The Wolfman
Brief Synopsis
Cast & Crew
Joe Johnston
Oliver Adams
Simon Merrells
Rick Baker
Roger Frost
C.c. Smiff
Film Details
Technical Specs
Lawrence Talbot's childhood ended the night his mother died. After he left the sleepy Victorian hamlet of Blackmoor, he spent decades recovering and trying to forget. But when his brother's fiancée, Gwen Conliffe, tracks him down to help find her missing love, Talbot returns home to join the search. He learns that something with brute strength and insatiable bloodlust has been killing the villagers, and that a suspicious Scotland Yard inspector named Aberline has come to investigate. As he pieces together the gory puzzle, he hears of an ancient curse that turns the afflicted into werewolves when the moon is full. Now, if he has any chance at ending the slaughter and protecting the woman he has grown to love, Talbot must destroy the vicious creature in the woods surrounding Blackmoor. But as he hunts for the nightmarish beast, a simple man with a tortured past will uncover a primal side to himself-one he never imagined existed.
Joe Johnston
Oliver Adams
Simon Merrells
Rick Baker
Roger Frost
C.c. Smiff
David Keyes
John Owens

Anthony Hopkins
Ian Peck
Gemma Whelan
Nicholas Day
Michael Cronin
Rob Dixon
Clive Russell
Richard James
Jordan Coulson
Benicio Del Toro
Art Malik
Jake Nightingale
Barry Mccormick
Emil Hostina
Lorraine Hilton
Anthony Debaeck
David Schofield
Mario Marin-borquez
Malcolm Scates
Antony Sher
Jessica Manley
Shaun Smith
Olga Fedori
Emily Cohen
Cristina Contes
Bobbi Page
Asa Butterfield

Geraldine Chaplin
Dave Fisher
David Sterne
Hugo Weaving
Emily Blunt
Bill Abbott
Roz Abery
Paolo Acri
Astrig Akseralian
Simon Alderton
Clare Aldington
Adam Aldridge
Thomas Alibone
Vickie Allen
Stella Ampatzi
David Anders
Callum Andrews
Hannah Andrews
Georgie Armstrong
Matthew Armstrong
Nina Armstrong
Vic Armstrong
Wendy Armstrong
Brad Arnold
Gabriel Arnold
Kim Arnold
Giles Asbury
Arundi Asregadoo
Christopher Assells
Oliver Atherton
Vincent Aves
Jason Babiszewski
Matt Bacon
Natasha Bailey
Karen M. Baker
Rick Baker
Anand Balasubramaniam
Dave Ball
Bob Ballan
James Ballan
Sachin Bangera
Moss Barclay
Paul Barker
Suzanne Barnes
Celia Barnett
Roderick Barron
Steve Bartek
Katrina Barton
Bryan Baverstock
Jason Bayever
Peta Bayley
Allison Beane
Les Beaver
Robin Beavis
Rosie Bedford-stradling
Jeffery Beeland
Bob Beemer
Steve Begg
Michael Bell
Ray Bellchambers
Andrew Bennett
Danielle Bennett
Dave Bergstrom
Brittney Berlanga
Lori Berlanga
James Bernardinis
Barry Best
Brian Best
Jeetendra Bhagtani
Avinash Bhandary
Alice Biddle
Emil Bidiuc
Daniele Bigi
Bill Bimpson
William Bimpson
George Bird
Gary Birmingham
Sam Black
Adam Blank
Tamana Bleasdale
Holly Blenkins
Craig Bloor
Dan Blundy
Reg Boddy
Jill Bogdanowicz
John Bohan
Eglantine Boinet
Mauro Borrelli
Alex Boswell
Grant Boulton
Zakaria Boumediane
Yanick Bourgie
Caimin Bourne
Jennifer Bourne
Mark Boyd
Tom Bracht
Anderson Chet Bradshaw
Richard Bradshaw
Barbara Brady
James Branaman
Daniela Brayham
Bryce Brecheisen
Sam Breckman
Anna Bregman
Anthony Le Breton
Tom Brewster
Judy Britten
Ben Broadbridge
Anthony Brookman
Mikael Brosset
Emma Brown
Emma Brown
Jason F. Brown
Nick Brown
Ray Brown
Richard Brown
Tom Brown
Zoe Brown
Tim Browning
Nik Brownlee
Gary Brozenich
David Bruce
David Bruce
Troy Buchanan
Leon Buckley
Julian Bucknall
Izet Buco
Sophie Bugeaud
Anita Burger
Colin Burgess
Steve Burgess
Patrick Burke
Nellie Buroughs
John Bush
Salvador Simo Busom
Ivan Busquets
Andy Butcher
Jayne Buxton
Eddie Bydalek
Michael Byrch
Michael Byron
Dougal Cadiou
Bruce Cain
Rebecca Cain
Max Campbell
Rick Canelli
Milena Canonero
John Cantwell
Trevor Carey
Joe Carhart
Tommy Carlin
Lisa Carracedo
Bill Carraro
James Carson
Ann Cartwright
Jordi Casares
Kristen Cascio
John Casey
Joe Cassar
Paul Catling
Tracey Caudle
Peter Cavaciuti
Gordon Cave
Jason Chalmers
Jessi Chan
Helen Chapman
Pascal Chappuis
Pierre Cheminat
Vanessa Cheung
Juliette Cheveley
Julia Chiavetta
Hyun Joo Cho
Nick Chopping
Tony Christian
Helen Christie
Dan Churchill
Vincent Cirilli
Suzi Civita
Sarah Clampe
Mark Clark
Chris Clarke
Oliver Clarke
Stuart Clarke
Scott Claus
Richard Clegg
Laura Coates
Riccardo Coccia
Colin Codner
Mark Coffey
Gary Cohen
Rachelle Cole
Samantha Cole
Alex Collings
Abbi Collins
Hayley Collins
Sean Comer
Ryan Conder
Gary Connery
Vernon Connolly
Frank Connor
Steven Cook
Ceri Evans Cooper
Robert Cooper
David Copping
Russell Coppleman
Film Details
Technical Specs
Miscellaneous Notes
Released in United States Winter February 12, 2010
Released in United States on Video June 1, 2010
Remake of "The Wolf Man" (USA/1941) directed by George Waggner and starring Lon Chaney Jr.
Mark Romanek was previously attached to direct.
Project was due to begin principal photography on February 18, 2008 when director Mark Romanek left the project. Universal Pictures maintains the project is still on track to shoot in 2008.
Released in United States Winter February 12, 2010 (3650+)
Released in United States on Video June 1, 2010