America: Freedom to Fascism

1h 45m 2006

Brief Synopsis

Takes on the IRS, the Federal Reserve and other organizations and entities that have abridged the freedoms of U.S. citizens by connecting the dots between money creation, voter fraud, the national identity card (which becomes law in May 2008), the implementation of Radio Frequency Identification (RF

Film Details

MPAA Rating
Release Date
Distribution Company
Cinema Libre Studio

Technical Specs

1h 45m


Takes on the IRS, the Federal Reserve and other organizations and entities that have abridged the freedoms of U.S. citizens by connecting the dots between money creation, voter fraud, the national identity card (which becomes law in May 2008), the implementation of Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) technology to track citizens and the evolving police state in America. Through interviews with experts including Congressman Ron Paul (R - TX), former IRS criminal investigator Joe Banister, author of "Spychips," Edward Griffin (Author of "Creature from Jekyll Island"), this examination of government exposes the systematic erosion of civil liberties in America.

Film Details

MPAA Rating
Release Date
Distribution Company
Cinema Libre Studio

Technical Specs

1h 45m



Miscellaneous Notes

Released in United States May 2006

Released in United States September 29, 2006

Released in United States Summer July 28, 2006

Shown at Cannes Film Festival May 17-28, 2006.

Released in United States May 2006 (Shown at Cannes Film Festival May 17-28, 2006.)

Released in United States Summer July 28, 2006

Released in United States September 29, 2006 (Los Angeles)