Spielberg on Spielberg
Brief Synopsis
A TCM original documentary featuring exclusive interviews with Steven Spielberg, arguably the most popular and influential director of his time.
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A TCM original documentary featuring exclusive interviews with Steven Spielberg, arguably the most popular and influential director of his time.
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Jaws - Movie Poster
Here is the American One-Sheet Movie Poster for Steven Spielberg's Jaws (1975). One-sheets measured 27x41 inches, and were the poster style most commonly used in theaters.
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Close Encounters of the Third Kind - Lobby Card Set
Here is a set of Lobby Cards from Close Encounters of the Third Kind (1977). This set is from the 1980 reissue (The Special Edition). Lobby Cards were 11" x 14" posters that came in sets of 8. As the name implies, they were most often displayed in movie theater lobbies, to advertise current or coming attractions.
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Spielberg On Spielberg
With the man himself as viewers' personal guide, SPIELBERG ON SPIELBERG charts a path through the amazing and diverse canon that represents Spielberg's body of work. He explains how during high school he got his start with Universal Studios – which he says felt more familiar to him than the house in which he grew up – by hiding in a bathroom while on a public tour and eventually securing a three-day pass from a film librarian. The skills he acquired on set led to Amblin', his first college project and the film that earned him a seven-year contract with Universal. It also provided the name for his Amblin Entertainment production company.
Spielberg, who has never recorded a audio commentary track for the home video releases of any of his movies, reminisces about his earliest directorial efforts, including a segment of the movie pilot for Night Gallery, featuring the legendary Joan Crawford, who at first balked at the idea of being directed by a 22-year-old and later came to admire his talent; the television thriller Duel; and the critically acclaimed Goldie Hawn vehicle The Sugarland Express. Next he turns his attention to Jaws and Close Encounters of the Third Kind, the blockbusters that made him a household name. He then evaluates what he believes were the reasons behind his first critical and box-office setback in 1941.
The bulk of SPIELBERG ON SPIELBERG features discussions about the more than 20 years of filmmaking that followed and the classics that resulted, from the action-adventure of Raiders of the Lost Ark and Jurassic Park to the touching poignancy of E.T. The Extra-Terrestrial and The Color Purple to the uncompromising personal drama of Schindler's List, Saving Private Ryan and Munich.
"This is a director of staggering range," said Schickel. "He's a great entertainer, but he is also (and increasingly) a morally serious artist. He's funny, self-deprecating, immensely knowledgeable technically and very smart about himself and his work. I think when they see this film, audiences will get to know him better than they ever have."

Spielberg On Spielberg
He is a director who, for more than three decades, has inspired audiences to a clearer understanding of history, challenged them to tackle
questions of moral ambiguity and dilemma, left them unsure of what may come from the skies (or from the future) and even stirred in some a fear of
swimming in the ocean. And in the Turner Classic Movies original documentary SPIELBERG ON SPIELBERG (2007), two-time Best Director Oscar® winner Steven Spielberg discusses his meteoric rise to success in Hollywood, as
well as the motion pictures that took him there. The 90-minute special, which features exclusive and detailed interviews with arguably the most
popular and influential director of his time, is produced by Richard Schickel, who created similar programs on Woody Allen and Martin Scorsese.
With the man himself as viewers' personal guide, SPIELBERG ON SPIELBERG charts a path through the amazing and diverse canon
that represents Spielberg's body of work. He explains how during high school he got his start with Universal Studios – which he says felt more
familiar to him than the house in which he grew up – by hiding in a bathroom while on a public tour and eventually securing a three-day pass from a
film librarian. The skills he acquired on set led to Amblin', his first college project and the film that earned him a seven-year contract with
Universal. It also provided the name for his Amblin Entertainment production company.
Spielberg, who has never recorded a audio commentary track for the home video releases of any of his movies, reminisces about his earliest
directorial efforts, including a segment of the movie pilot for Night Gallery, featuring the legendary Joan Crawford, who at first balked at the
idea of being directed by a 22-year-old and later came to admire his talent; the television thriller Duel; and the critically acclaimed Goldie
Hawn vehicle The Sugarland Express. Next he turns his attention to Jaws and Close Encounters of the Third Kind, the
blockbusters that made him a household name. He then evaluates what he believes were the reasons behind his first critical and box-office
setback in 1941.
The bulk of SPIELBERG ON SPIELBERG features discussions about the more than 20 years of filmmaking that followed and the
classics that resulted, from the action-adventure of Raiders of the Lost Ark and Jurassic Park to the touching poignancy of E.T. The
Extra-Terrestrial and The Color Purple to the uncompromising personal drama of Schindler's List, Saving Private Ryan and
"This is a director of staggering range," said Schickel. "He's a great entertainer, but he is also (and increasingly) a morally serious artist. He's
funny, self-deprecating, immensely knowledgeable technically and very smart about himself and his work. I think when they see this film,
audiences will get to know him better than they ever have."