The Wicker Tree
Brief Synopsis
Cast & Crew
Robin Hardy
Brittania Nicol
Henry Garrett
Graham Mctavish
Jacqueline Leonard
Christopher Lee
Film Details
Technical Specs
Beth is a successful pop singer and a devout evangelical Christian from Texas. She and her fiancé Steve both wear purity rings, and belong to a group known as the "Cowboys for Christ." They travel to Glasgow, Scotland, hoping to save some souls. After performing a concert at a local cathedral, the duo is approached by Sir Lachlan Morrison and his wife Delia, the laird of the small village of Tressock in the Scottish lowlands. They invite Beth and Steve to come back with them to preach. Beth and Steve decide to begin their preaching at the May Day celebrations in the village. In an attempt to impress the locals, they agree to become the local Queen of the May and the Laddie for the festival not realizing the consequences of their decision and not knowing what awaits them.
Robin Hardy
Brittania Nicol
Henry Garrett
Graham Mctavish
Jacqueline Leonard

Christopher Lee
Clive Russell
Honeysuckle Weeks
Prue Clarke
Dave Plimmer
Iain Stuart Robertson
James Mapes
Leslie Mackie
Bill Murdoch
Kirstin Murray
Christopher Fosh
Graham Wadsworth
Ailidh Mackay
Alessandro Conetta
Johnpaul Mcgilvray
Keith Easdale
Stuart Glasgow
Keith Warwick
Scott Hoatson
Mark Williams
Keira Mcmillan
St Clair Leveaux
Terry Wale
Astrid Azurdia
Hamish Wilson
Alistair Maxwell
Jarkko Lehmus
Ben Sullivan
Mark Williams
Mike Allen
John Anderson
John Anderson
Stuart Anderson
Steve Arthur
Amelie Astridge
Natalie Astridge
Martin Auld
Vanessa Baker
Nick Baldock
Peter Baldock
Kathy Balmain
Jonathan Bareham
Sean Barton
Roy Benson
Bozena Bienkowska
Julie Bills
Amanda Black
David Blight
Francesco Bori
John Bowring
Harry Boyd
David Briggs
Kimberley Bright
Michelle Brodie
David Broughton
Faye Brown
Janis Burklund
Stuart Cadenhead
Colin Callow
Donald Campbell
Chris Campion
Ben Carr
Erik Chapman
Kay Chappell
Jennifer Christie
Fraser Cleland
Dot Connolley
Patrick Conroy
Brad Coomber
Brown Cooper
Mathew Cooper
Luke Coulter
Julian Coward
Nicki Cowe
Vlad Martins Cristovao
Lucy Crockett
Katie Crook
Mike Crowley
Benjamin Cunningham
Peter Dale
Maxine Dallas
Mitchell Dalton
Andrew Sippings David
Laurence Davies
Simon Davies
Kim M Davis
Mark Dempsey
Alex Devine
Nrinder Dhudwar
Ron Diggory
Dennis Dillon
Michael Dolan
Graham Drover
Andy Duly
Peter Duncan
Russell Dunsmore
Tim Dyer
Kevin Earley
Keith Easdale
Keith Easdale
Keith Easdale
Keith Easdale
Harriet Edmonds
Jim Elliot
Robert Ellis
Dougie Fairgrieve
Jedforest Falconry
Cody Faucett
Mike Feinberg
Rachel Fiddes
John Fiddy
Graham Findlayson
Andy Finnie
Andrew Fletcher
Mario Formasimo
Andy Franzkowiak
Helen Fraser
Mike Fraser
Mark French
Kathleen Friend
Sascha Fromeyer
Gian Carlo Galli
Jamie Gavin
Matthew Gee
Russell Gilbert
April Gilchrist
Tim Gill
Stuart Glasgow
Stuart Glasgow
Stuart Glasgow
John Goffin
Dave Goodall
Reuben Goodyear
David Gordon
Meg E Gould
Alastair Gourlay
David Greathead
Alan Green
Aashish Gudka
Daniel Hammersley
Shinko Hanaoka
George Frederick Handel
Robin Hardy
Robin Hardy
Robin Hardy
Esther Harling
Claire Harris
Rebecca Hawkes
Sean Healey
Liz Healy
William Heggart
Carol-anne Henderson
Malcolm Hillier
Jonathan Hills
Anne Hiner
David Hirschman
Laura Holt
Emilie Hornlund
Keith Hunt
Graeme Hunter
Graham Hunter
Lucy Hutchison
Patrick Jackman
Brodie Jenkins
Tom Jenkins
Rich Jobling
Sheila Johnson
Debbie Jones
Helen Kamminga
John Kane
Stephen Kear
Helen Keen
Terry Keenan
Ray Kenny
Clare Kerr
Dani Khoury
Andrea King
Andrew Klee
Sandy Laird
Ray Lau
John Laurie
Trevor Leat
Jonathan Lee
Damian Leitch
St Clair Leveaux
Dave Littlejohn
Tom Lucy
Andy Maas
Daniel Macdonell
Colin Macinness
Julie Mackay
Ian Maclay
Donald Macsween
Sirish Malde
Izzie Martin
Izzie Martin
Izzie Martin
Stephen Mason
Joanna Matthews
Katherine Mayes
Jacqueline Mcbride
Sally-gay Mccann
Marion Mccormack
Graham Mccormick
Emer Mcdonough
John Paul Mcgillivary
Russell Mcgovern
Ben Mcilveen
Ben Mcilveen
Sian Mcinally
Aoife Mckim
Kenny Mcleod
Grant Mcphee
Andy Mcpherson
Morven Mcpherson
Graham Mctavish
Stevie Mctear
Adrian Mead
Lee Melrose
Adam Mendez
Dave Miller
Joyce Miller
Jennifer Mitchell
Andrew Mitwamwari
Naoko Miyamoto
Alexander Montague-sparey
Drew Moore
Mark Morley
Steve Morris
Film Details
Technical Specs
Miscellaneous Notes
Limited Release in United States Winter January 27, 2012
Released in United States on Video April 24, 2012
Limited Release in United States Winter January 27, 2012
Sequel to "Wicker Man" (United Kingdom/1973) directed by Robin Hardy.
Released in United States on Video April 24, 2012