A Countess From Hong Kong
Brief Synopsis
Cast & Crew
Charles Chaplin
Marlon Brando
Sophia Loren
Sydney Chaplin
Tippi Hedren
Patrick Cargill
Film Details
Technical Specs

On the eve of his departure from Hong Kong, wealthy American diplomat Ogden Mears spends a night ashore in the company of the beautiful Countess Natascha, an impoverished Russian emigrée who, from the age of 13, has survived by working as a dancehall girl. When Ogden's ship sails the next morning, he discovers Natascha hiding in his stateroom. Determined to reach the United States, she threatens to accuse Ogden of abduction and assault if he exposes her as a stowaway. Because Ogden has just been appointed ambassador to Saudi Arabia and is already in trouble with his wife, he submits to the blackmail. The voyage becomes a frenzied game of hide-and-seek, with Natascha popping in and out of closets and the bathroom to avoid discovery. Ogden is faced also with the problem of obtaining American citizenship for Natascha. A marriage of convenience is hastily arranged between Natascha and Ogden's manservant, Hudson, with the understanding that once ashore at Honolulu, Natascha will obtain both a passport and a divorce. But when the ship docks and Ogden's wife, Martha, comes aboard to effect a reconciliation, Natascha changes into native garb and dives into the bay. Ten minutes with his wife is enough to convince Ogden that Natascha is more important to him than his diplomatic career. Abandoning all else for love, he joins Natascha at the Waikiki Hotel.


Charles Chaplin

Marlon Brando

Sophia Loren
Sydney Chaplin

Tippi Hedren
Patrick Cargill

Michael Medwin
Oliver Johnston
John Paul
Angela Scoular

Margaret Rutherford
Peter Bartlett
Bill Nagy
Dilys Laye
Angela Pringle
Jenny Bridges
Arthur Gross
Anthony Chin
José Sukhum Boonlve

Geraldine Chaplin
Janine Hill
Burnell Tucker
Leonard Trolley
Len Lowe
Francis Dux
Cecil Cheng
Ronald Rubin
Michael Spice
Ray Marlow
Josephine Chaplin
Victoria Chaplin
Kevin Manser

Marianne Stone
Lew Luton
Larry Cross
Billy Edwards
Drew Russell
John Sterland
Paul Carson
Paul Tamarin
Carol Cleveland

Charles Chaplin
Don Ashton
Ken Barker
Rosemary Burrows
Bob Cartwright
Jack Causey
Charles Chaplin
Charles Chaplin
Charles Chaplin
Bill Daniels
Vernon Dixon
Jerome Epstein
Alan Evans
Gordon Hales
Richard Hiscott
Michael Hopkins
Arthur Ibbetson
Eric James
Denis Johnson
Helen Penfold
Gordon Shadrick Enterprises
Brian Sinclair
Lambert Williamson
Paul Wilson

Film Details
Technical Specs

During the filming of "Countess" in 1966 at Pinewood Studios, the 77 year old Chaplin was walking around outside discussing ideas when his foot got caught in a grate and he broke his ankle. It was the first serious injury that he ever sustained.
It was the first film by Chaplin to be not only in widescreen (which he disliked - see King in New York, A (1957)) but in colour as well.
At the premiere in 1967 in London, the film being shown before had been using a special spherical lens. The projectionist had forgotten to take it off for the 35mm "Countess". The result was a distorted spherical image. The critics instantly blamed it on Chaplin's tired directing techniques. This was obviously not the case, but the film still did badly at the box office and Chaplin himself went into deep depression.
Copyright length: 113 min. Opened in London in January 1967; running time: 120 min.

Miscellaneous Notes
Released in United States Spring April 29, 1967
This was Chaplins's last film as director.
Geraldine Chaplin's role was a bit part.
Released in United States Spring April 29, 1967