turn on the waterworks. In this adaptation of William Johnston's novel Limpy: The Boy Who Felt Neglected, he stars as a boy confined to a leg brace. Between his over-protective parents and bullying cousin, he has plenty to sob about until great Uncle Jonas (Charles "Chic" Sale) teaches the child how to live with his disability. For all the studio's efforts to craft the film as a vehicle for Cooper, however, the picture was stolen by Sale as his garrulous great uncle. The vaudeville comic had only appeared sporadically in films until 1930, when a Broadway flop sent him to Hollywood in search of steadier employment. With his knowledge of make up and physical comedy, he soon developed a line playing old men. He was only in his forties when he played a 70-year-old in this film. By Frank Miller

