Bandits of El Dorado

56m 1949

Brief Synopsis

Wanted outlaws have mysteriously disappeared. Ranger Captain Henley and Steve have a plan to find them. Steve becomes a wanted man by faking the killing of Henley. Not only is he now in trouble as both the Rangers and the Mexican Rurales are after him, but Smiley knows him and may expose his masquerade to the bad guys.

Film Details

Release Date
Oct 20, 1949
Premiere Information
not available
Production Company
Columbia Pictures Corp.
Distribution Company
Columbia Pictures Corp.
United States

Technical Specs

Mono (RCA Sound System)
Black and White
Theatrical Aspect Ratio
1.37 : 1


In 1887, Captain Richard Henley of the Texas Rangers heads for Copper City with Jose Vargas, a colonel with the Mexican Rurales, and geologist Charles Bruton, a friend of both men. Henley and Vargas hope to discover how bandits wanted in the United States are managing to disappear in Mexico. On the way, their stagecoach is attacked, and the men are robbed by a masked bandit. Henley is then "shot" by the bandit, and before he "dies," identifies his assailant as Steve Carson. Steve is really working undercover with Henley, who has staged this event to provide him with a criminal identity. Posing as a fugitive, Steve then sets off to discover the escape route used by the fugitives who have disappeared across the border. His first stop is a store run by B. F. Morgan in Copper City. Morgan tells Steve that rather than aid outlaws, he turns them over to the law, and to underscore his statement, summons the rangers. Steve escapes, then circles back to Morgan's store. Morgan then agrees to hide Steve in exchange for all the money he "stole" from the stage. In the meantime, Smiley Burnette, an entertainer working in Copper City, who has recognized Steve, reveals his real identity to the local Texas Rangers and demands that they stop trying to arrest him. Bruton, who is the organizer of the escape route, warns Morgan that Steve may be an agent and sets a trap for him. While trying to be helpful, Smiley and his two fellow entertainers interfere with their plans, however. Later, Steve, dressed as The Durango Kid, masked rider for justice, orders Smiley to leave Steve alone. Steve then forces Tucker, Morgan's partner, to reveal that the outlaws' hiding place is the El Raton Café in El Dorado, Mexico. When Bruton hears that The Durango Kid knows about the café, he prepares another trap. This time, Steve is warned by Henley, who is disguised as a Mexican peasant, but is endangered by the unexpected presence of Smiley and his two partners. Meanwhile, as punishment for his betrayal, Bruton kills Tucker by pushing him through a trap door in his house into the raging river below. Later, a disguised Henley searches the office at El Raton, but is caught and his identity is revealed. After Henley misses a planned meeting, Steve hurries to his rescue, dressed as The Durango Kid. After a fistfight, Bruton's real role is exposed, and under pressure, he explains that all the outlaws who disappeared met the same fate as Tucker.

Film Details

Release Date
Oct 20, 1949
Premiere Information
not available
Production Company
Columbia Pictures Corp.
Distribution Company
Columbia Pictures Corp.
United States

Technical Specs

Mono (RCA Sound System)
Black and White
Theatrical Aspect Ratio
1.37 : 1




For more information on "The Durango Kid" series, please consult the Series Index and see the entry below for The Return of the Durango Kid.