The Care Bears Adventure in Wonderland
Brief Synopsis
Cast & Crew
Raymond Jafelice
Bob Dermer
Eva Almos
Dan Hennessy
Jim Henshaw
Maria Lukofsky
Film Details
Technical Specs
In this adaptation of the Alice in Wonderland story, the Care Bears go to Wonderland to rescue the princess from an evil wizard who wants to take over the kingdom. When the White Rabbit shows the bears a picture of the princess, they find a girl named Alice who looks exactly like the royal to assume her identity and help them save her.
Bob Dermer
Eva Almos
Dan Hennessy
Jim Henshaw
Maria Lukofsky
Luba Goy
Keith Knight
Tracey Moore
Colin Fox
John Stocker
Don Mcmanus
Elizabeth Hanna
Alan Fawcett
Keith Hampshire
Alyson Court
Patricia Cullen
Marla Lukofsky
Rick Allen
Debra Armstrong
Willy Ashworth
John Baktis
Milton Barnes
Milton Barnes
Andy Bartlett
Charles Bastien
Charles Bastien
Penne Bender
Scott Bennett
Jerry Benninger
Arlene Berman
Glen Binmore
Richard Bond
Charlie Bonifacio
Charlie Bonifacio
Karyn Booth Chadwick
Paul Bouchard
Carol Bradbury
Robin Budd
Robin Budd
Alan Bunce
Ross Campbell
Ross Campbell
Lewis Carroll
Marie Carter
Glen Chadwick
Steve Chadwick
Jack Chojnacki
Don Chretien
Don Chretien
Eric Chu
Eric Chu
Kim Cleary
Kim Cleary
Natalie Cole
John Laurence Collins
Rick Corrigan
Irene Couloufis
Greg Court
Robert M. Cowan
Dale Cox
Jim Craig
Stephanie Crawford
Gabe Csakany
Patricia Cullen
John Deklein
Jeff Dickson
Sam Dixon
Sam Dixon
Shane Doyle
Linda Edwards
Tony Egizie
Mary Eklund
George Elliott
Mickey Erbe
Steve Fitch
John Flagg
John Flagg
John Flagg
Doug Flockhart
Colin Fox
Steve Fraser
Wayne Gilbert
Scott Glynn
Peter Goodale
Christopher Green
David Greene
John Guertin
Faye Hamilton
Keith Hampshire
Ken Hancock
Wendy Harrison
Ken Haycock
John Hazan
Lesley Headrick
John Hill
Robyn Hill
Michael Hirsh
Stephen Hodgins
Paul Hogarth
Mac Holyoke
Michelle Houston
Stephen Hudecki
Leonora Hume
Gary Hurst
Tom Jacobs
Raymond Jafelice
Woong Cheon Jang
Niall Johnston
Karen Kewell
Gordon Kidd
Thomas King
Rob Kirkpatrick
Rob Kirkpatrick
Alan Knappett
Ingrid Koepcke
Elena Kucharik
Chris Labonte
Tony Lacobelli
Evan Landis
Royce Langford
Brian Lee
Brian Lee
Beverly Lehman
Harvey Levin
Melodie Long
Howard Lonn
Patrick Loubert
Patrick Loubert
Patrick Loubert
Mary Lyons
Heather Macgillivray
Mark Marren
Rick Marshall
Eugene Martynec
Barbara Massey
Eric Mattar-hurlbut
Scott Mccrorie
Armen Melkonian
Kathleen Melville
Jan Steel Moffat
Esther Narogny
Tom Nesbitt
Tim O'halloran
John Pagan
Dave Pemberton
Richard Pimm
Brigit Pollanen
David Polter
Clive Powsey
Deborah Pugh
Debra Pugh
Atul Rao
Lisa Ratke
Ted Ravn
Mike Reid
Lynn Reist
Robert Rivard
Ernie Ruder
Rob Sadler
Peter Sauder
Tom Schneider
Judi Schuman
John B. Sebastian
John B. Sebastian
Genevieve Selby
Shawn Seles
Arna Selznick
Arna Selznick
Ralph Shaffer
Nancy Shenton
David G Simmons
Bob Smith
Clive A. Smith
Susan Snooks
Maribeth Solomon
Maribeth Solomon
Ken Stephenson
Philip Stilman
Tony Tarantini
Jan Tilcock
Keith Traver
Anthony Van Bruggen
Anthony Van Bruggen
John Van Bruggen
John Van Bruggen
Tony Van Den Akker
Mike Volkhammer
Heather Walker
Cynthia Ward
Helen Watson
Steve Whitehouse
John Yee
Bill Zeats
Film Details
Technical Specs
Miscellaneous Notes
Released in United States May 14, 1987
Released in United States Summer August 7, 1987
Shown at Cannes Film Festival May 14, 1987.
Released in USA on laserdisc May 16, 1991.
Released in United States May 14, 1987 (Shown at Cannes Film Festival May 14, 1987.)
Released in United States Summer August 7, 1987