Night at the Museum: Battle of the Smithsonian
Brief Synopsis
Cast & Crew
Shawn Levy
Paul Chih-ping Cheng
Eugene Levy
Patrick Gallagher
Christopher Guest
Augustus Oicle
Film Details
Technical Specs
Night has fallen upon the Smithsonian Institution in Washington, DC. The guides have gone home, the lights are out, the school kids are tucked in their beds, yet something incredible is stirring as former night guard Larry Daley finds himself lured into his biggest, most imagination-boggling adventure yet in which history truly comes alive. In this second installment of the Night at the Museum saga, Larry faces a battle so epic it could only unfold in the corridors of the world's largest museum. Now, Larry must try to save his formerly inanimate friends from what could be their last stand amid the wonders of the Smithsonian, all of which, from the famous paintings on the walls to the rocket ships in the halls, suddenly have a mind of their own.
Shawn Levy
Paul Chih-ping Cheng
Eugene Levy
Patrick Gallagher

Christopher Guest
Augustus Oicle
Owen Wilson
Rick Logan
Robin Williams
Clint Howard
Riccardo Dobran
Jake Cherry
Sophie Levy
Dan Joffre
Jay Baruchel

Dick Van Dyke
Dave Weinman
Brad Garrett
Thomas Lennon
Matty Finochio
George Foreman
Dave Hospes
Mizuo Peck
Jon Bernthal
Robert Ben Garant
Ben Stiller
Alain Chabat
Shawn Levy
Kai James
Regina Taufen
Kevin Jonas
Ricky Gervais
Gerald Wong
Robert Thurston
Caroll Spinney
Samuel Patrick Chu
Craig Robinson
Mindy Kaling
Josh Byer
Nick Jonas
Randy S. Lee

Bill Hader
Darryl Quon
Amy Adams
Alberta Mayne
Christina Schild

Rami Malek
Matthew Harrison
Kerry Van Der Griend

Hank Azaria
Steve Coogan
Joe Jonas
Keith Powell
Thomas Morley
Clifton Murray
Tess Levy
Heather Abels
Alberto Abril
Arlynn Abseck
Lloyd Adams
Kiran Ahlawat
Imran Ahmed
Tanseer Ahmed
Amit Aidasani
Fraser Aitcheson
Mohammad Akram
David Alexander
Praveen Allu
Robert Alonzo
Gary Alper
Aparna Ambavkar
Bill Anagnos
Balaji Anbalagan
Peter Anders
Coll Anderson
Jay Anderson
Terry Anderson
Charise E Angone
Tim Angulo
Mohammed Anuz
David Arnott
Stephen Arnott
Charles Arulraj
James Ashwill
Tyra Atkins
Christian Aubert
Nicholas Augello
Jennifer Avery
Erika Bach
Randy Bahnsen
Chera Bailey
Roger Bailey
Ryan Bailey
Michelle Baines
Marc Baird
Bhavika Bajpai
James Baldanzi
Wenden K Baldwin
Saraswathi Balgam
Bill Houston Ball
Arun Baluchamy
James Bamford
Chris Banting
Guy Bar'ely
Nickolas Baric
Michael Barnathan
Brian Barnes
Suzette Barnett
Paul Barry
Danielle Dimarco Barto
Loyd Bateman
Allen Battino
Elizabeth Baxter
Jason Bayever
Peta Bayley
Brooke Beane
Jeff Beattie
Bob Bedard
Ashley Bell
Krista Bell
Chad Bellamy
Mannix Bennett
Bonnie Benwick
Kristin Berge
Lee Berger
Justin Bergler
Chris Bergman
Scott Berri
Guy Berryman
Abhishek Bharadwaj
Shikha Bhatia
Srikanth Bhogi
Aman Bhutani
Ioan Bidiuc
David Bifano
Michael Billings
Kate Biscoe
Koushik Biswas
Jeff Bjorgum
Dalias Blake
Justin Blaustein
Aurore De Blois
Derek Bobroff
Sathish Kumar Bodicherla
John Boe
Bhargava Boini
Scott Bonner
Maurice Bouchard
Brian Bouma
Manuel Martinez Bover
Rob Boyce
Nathan Boyd
Susan Boyd
Tatjana Bozinovski
Shad Bradbury
Ryan Bradley
Rob Brady
Heike Brandstatter
Ellen Brenner
Genevieve Bridges
Dennis Mishko Briest
Jason Broad
Josee Brodeur
Keith Brookes
Richard Brooks
Andre Brouwer
Andrea Brown
Andrew P Brown
Mark A Brown
Matt Brown
Sue Brunell-edwards
Brian Brunst
Adam Bryant
Josh Bryer
Harold Buchman
Kimberly Buckham
Jon Buckland
Misha M Bukowksi
John Bukowski
Jud Bumpas
Doug Burch
Christopher Burel
Nicholas Burkard
Anne Burke
Michael J Burke
Thomas Burkhart
Simon Burnett
Stacy Burstin
Erika Wangberg Burton
Paul Bush
Prashant Buyyala
David Camerone
Colin Campbell
Greg Cannom
Georgia Cano
Gary Capo
Trevor Carabin
Clint Carleton
Mike Carpenter
Matthew Carson
George Carter
Steve Carter
Harry Wayne Casey
John C Casey
Adam D Casillas
Carl Catanese
John Catron
Catherine Cavadini
Mira Caveno
Tyler Cayce
Will Champion
Jessi Chan
Jessica Chan
Kent Chan
Theju Chandran
Serena Chang
Alex Chansky
Jonathan Chao
Roger Chao
Robert Chapin
Gordon Chapman
Lauro Chartrand
Vinit Chaturvedani
Ray Chen
Yeen-shi Chen
Patrick Chevillot
Kimberly Chiang
Hitesh Chikate
Mark Chin
Mike Ching
Vinny Chirayil
Hyun Joo Cho
Dean Choe
Ilram Choi
Sandesh Chonkar
Samik Roy Choudhury
Samuel Clark
Scott Claus
Rich Van Cleave
Richard Clegg
Ronnie Cleland
Michael Colburn
Josh Cole
Rachelle Cole
August Coleman
Jason M Collier
Hayley Collins
Marcus Collins
Chris Columbus
Sean Comer
Brent Connolly
Sean Coonce
Cary Cooper
Fraser Corbett
Nicholas Cosmi
Nathan Cournia
Film Details
Technical Specs
Miscellaneous Notes
Released in United States Summer May 22, 2009
Released in United States on Video December 1, 2009
Sequel to Fox's 2006 hit "A Night at the Museum".
Released in United States Summer May 22, 2009
Released in United States on Video December 1, 2009