Anybody's Blonde

59m 1931

Film Details

Release Date
Nov 17, 1931
Premiere Information
not available
Production Company
Action Pictures, Inc.; Ralph M. Like, Ltd.
Distribution Company
Action Pictures, Inc.
United States

Technical Specs

Film Length
6 reels


Racketeer and nightclub owner Steve Crane bets against Jim Dorgan, the favorite in a boxing match, believing he can talk Dorgan into throwing the match. When Dorgan refuses, Crane asks showgirl Myrtle Devoe, Dorgan's former girl friend and Crane's current mistress, to lure Dorgan to her apartment before the match. Because of Myrtle, Dorgan fails to appear for the match, and Dan O'Hara wins by default. When Dorgan's body is found later in front of Myrtle's apartment, the police pick her up for questioning along with Crane, but finally let them go for lack of evidence. When reporter Janet Reese learns that no reporter has been able to question Myrtle, she begs her editor for the chance to find the killer, explaining that she is the dead man's sister. She begins work as a dancer at Crane's nightclub and catches Crane's eye. Having sent Myrtle away until the Dorgan affair cools down, Crane intends to replace her with Janet, but before he can force his affections on her, Dan interrupts them, demanding to know why Crane earlier accused him of the murder. Dan and Janet fall in love, but Janet has not given up her plan to find her brother's murderer. Under the pretext of romance, she pumps Crane for information but learns nothing. Dan proposes, but Janet turns him down, saying she hates boxing. When Myrtle returns unexpectedly, she announces that she will ask Crane to choose between her and Janet. Expecting that an angry Myrtle will reveal what she knows about Dorgan's death, Janet hurriedly arranges for the police to hide outside. Tipped off by Ginger, another showgirl, Dan finds Janet at Crane's apartment and assumes the worst. He gets drunk and consequently loses the championship match. Myrtle's angry threats against Crane give the police enough evidence to arrest both of them. Janet hurries off to explain her actions to Dan, but he refuses to listen until a fellow reporter rushes in with the current edition of the paper featuring Janet's story. Dan and Janet seal their reconciliation with a kiss.

Film Details

Release Date
Nov 17, 1931
Premiere Information
not available
Production Company
Action Pictures, Inc.; Ralph M. Like, Ltd.
Distribution Company
Action Pictures, Inc.
United States

Technical Specs

Film Length
6 reels




Contemporary reviews credit both Richard Cramer and Richard Miller in the role of "Riley."