Danny Boy
Cast & Crew
Terry Morse
Robert "buzzy" Henry
Ralph Lewis
Sybil Merritt
Helen Brown
Walter Soderling
Film Details
Technical Specs

When young Jimmy Bailey is reunited with his German shepherd dog, Danny Boy, who served with the Marines in the South Pacific, he is filled with joy and pride. Jimmy's happiness soon turns to worry, however, as Danny Boy fails to recognize him or his small-town home. Jimmy's friend and mentor, Joe Cameron, another recently discharged Marine, assures Jimmy that, with love and patience, Danny Boy will soon return to his old self. Joe advises Jimmy to take Danny Boy to all of the places they used to go together and play all the same games. As hoped, Danny Boy comes out of his "fog," but is branded a menace by Jimmy's cantankerous neighbor, Frank "Grumpy" Andrews, who is convinced that the former "war dog" poses a threat to public safety. One afternoon, while playing baseball with his friends in the street, Jimmy accidentally breaks one of Andrews' windows, and Andrews threatens to have him arrested. Despite Andrews' rancor, Jimmy and his friends pledge to replace the window themselves, and open a lemonade stand in front of Jimmy's house. Lafe Dunkell, a farmer, spies Danny Boy while peddling his produce and declares to Andrews his desire to own the animal. Anxious to be rid of Danny Boy, Andrews helps Dunkell steal the dog from his dog house that night. The abusive Dunkell tries to whip Danny Boy into submission, but at the first opportunity, Danny Boy escapes from Dunkell's barn and races back home. Jimmy is relieved to see Danny Boy but is shocked by his battered condition. Danny Boy soon recovers from his injuries, but when Dunkell returns to the area, the dog attacks him. Andrews then tries to shoot Danny Boy, so the dog bites him as well. Furious, Andrews calls the police, but before the officers arrive, Jimmy sneaks away with Danny Boy and asks Joe to hide him at his service station. Confident that Danny Boy will be vindicated, Joe counsels Jimmy to turn the dog in to the police. At the subsequent hearing, however, Judge Carter rules that Danny Boy is a danger to society and orders that he be put to sleep at the pound. When Joe reminds him that the dog is a decorated ex-Marine and is therefore entitled to a dignified death by firing squad, the judge agrees to allow Joe to shoot Danny Boy himself. After Jimmy says a tearful but brave goodbye to Danny Boy, Joe drives the dog to a wooded area to execute him. Just as Joe is about to shoot Danny Boy, toddler Jackie Johnson, who is picnicking nearby with his parents, wanders past, heading for some train tracks. Seconds before a train roars by, Danny Boy pulls Jackie off the tracks and saves his life. At the same time, Jimmy races up on his bicycle, waving Danny Boy's leash and Dunkell's whip, both of which his friends had found in Dunkell's barn. Later, after Judge Carter vindicates Danny Boy and orders the arrest of Andrews and Dunkell, a relieved Jimmy hugs his faithful dog.

Terry Morse
Robert "buzzy" Henry
Ralph Lewis
Sybil Merritt
Helen Brown
Walter Soderling
Joseph Granby
Michael Mcguire

Eve March
Tay Dunn
Richard Kipling
Myron Wilton
Charles Bates
Bobby Valentine
Larry Dixon
Eric Younger
James Metcalfe
Pat Gleason
Hal Carlson
Billy Bernard
Sam Ash
Hugh Murray
Hazel Boyne
Pamela Payton
June Hedin
Taylor Caven
Stephen Foster
Leon Fromkess
Walter Greene
Jack Greenhalgh
Max Hutchinson
Edward C. Jewell
Joseph I. Kane
Harold Knox
George Mcguire
George Montgomery
Martin Mooney
Raoul Pagel
Raymond L. Schrock
Ray Smallwood
Bud Westmore
William H. Wilmarth

Film Details
Technical Specs

Hollywood Reporter production charts list Earl Johnson in the cast, but his appearance in the final film has not been confirmed.