The Women
Brief Synopsis
Cast & Crew
Diane English
Meg Ryan
Annette Bening
Eva Mendes
Debra Messing
Candice Bergen
Film Details
Technical Specs
The friendships between a close group of female friends are shaken by betrayal, deceit and more than one divorce.
Diane English

Meg Ryan
Annette Bening
Eva Mendes
Debra Messing

Candice Bergen

Bette Midler

Cloris Leachman
India Ennenga

Carrie Fisher
Lynn Whitfield
Joanna Gleason
Ana Gasteyer
Debi Mazar
Jill Flint
Tilly Scott Pedersen
Natasha Alam
Emily Seymour
Lauren Lefebvre
Lindsay Lefebvre
Isabella Panteledes
Olivia Panteledes
Madaleine Black
Meredith Black
Jana Robbins
Maya Ri Sanchez
Ruby Hondros
Nicole Robinson
Danielle Perry
Lindsay Flathers
Christy Scott Cashman
Celeste Olivia
Denece Ryland
Allyssa Maurice
Jordan Schechter
Marina Re
Stephanie Clayman
Maria Elena Ramirez
Pam Lambert
Ellen Withrow
Allison Seymour
Holly Palmer
Peter Decurtis
Celeste Oliva
Jada Pinkett Smith
Josh Adeniji
Bob Albano
David Allen
Marcio Alves
Christopher Analoro
Natalia Anderson
Pembrooke Andrews
Mike Araujo
Bryan Arenas
Stephanie Armstrong
Wren Arthur
Ian Barbella
Claudette Barius
Jamie Baxter
Jessie Baylin
Jessie Baylin
Ryan Beadle
Robert Beinhocker
Andrew Bell
Woody Bell
Brian Benny
James Berkery
Bob Berney
Bobbi Bertone
Carolyn Blackwood
Matt Blades
Clare Boothe Luce
Matt Bouldry
Peter Boynton
Laurie Bramhall
Dennis J. Braun
Arnold F Brown
Luke Brown
Cuyler Bryant
Robert A Bullard
Kate Bulpitt
Jan Burgess
Michael Burke
Aimee Butterfield
Stephen Byrne
Antonio Caetano Santos
Steve Caldwell
Lon Caracappa
Clark Carter
Kerry Carter
Al Cerullo
Bobby Clark
Elizabeth Clifford
Alison Cohen
Alison Cohen
Trevor Cohen
Ralph Contrado
Lauren Coombs
Cydney Cornell
Marilyn L. Costello
Brian Courchine
Billy Coyman
Charles Cronk
Derek Cunningham
Debbie Cutler
Sam Dabbs
John Dacy
Geoff Dann
Carrie Davis
Christian De Gallegos
Dayne Deboer
Steve Deboer
Robert Dehn
David Demuth
Benjamin Dewey
Jeff Dionne
Samuel Dixon
James Dolan
Kenneth Donaldson
Freddie Donehey
Mary Donovan
Dennis Dorney
Mark Dornfeld
William D Dotson
Chris Douridas
Gleanna Doyle
Joshua Dreyfus
Micahel J Druan
Michael Dudley
Robert Dudley
Karen Duffy
Timothy J Dunbar
John Dunn
Dru Dunnaway
Scott Duskin
Michael Dynice
Jennifer Engel
Diane English
Diane English
Jack English
Levent Erdogan
Brant Fagan
Cynthia Fand
Roma Farfisa
Rob Fasano
Leslie Feist
Leslie Feist
Michele Ferrone
Thomas Feurer
Jenny Fitzgibbons
Joe Flaherty
Sandra Flaherty
Daryl Fontenault
Darcy Fortenza
James David Frary
Hubert Fredericks
Roberto Gallo
Red Garland
Red Garland
Adam Gass
Emily Gaunt
Jason Gaya
Inara George
Laurie Gershon
Judah Getz
Billy Gillespie
Sharon Globerson
Alison Goldfrapp
Alison Goldfrapp
Tim Gorman
Jim Gowdy
Will Gregory
Sarah Grieshammer
Lee Grubin
Mike Gwynn
Sean Hadley
David A Hallas
Daniel Hamilton-lowe
Daniel Hank
Jonathan Hanousek
Rj Harbour
Julie Hartley
Michael Hatzer
Barbara Heller
Elizabeth Heslep
Julie Hewett
Scott Hinkley
Jimmy Hogarth
Shaina Holmes
Melanie Hughes-weaver
James Hurd
Danny Hutchinson
Mike Indelicato
Mark Isham
Mark Isham
Meredith Jacobson-marciano
Mick Jagger
Ruby James
Ruby James
Chris Jensen
Amanda Mackey Johnson
Bill Johnson
Julian Johnson
Seba Johnson
Virginia Johnson
T Jones
Derrick Kardos
Takahide Kawakami
Brendan Keefe
Darrell K Keister
John Keller
Taline Khojikian
Nicholas Kim
Wayne Kimball
Cody King
Ed King
Hannah King
Nancy Kirhoffer
Richard Kitting
Dave Knecht
Vanessa Knoll
Steve Koster
Greg Kurstin
Marisa Kushner
Paulina Kuszta
Tracey Landon
Jackie Lane
David Larue
Bill Leclair
Everly Lee
Damon Lemay
Annie Lennox
Annie Lennox
Eric Levenson
Charlie Lew
Timothy Lewis
David Linck
Araxi Lindsey
Anita Loos
Dave Major
Gabriel Mann
Ed Marcotti
Jared Marshall
Ed Martin
Mark Mascolo
Film Details
Technical Specs
Miscellaneous Notes
Released in United States Fall September 12, 2008
Clare Boothe Luce's play has been adapted to film several times before: as "The Women" (USA/1939) directed by George Cukor; as the musical "The Opposite Sex" (1956); and as Rainer Werner Fassbinder's "Frauen in New York/Women in New York" (West Germany/1977).
Oliver Parker was previously attached to direct. James L. Brooks previously attached to direct.
Julia Roberts previously attached to star for director James L. Brooks. Annette Bening, Uma Thurman, Ashley Judd and Sandra Bullock also were previously attached to star.
Previously in development with Captiol Films and Ascendant Pictures.
Feature directorial debut for Diane English.
Mick Jagger will supervise the soundtrack.
Released in United States Fall September 12, 2008