Brighty of the Grand Canyon
Cast & Crew
Norman Foster
Joseph Cotten
Pat Conway
Dick Foran
Karl Swenson
Dandy Curran
Film Details
Technical Specs
In the Southwest of the early 1900's, countless wild burros run free and unharmed in the Grand Canyon area. One day a gold prospector known as Old Timer befriends one of the little animals, names him Brighty, and takes him along while panning for gold. When Old Timer hits a rich vein, the villainous Jake Irons murders him and makes off with the gold. Left alone, Brighty wanders into the camp of Jim Owen, a noted mountain lion hunter, who is alerted by the animal's presence that something may have happened to Old Timer. While Owen and Theodore Roosevelt are on a hunting trip, Brighty covers himself with glory by fighting off an attacking mountain lion. In the spring, the burro leads Owen back down to Old Timer's gold mine. Although he is wounded by Jake Irons, Brighty helps Owen bring his former master's killer to justice.
Norman Foster
Film Details
Technical Specs
Filmed on location in Arizona and Utah.