Talk to Me
Brief Synopsis
Cast & Crew
Kasi Lemmons
Vicky Lambert
Todd William Schroeder
Warren Alan Young
Taraji P. Henson
Jeff Kassel
Film Details
Technical Specs
In the mid-to-late 1960s, in Washington, D.C., vibrant soul music and exploding social consciousness were combining to unique and powerful effect. It was the place and time for Ralph Waldo "Petey" Greene Jr. to fully express himself--sometimes to outrageous effect--and "tell it like it is." With the support of his irrepressible and tempestuous girlfriend Vernell Watson, the newly minted ex-con talks his way into an on-air radio gig. He forges a friendship and a partnership with fellow prison inmate Milo's brother Dewey Hughes. From the first wild morning on the air, Petey relies on the more straight-laced Dewey to run interference at WOL-AM, where Dewey is the program director. At the station, Petey becomes an iconic radio personality, surpassing even the established popularity of his fellow disc jockeys, Nighthawk and Sunny Jim. Combining biting humor with social commentary, Petey openly courts controversy for station owner E.G. Sonderling. Petey was determined to make not just himself but his community heard during an exciting and turbulent period in American history. As Petey's voice, humor, and spirit surge across the airwaves with the vitality of the era, listeners tune in to hear not only incredible music but also a man speaking directly to them about race and power in America like few people ever have. Through the years, Petey's "the truth just is" style--on- and off-air--would redefine both Petey and Dewey, and empower each to become the man he would most like to be.
Kasi Lemmons
Vicky Lambert
Todd William Schroeder
Warren Alan Young
Taraji P. Henson
Jeff Kassel

Don Cheadle
Jim Annan
Mike Epps
Jim Malmberg
Josh Mclaughlin
Alison Sealy-smith
Peter Macneill
Johnie Chase
Sean Macmahon
Vondie Curtis Hall
Mantee Murphy
J. Miles Dale
Martin Randez
Robert Tavenor
Malik Mccall
Damir Andrei
Ngozi Paul
Richard Chevolleau
Elle Downs
Richard Fitzpatrick
David Brown
Benz Antoine
Bruce Mcfee
Chiwetel Ejiofor
Eugene Clark
Cedric The Entertainer
Matt Birman
Steve Shifflette

Martin Sheen
Herbert Rawlins
Adam Gaudreau
Mary Aaron
Jeff D Adams
Kevin Alakas
Kevin Alanthwaite
Gerry Alfonso
Robert Althoff
Pembrooke Andrews
Paul Anka
Nicole Jefferson Asher
Jeremy Balko
Jeremy Balko
Patrick Banister
Cassandra Barbour
Mark Beauchamp
Paul Becker
Archie Bell
John Belleci
Maria Belperio
Lydia Benaim
Vincent Bennett
Jim Black
Terence Blanchard
Terence Blanchard
Terence Blanchard
Terence Blanchard
Oren Bloedow
Tanja Boening
Todd Bozung
Sarah Brandes
Allison Brandin
Renée Bravener
James Brown
James Brown
John R Brown
Lloyd Brown
Brad Bunn
Robin Burgess
Stephan Burle
Jerry Butler
Billy Buttier
Luisa Cabiddu
Mario Cacioppo
Clinton Cameron
Carlo Campana
Elio Campbell
Murdoch Campbell
Fiona Campbell-westgate
Carlos Caneca
Bryn Caron
Morgan Carpenter
Johnny Carson
Clarence Carter
Clarence Carter
Carl Catanese
Joseph Chambers
Willie Chambers
Renee Chan
Dennis Chapman
Jean Pierre Charbonneau
Penny Charter
Don Cheadle
Don Cheadle
Jennifer Chovancek
Greg Chown
Rhosael Ciandre
James C. Claggett
Paulette Clark
Marisa Clayton
John Clifford
Ed Cobb
Rubina Cokar
Adrian Colbert
Barry Cole
Arthur Conley
Arthur Conley
Mary Cook
Robin D. Cook
Sam Cooke
Sam Cooke
Gilles Corbeil
Gilles Corbeil
Steve Cropper
Patricia Cuccia
Suzette Daigle
J. Miles Dale
J. Miles Dale
J. Miles Dale
Steve Danhieux
Morgan Davidoff
Sean Dawes
Rob Del Ciancio
Tyler Delben
Carlo Denuzzo
Joseph Dewar
Avril Dishaw
Heather Donald
Anand Dorairaj
Katherine Dorrer
William Doyle
Howard Drossin
Donovan Drummond
Mark Dufour
Chris Dunn
Donald Dunn
Tony Eldridge
Alfred James Ellis
Josh Evans
Rick Famuyiwa
Tom Farr
Steve Ferrier
Joe Finely
Marc Fishman
Carol Flaisher
Charlotte Fleck
Catharine Fletcher
Eddie Floyd
Eddie Floyd
Sttphane Fontaine
Sttphane Fontaine
Ron Forward
Norm Foster
Elizabeth Fox
Lorne Frederick
Danielle Frederickson
Joe Fries
Lowell Fulson
Ginny Galloway
Kenneth Gamble
Rusty Gardner
Walter Gasparovic
Glen Gauthier
Chris Geair
Errol Gee
Michael Genet
Michael Genet
Michael Gibson
Jim Gilchrist
John Glasser
Donna Gliddon
Chris Glover
Wayne Godfrey
Mark R. Gordon
William J Gray
Al Green
Al Green
Howard Green
Pamela Green
Paul Greenberg
Joe Greene
Rick Hall
Carl Hamilton
Bob Hannah
Barbara Harris
Kenneth Harris
Tova Harrison
Nicholas Hasson
Ivan Hawkes
Edwin Hawkeswood
Isaac Hayes
Charles Haynes
Jennifer Heimpel
Brian Heller
Brian Heller
Jacqui Hemingway
Tim Hennessy
Anthony Hester
Curtis Hibbert
Derrick Hodge
Sam Hofstedt
Eric Holmes
William Horberg
Philemon Hou
Sam Hudecki
Leon Huff
Dewey Hughes
Glenn Hughes
Jacqueline Hurd
David Insley
David Insley
Gord Ionson
Alvertis Isbell
William Iversen
Al Jackson
Robert Jackson
Rodney Jackson
Carl Jacobson
Simon James
Alec Jarnagin
Jef Lee Johnson
Rogue Johnson
Booker T. Jones
Booker T. Jones
Brent Jones
Gloria Jones
Jamie Jones
Kelly Jones
Etheline Joseph
Mark Kelly
Norm Kelner
John D Kennedy
Film Details
Technical Specs
Miscellaneous Notes
Released in United States Summer July 13, 2007
Released in United States on Video October 30, 2007
Released in United States 2007
Released in United States September 2007
Shown at London Film Festival (Film on the Square) October 17-November 1, 2007.
Shown at the Los Angeles Film Festival (Opening Film) June 21-July 1, 2007.
Shown at San Sebastian International Film Festival (Zabaltegi - Pearls) September 20-29, 2007.
Previously in development at Fox 2000.
Released in United States Summer July 13, 2007
Released in United States on Video October 30, 2007
Released in United States 2007 (Shown at London Film Festival (Film on the Square) October 17-November 1, 2007.)
Released in United States 2007 (Shown at the Los Angeles Film Festival (Opening Film) June 21-July 1, 2007.)
Released in United States September 2007 (Shown at San Sebastian International Film Festival (Zabaltegi - Pearls) September 20-29, 2007.)