Hellboy II: The Golden Army
Brief Synopsis
Cast & Crew
Guillermo Del Toro
Ron Perlman
Selma Blair
Doug Jones
John Hurt
Takako Nishizaki
Film Details
Technical Specs
After an ancient truce existing between humankind and the invisible realm of the fantastic is broken, hell on Earth is ready to erupt. A ruthless leader who treads the world above and the one below defies his bloodline and awakens an unstoppable army of creatures. Now, it's up to the planet's toughest, roughest superhero to battle the merciless dictator and his marauders. He may be red. He may be horned. He may be misunderstood. But when you need the job done right, it's time to call in Hellboy. Along with his expanding team in the Bureau for Paranormal Research and Defense--pyrokinetic girlfriend Liz, aquatic empath Abe and protoplasmic mystic Johann--the BPRD will travel between the surface strata and the unseen magical one, where creatures of fantasy become corporeal. And Hellboy, a creature of two worlds who's accepted by neither, must choose between the life he knows and an unknown destiny that beckons him.

Guillermo Del Toro
Ron Perlman
Selma Blair
Doug Jones
John Hurt
Takako Nishizaki
Luke Goss
Aiden Cook
John Debney
Brian Steele
Ivßn Kamarßs
James Dodd
Belinda Henley
Ferenc Elek
Beatrix Zentai
Seth Macfarlane
Peter Horkay
Jeanne Mockford
Matt Rippy
Jimmy Kimmel
Andrew Hefler
Palma Pasztor
Jamie Wilson
Anna Walton
Jeffrey Tambor
Jeremy Zimmermann
Jeno Jando
Montse Ribe
Justin Pierre
Judit Viktor
John Alexander
Michael Mehlmann
Tim Flavin
Sandor Svigelj
Santiago Segura
Anthony Newman
Brian Herring
Blake Perlman
Kevin Hudson
Matthew O'toole
Mike Kelly
Alex Mcsweeney
Roy Dotrice
Szonja Oroszlan
Todd Williams
Richard Rifkin
Clive Llewellyn
Roz Abery
Jared Abramson
Russell Ackerman
Marcus Alexander
Adam Ali
Bradley James Allan
Laurence J. Alvarez
Ted Ambrose
Robert Ambrus
Christophe Ammann
Christopher Anciaume
Karsten Sand Andersen
Martin Casper Andersen
Illzes Andras
Bedo Andrasne
Verbinyecz Andrasne
Kornel Andrasy
Henriett Andrejszky
Arild Anfinnsen
Laszlo Angyal
Timea Antal
Charlie Araki
Matthew Armstrong
Christian Arnold
Eddy Arnold
Philip Ashton
Brenga Astur
Oliver Atherton
Michael Atkin
Jeff Atmajian
Branco August
Philip Babbage
Szilvia Bado
Csaba Bagossy
Cheryl Bainum
Viktoria Bajko
Kamilla Bak
Brent Baker
Matthew Baker
Vanessa Baker
Attila Bakos
Orsolya Balla
Adam Balogh
Adam Balogh
Fruzsina Banhalmi
Terrence Bannon
Kati Baranyi
Brigitta Barko
Wayne Barlowe
Harry Barnes
Chris Barnett
Steve Bartek
Xavi Bastida
David Baynham
Andy Bean
Robin Beavis
Nicolas Becker
Ron Bedrosian
Anders Beer
Ludwig Van Beethoven
Jim Beinke
Ferenc Belcsev
Jo Belen
Zoltan Belenyesi
Michael Bell
Tom Bellfort
Linda Benavente-notaro
Soma Benke
David Bennett
Stephen Bennett
James Benson
Frank Berbert
Ferenc Berecz
Hege Berg
Antal Berger
Petter Bergmark
Marc Beros
Hitesh Bharadia
Laszlo Bille
Andras Billinger
Andrea Biro
Attila Bíró
Ildiko Biro
Szandra Biro
Graham Bishop
Roland Blancaflor
Walter Blanchett
Brendan Body
Csaba Bojthe
David Bonneywell
Kwang Boon
Nigel Booth
Gergely Borbas
Viktor Bordás
Sandor Boros
Darin Bouyssou
Bryan Bowen
Jon Bowen
Thomas Bowes
Tom Bracht
Andre Braithwaite
Julian Bratolyubov
Julian Bratolyubov
Samantha Breault
Anna Breinich
Nick Brett
Jamie Briens
Stephen Brigden
Andre Brizard
Jason Broad
Mikael Brosset
Chris Brown
Nik Brownlee
Ole Bukowsky
Andy Bunce
Rob Burgess
Peter Burgis
Jo Burn
Leo Burton
Astrid Busser-casas
Eamonn Butler
Robert Byrne
Norman Cabrera
Daniel Cairnie
John Calpin
Martin Cantwell
Rob Capwell
Anthony Caron-delion
Ean Carr
Oliver Carroll
Samuel Carter
Dominic Carus
D Catena
Al Cerullo
Bimla Devi Chall
Man Ching Chan
Andrew Chapman
Mark Chapman
Jeppe Nygaard Christensen
Katalin Chwist
Carlos Café Ciblis
Karen Clarke
Brian Clawson
Kia Coates
Emily Cobb
Peter Cobbin
Debbi Coleman
Richard Collis
Ed Colyer
Paul Conway
Sam Conway
Loraine Cooper
J. Fred Coots
Ian Copeland
Rhye Copeman
Will Correia
Silvia Cortes
William Coubrough
Chris Cozens
Django Craig
Alastair Crawford
Don Crawford
Lisa Crawley
Jordan Crockett
Tyson Cross
Judit Csak
Maria Csaki
Maria Csaki
Ábel Csekö
Jßnos Cserven
Gabor Csiki
Monika Csiszar
Gabriella Csoma
Tony Currie
Matt Curtis
Uzma Curtis
Erika Cziranky
Cristiano D'urso
Dominic Daigle
Peter Dano
Gary Darakjian
Markus Daum
Jay Davis
Carlos Miguel De Sousa
Adrian De Wet
John Debney
Max Decroix
Guillermo Del Toro
Guillermo Del Toro
Guillermo Del Toro
Katherine Delaney
Andie Derrick
Robert Deschane
Mitch Devane
Matthew Devitt
Dominique Devoucoux
Sergio Diaz
Ian Differ
Paul Dimmer
Richard Diver
Film Details
Technical Specs
Miscellaneous Notes
Nominated for the 2008 award for Outstanding Performance by a Stunt Ensemble in a Motion Picture by the Screen Actors Guild (SAG).
Released in United States Summer July 11, 2008
Released in United States on Video November 11, 2008
Released in United States June 2008
Released in United States September 2008
Shown at Los Angeles Film Festival (Closing Night) June 19-29, 2008.
Shown at Deauville Festival of American Cinema (Premiere) September 5-14, 2008.
Based on the comic book series "Hellboy" created by Mike Mignola; published by Dark House Comics.
Sequel to "Hellboy" (USA/2004) directed by Guillermo Del Toro.
Previously in development at Revolution Studios.
Released in United States Summer July 11, 2008
Released in United States on Video November 11, 2008
Released in United States June 2008 (Shown at Los Angeles Film Festival (Closing Night) June 19-29, 2008.)
Released in United States September 2008 (Shown at Deauville Festival of American Cinema (Premiere) September 5-14, 2008.)