Code of the Silver Sage

60m 1950

Brief Synopsis

Arizona Territory is in the grip of outlaw terror and killer outlaws, secretly organized by Hulon Champion (Roy Barcroft), who covers his power ambitions with the guise of a respectable firearms merchant. Newspaper editor Fred Gately is killed by Champion's henchman Curt Watson (Lane Bradford) when Gatley makes a public appeal to the President of the United States on the front page of his Bolton City News. After his death, his daughter Ann (Kay Christopher) and his assistant Nugget Clark (Eddy Waller) carry on his efforts and are rewarded when they receive word that the President will journey to the territory in response to their plea. Champion immediately sets in motion a scheme to assassinate the President by putting himself in the good graces of Major Oliver Duncan (William Ruhl) who is to facilitate the trip. Champion's henchmen intercept and wipe out the detail led by Lt. John Case (Richard Emory), Ann's sweetheart, who is bearing sealed orders regarding the trip. He pins suspicion on Case. Rocky Lane (Allan Lane), a lieutenant in the U.S. Cavalry Intelligence, working incognito, is riding to deliver a map of the secret route and is attacked by Watson, but escapes. Rocky then begins to uncover Champion's trail of deceit and villainy, but Champion is still loose to make an attempt on the President's life.

Film Details

Release Date
Mar 25, 1950
Premiere Information
not available
Production Company
Republic Pictures Corp.
Distribution Company
Republic Pictures Corp.
United States

Technical Specs

Black and White
Theatrical Aspect Ratio
1.37 : 1
Film Length


After citizens of the Arizona territory are repeatedly terrorized by a gang of outlaws, newspaper editor Fred Gately, his daughter Ann and his assistant, Nugget Clark, decide to publish an open letter asking the President of the United States to visit the territory. Convinced that the President will heed their call, Nugget and Ann later urge rancher Sandy Wheeler not to sell his land. The President sends an emissary from the Army, Maj. Duncan, to facilitate his visit, but the stagecoach carrying Duncan and outlaw gang leader Hulon Champion is attacked by Champion's men. After undercover intelligence officer Allan "Rocky" Lane lassos one of the outlaws, the stage continues into town. A few hours later, Lt. Johnny Case, Ann's sweetheart, arrives and confers with Duncan. Champion, meanwhile, tells his henchman, Curt Watson, that he wants to kill the President, whose visit conflicts with his gang activities. Later, at the Army fort, Curt impersonates Army officer Dick Cantwell and tells Johnny that he must leave his post to comfort Ann, whose father has just been killed. As Johnny is leaving, Curt knocks him out and reads his orders instructing him to deliver a map to Rocky detailing the President's route to town. Later, Rocky finds Johnny riding his horse in a semi-conscious state, but Johnny cannot remember what has happened to him. After Johnny tells Rocky that Sgt. "Woody" Woods witnessed the attack, he learns that Woody has been found dead. Later, Duncan orders Johnny to stay in town and await his court-martial for dereliction of duty. Duncan instructs Rocky to go to the fort, where Curt now claims to be Capt. Mathews, the officer sent to meet the President. Curt shows Rocky an Army identification card substantiating his claim and then attacks him. Just then, Nugget arrives and shoots Curt. Rocky takes a piece of the card and goes to the newspaper office to compare characters printed on the card to individual pieces of type from typesetter Charlie Speed's case. When Champion learns that Rocky has taken a piece of the card, he and Curt rush to the newspaper office. There, they find Charlie poised to reveal the killer's name, but before he can speak, Curt shoots him. Curt is apprehended by Rocky, but maintains his innocence. Soon, Champion enters with the bullet supposedly taken from Charlie's body and demonstrates that Curt's gun is too small to have fired it. When Rocky and Duncan begin interrogating Curt, Champion instructs him to accuse Johnny. Duncan orders Curt and Johnny to be locked up, while Rocky guesses that Champion shot Charlie. Later, Rocky finds a bullet lodged in the wall and compares it to the much larger bullet Champion had shown them. Soon, the driver of the stagecoach carrying the President arrives at the relay station. When Curt begins shooting, the stage driver speeds past the station without stopping, and Rocky shoots Curt. After Nugget releases Johnny, Champion and the gang are apprehended. Later, Rocky files his report at the post.

Film Details

Release Date
Mar 25, 1950
Premiere Information
not available
Production Company
Republic Pictures Corp.
Distribution Company
Republic Pictures Corp.
United States

Technical Specs

Black and White
Theatrical Aspect Ratio
1.37 : 1
Film Length


Cut your suspenders and come down to earth.
- Nugget Clark
