Brief Synopsis
Cast & Crew
Mira Nair
Hilary Swank
Jamie Holmes
Joe Anderson
Elizabeth Shepherd
Julia Juhas
Film Details
Technical Specs
After becoming the first woman to fly across the Atlantic, Amelia was thrust into a new role as America's sweetheart - the legendary "goddess of light," known for her bold, larger-than-life charisma. Yet, even with her global fame solidified, her belief in flirting with danger and standing up as her own, outspoken woman never changed. She was an inspiration to people everywhere, from First Lady Eleanor Roosevelt to the men closest to her heart: her husband, promoter and publishing magnate George P. Putnam, and her long time friend and lover, pilot Gene Vidal. In the summer of 1937, Amelia set off on her most daunting mission yet: a solo flight around the world that she and George both anxiously foresaw as destined, whatever the outcome, to become one of the most talked-about journeys in history.
Mira Nair

Hilary Swank
Jamie Holmes
Joe Anderson
Elizabeth Shepherd
Julia Juhas

Richard Gere
Ron Smerczak
Paul Johnston
Precious Chong
Danielle Bo Bourgon
Divine Brown
Harold Webster
Thomas Hauff
Kathryn Haggis
Valerie Saija
Scott Anderson
Brittany Gray
Derek Keurvorst
Keelin Jack
Jeffrey Knight
Sarah Dood
Michael Daly
Katie Strain
Joe Renzi
Michael Richard
Ewan Mcgregor
Jeremy Akerman
Aaron Abrams
Geoff Gillespie
Kristen Munro
Duane Murray
Alexandra Maclean
Andrea Ciacci
Elizabeth Saunders
Hamish Mcewan
Kerin Mccue
Karissa Strain
Richard Lothian
Tom Olive
William Cuddy
Eva Redpath
Scott Yaphe
Sarah Kitz
Nina Strazzulla
Mia Wasikowska
Dylan Roberts
Cherry Jones
Christopher Eccleston
Ryann Shane
Richard Donat
Tom Fairfoot
Daniel Janks
Brian Adams
Keith Adams
Marcus Alexander
Gerry Alfonso
David Carter Allan
Nancy Allen
Mongo Andrews
Mathieu Archambault
Robyn Aronstam
Jill Aslin
Jeff Atmajian
Nicky Atson
Mandy Au
Paul Austerberry
Jens Bacher
Dax Bailey
Timothy Baily
Vivian Baker
Robert Ballantyne
Greg Baller
Akhona Bambeni
Judas Banda
John Bannister
Igsaan Baradien
Sarah Barber
Drazen Baric
Denise Barrett
Lisa Barry
Michael Barry
Shauna Barry
Christopher Bass
Ron Bass
Ron Bass
Wynaand Basson
Jim Beaudrow
Paul Begin
Lori Ann Bellefontaine
Denis Bellingham
Betty Belmore
Barb Benoit
Becky Bentham
Dennis Berardi
Ken Berg
Karen Bernstein
Kirsty Bestbier
Trace Bisset
Adam Bocknek
Jack Boem
Peter Boileau
Samuel Bojin
Jean-claude Boketsu
Sylvie Bonniere
Vincent Borg
Matthew Borrett
Mike Borrett
Louis Boudreau
David Boulton
Sean Bourdeau
Sean Bourdeau
Thomas Bowes
Jacques M Bradette
Colin Breedt
James F Breithaupt
Ciara Brennan
Michael Brennan
Bethana Briffett
Wayne Brinton
Ann Bromley
Barry Alexander Brown
Billi Bruins
Mia Bruno
Theresa Buckley
Matthew Budman
Flavian Bulfon
Corey Bulger
Cori Burchell
Ayo Burgess
Susan Butler
Pierre Buys
Sabrina Calley
Wilson Cameron
Zac Campbell
Shane Cardwell
Brendan Carmody
Don Carmody
Dan Carnegie
Stephanie Carroll
Brian Casser
Gillian Castle
Antoine Chabbert
Bernard Chabbert
Andy Chan
Hubert Chan
Rachel Chancey
Janet Chandler
J P Charbonneau
Patricia Chard
Krissopher Chevannes
Kim Child
Nigel Churcher
Ovidiu Cinazan
Kate Clark
Robyn Clarke
Tsakala Jesse Claveri
Greg Cleaver
Arnold Harvey Cleveland
Nicole Close
Peter Cobbin
Robert Cochrane
Linda Cohen
Ryan Collison
Robin D. Cook
Gilles Corbeil
Tommaso Corona
Warren Correia
Mark Cousins
Mark Cousins
Adam Craig
Kelley Cribben
Peter J Currey
Maureen Curtin
Roberto D'ippolito
Francois Daignault
Rafeeq Dames
Carly Davenport
Ray Davies
Ray Davies
Tim Davis
Isabel De Biasio
Eddie De Lange
Chris De Souza
Zaan De Villiers
Marisa Dean
Terri Dean
Isabel Debiasio
Chris Deeley
Jeannine Dekker
Alan Deveau
Jeremy Dineen
Aaron Dinsmore
Nicole Dipietro
Karola Dirnberger
Rodney Dominey
Grant Dreyer
Fatima Driver
Stuart Dryburgh
Sunette Du Plessis
Danie Du Tait
Amelie Dubois
Mandisa Duna
Laurie Dunn
Jennifer Dunnington
Mark Dunphy
Joseph Durant
Peter Dydo
Miroslaw Dziwik
Silke Eckard
Dan Edelstein
Sian Edgson
Jason Edwardh
Dave Ellinwood
Linda J Elliott
Gord Elliston
Roy Elliston
Rico Emerson
Anthony English
Des Erasmus
Larry Ernewein
Luqmaan Etalla
Tania Etienne
David Evans
Robert Faix
Andy Farber
Akhim Faustino
Ana Feyder
Marisa Fiechter
Derek Filiatrault
Joanne Filletti
Rick Findlater
Troy Flanigan
Bill Flower
Walter Flower
Bryan Forde
Lucia Foster-found
Nadia Fouche
Alana Fourie
Carla Fourie
Pierre Fourie
Maxime Fournier
Jennifer Freed
David Fremlin
Elroy Gabriel
Brian Gallagher
Hoosain Gamieldien
Walter Gasparovic
Joe Gawler
Nikki Geater
Chris Geggie
Adam Geiger
Gerhard Geldenhuys
Film Details
Technical Specs
Miscellaneous Notes
Released in United States Fall October 23, 2009
Released in United States on Video February 2, 2010
Based on the book "The Sound of Wings" written by Mary S. Lovell published by St. Martin's Griffin 1989.
Based on the book "East to the Dawn" written by Susan Butler published by Perseus Publishing 1997.
Phillip Noyce was previously attached to direct.
Released in United States Fall October 23, 2009
Released in United States on Video February 2, 2010