The Nines
Brief Synopsis
Cast & Crew
John August
Melissa Mccarthy
Ryan Reynolds
Ben Falcone
Dahlia Salem
Elle Fanning
Film Details
Technical Specs
Consists of three short films. In "The Prisoner," a troubled television star finds himself under house arrest, with his chipper publicist and disillusioned next-door neighbor providing his only links to the outside world. Mysterious events lead him to question whether one or both women are deceiving him about the nature of his incarceration. "Reality Television" is a 30-minute episode of "Behind the Screen," a Project Greenlight-style documentary series tracking the process of creating a network television drama. Having shot the pilot, creator/showrunner Gavin Taylor faces post-production with the help of his best friend (and lead actress) Melissa McCarthy and development VP Susan Howard. "Knowing" finds an acclaimed videogame designer and his wife facing car trouble deep in the woods. Their daughter uncovers information which leads to a difficult and irrevocable choice.
John August
Melissa Mccarthy
Ryan Reynolds
Ben Falcone
Dahlia Salem
Elle Fanning

Hope Davis
David Denman
Octavia Spencer
Richard Adrian
Waide Allen
Ruth Auerbach
John August
Brian Banks
Joe Beam
Kevin Becker
Aric Bednarik
Christine Bergren
Ben Bernard
Art Borquez
Tom Brickner
Tom Brissette
Alexander Brown
Judy Brown
Michael Brown
Kevin P Browne
Aimee Burton
Howard Butler
Stuart D Campbell
Mark Cane
Matthew Center
Marie Chao
Corey Checketts
Andrea Clemente
Bruce Cohen
Lisa Collins
Ron Coons
Greg Cooper
Chad Creasey
Denise Crise
Douglas Crise
Monroe Cummings
Ara Darakjian
Rick Davidson
Rick Davidson
Rene Defrancesch
Jim Dehr
Michele Delorimier
Michael Druez
Patrick Duchesne
Michael Eaton
Greg Edgar
Pauline Edwards
Michael Escobar
Dan Etheridge
Mark Ettel
Michael Everett
Ben Falcone
Alex Farrington
Paul Feddersen
Romy Fleming
Raymond Fortman
Jenny Foster
Donald R. Francis
Robert Gagnier
Buddy Gheen
Jann Goldsby
John Goodlamb
Molly Grundman
Paula Jane Hamilton
Daniel Haney
Darrell Hanzalik
Kyle Hasday
Shelly M. Heyward
G Barak Humphrey
Thomas Hurn
Matthew Irving
Max Ivins
Amos James
M Evan Jensen
Dan Jinks
Julianne Jordan
Yagmur Kaplan
Jason Kay
Jason Kies
Todd King
Brian Kinzey
Carisa Koh
Anthony Krajchir
Matt Kubas
Catie Laffoon
Paul Lambiase
Mark Leone
Marcos Lopez
Deeter Lota
Gary W. Lowrance
Don Mann
Mike Mannino
Christopher Marsteller
Mark Mathis
Dennis Matsuoka
Will Mcgarry
Laura Mclean
Lisa Mcneil
Ed Melendez
Joel Michalak
Gary Mitchell
Ty Mitchell
Tyjuan Mitchell
Mike Morales
Pam Moreau
Brigitte Mueller
Rory Muirhead
Lindsey Munce
Doug Murray
Gregg Naaman
Matt Nicolay
Ivan Van Norman
J C Oburgh
Ole Olofson
Ray Patrick
James Payne
Philip Perpich
Clay Platner
John Priebe
Jeffrey Ving Prosser
Ryan Ramos
Colleen Rea
Benjamin Rivera
Timothy Rogier
Rebecca Rosenthal
Michael Roy
Dahlia Salem
Gabriel Sanchez
Evelyn Colleen Saro
Linde Sayles
Nancy Schreiber
Nancy Schreiber
Samantha Schwartz
Anneke Scott
Ilya Seperich
Christopher Sheldon
Craig Shenk
Colette Slattery
Curtis Smith
Grant Smith
Mike Sowa
Luke Stern
John Sullivan
Keith A Talley
Russell Tamashiro
Clio Tegel
Ryan Thockmorton
Dale Tibor
Marin K. Tourner
Nick Treadway
Kia Tyrrell
Steve Utt
Tim Walker
David Warburton
Stacey A Washer
David Watson
Paul Wight
Brett Williams
David H Winner
Ryan Witherspoon
Alex Wurman
Alex Wurman
Film Details
Technical Specs
Miscellaneous Notes
Limited Release in United States August 31, 2007
Released in United States Summer August 31, 2007
Released in United States on Video January 29, 2008
Released in United States 2007
Released in United States January 2007
Shown at Venice International Film Festival (International Critics' Week) August 29-September 8, 2007.
Feature directorial debut for John August.
Limited Release in United States August 31, 2007
Released in United States Summer August 31, 2007
Released in United States on Video January 29, 2008
Released in United States 2007 (Shown at Venice International Film Festival (International Critics' Week) August 29-September 8, 2007.)
Released in United States January 2007 (Shown at Sundance Film Festival (Premiere) January 18-28, 2007.)